I want to create an unique identifier for all the tables in my db.
as paramater I pass the length of the identifier and the table name:
here my function
DROP FUNCTION ui_alz_table (int4,varchar);
CREATE FUNCTION ui_alz_table (int4,varchar) RETURNS varchar AS '
iLoop int4;
result varchar;
nr int4;
query_string varchar;
BEGIN result := ''''; nr := 1; IF ($1>0) AND ($1 < 255) THEN WHILE nr > 0
LOOP FOR iLoop in 1 .. $1 LOOP result := result || chr(int4(random()*25)+65);
ENDLOOP; query_string := ''Select * from ''|| $2 || '' where id = '' || result; EXECUTE
query_string; IF NOT FOUND THEN nr := 0; END IF; END LOOP;
' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
in the for loop I create the unique identifier and whith the
query_string I check whetherit exists or not.
but I get an error 'Attribute xxxx not found' and I don't know what to to with it.
thx for your help
Best regards,||//::..-cwhisperer-..:://|| mailto:cwhisperer@vo.lu