On 11/10/24 07:11, JOLAPARA Urvi (SAFRAN) wrote:
> C2 - Confidential
> Hello Team,
> I am from Application Packaging team. we have created the package of
> PostgreSQL 17.0-1 Application.
You are going to need to provide more detail on the package creation
> We have used the command line parameter for installation is this :
> *“postgresql-17.0-1-windows-x64.exe--mode unattended --unattendedmodeui
> none --optionfile C:\Temp\Install”*
> This is working in English language machine but it is failing in French
> language machine and throwing below error:
You should provide error messages as text not as image, so folks can run
them through a translator if need be.
erreur d'ecriture du fichier -> file write error
according to Google.
> we tried giving permission to this folder, then we have used
Which directory(folder) would that be?
> *“--installer-launage fr”* parameter *“--locale fr”* parameters but
Should that not be --installer-language?
Also shouldn't this:
--locale fr
--locale fr-FR
> still not working.
> Please assist to resolve the issue asap.
> Thanks & Regards,
> Urvi Jolapara
> urvi.jolapara@safrangroup.com <mailto:urvi.jolapara@safrangroup.com>
> Image
> *www.safran-group.com* <http://www.safran-group.com/fr/>
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Adrian Klaver