Hi Mr. Engineer,
I've found some very good php books floating around on Shareaza. I'm
starting with Sam's Teach yourself PHP in 24 hours. I know many folks
don't like these books, but for me they are a good way to start --
real basic, real simple. :-)
----- Original Message -----
From: operationsengineer1@yahoo.com <operationsengineer1@yahoo.com>
Date: Sat, 28 Aug 2004 13:27:34 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: [NOVICE] pgsql functions and transactions?
To: Mike <1100100@gmail.com>, pgsql-novice@postgresql.org
I'm trying to do just this. I'm not a Linux guru and, frankly, can
hardly qualify for Linux Schmoe...
So, this has been tough for me.
My toolset consists of...
1. This mailing list - lots of generous and folks here with lots of
knowledge and experience.
2. Beginning Databases with PostgreSQL by Wrox (this may not even be
available. if it is, contact apress.com for more information since
they bought the rights to this title). The problem here is that it is
somewhat outdated and this is the kiss of death when it comes to
installation - very little help was provided, especially for WinXP.
They have one chapter on interacting with PGSQL via PHP. Not much,
but something. Even so, there is a lot of good PGSQL information once
you get past installation.
3. PHP4 Databases by Wrox - This is mostly for learning PHP database
concepts with limited direct PGSQL information.
4. Beginning PHP Programming by Wrox - Probably not necessary if you
are already a PHP pro.
5. Wrox's SQL book - not necessary if no SQL.
6. Tutorials and newsgroups on the net. Lot of valuable information
out there - although it is often confusing and, believe it or not, I
couldn't find one tutorial in hours of looking that, faollowed step by
step, actually installed and configured PGSQL on WinXP. One got
close, but no cigar.
7. Last, but not least, check http://www.postgresql.org/ .
How will all this work? I don't know yet. I'm in the beginning
stages, but I hope to learn a lot.
PS - I'm unaware of any PostgreSQL focused PHP books - and I've
searched. Almost all are MySQL related.
Mike <1100100@gmail.com> wrote:
Can anyone recommend a solid resource book for learning/using php in
conjunction with postgresql.
Thank you for your input.
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
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