On 25 September 2014 11:12, AL-Temimi, Muthana
<muthana.al-temimi@tu-harburg.hamburg.de> wrote:
> i’m using 9.1 PostgreSQL and looking for a function to write WAL to table in
> order to save all the data into database and to make a recovery on the 2nd
> DB Server.
> The idea is to help recovery on other server and get the same OID on the 2nd
> Server and that’s by using the Latest checkpoint's NextOID from the first
> Server.
Why not use WAL-shipping or streaming replication the normal way?
You do realize that everything that goes into tables goes into the WAL, so you write WAL into a table, the table gets
loggedto WAL, and then that WAL... That's just not going to work, unless you use an unlogged table, in which case you
havea replication/recovery mechanism which is inherently unreliable, which is pretty worthless. So the whole idea seems
tobe unrealistic.
Now, if you want to log changes to tables into a table, that's doable via triggers, usually for audit purposes, but it
canbe used to keep replicas in synch. It's just that it's hard to imagine what you'd do that Slony-I doesn't already
do,assuming you even need its features as opposed to streaming replication.
Scott Ribe
(303) 722-0567 voice