Andrew Dunstan <> writes:
> The only reason it's not there is that nobody's ever asked for it ;-)
> You can specify an actual list right now instead of a keyword for
> branches_to_build. e.g. "branches_to_build => [qw(REL_13_STABLE
> REL_14_STABLE REL_15_STABLE)]". The only difficulty about this is you
> need to prune the list when a branch goes EOL.
Right; it's that need for manual maintenance that I'd like to
get out from under.
> But we could also build in some keyword type settings too, that would
> interact more sensibly with the server list of branches.
> So we could say something like "branches_to_build =>
> 'UP_TO_REL_15_STABLE'". That would be pretty simple to code for.
regards, tom lane