"Nitin Verma" <nitinverma@azulsystems.com> writes:
> Will 7.3.2 Dump made up of copies using pg_dump import without any migration
> to 8.0+? What I need isn't a once process and will go as a automated script,
> in a way that user will not even get to know (if he isn't reading that logs)
> Database version changed. Considering that even a remote problem in export
> and import across versions may hit. So please let me know all the do's and
> don'ts... or the pointers to those.
It will very likely have problems. The usual recommended procedure is
to use the version of pg_dump that comes with the PG that you're
upgrading *to* against the old database; e.g. you'd use the 8.0+
pg_dump and tell it to connect to the 7.3.2 database.
You should really upgrade from 7.3.2, at least to the latest point
release in the 7.3 series, and have a plan to go to 8.0 or 8.1,
because 7.3 won't be supported for that much longer (if it even is
right now).