"Stephen" <jleelim@xxxxxx.com> writes:
> ""Dann Corbit"" <DCorbit@connx.com> wrote in message
> news:D90A5A6C612A39408103E6ECDD77B8294CE21E@voyager.corporate.connx.com...
> > If you are always looking for exact matches, I would suggest
> > experimenting with a hashed index.
> I already hashed the 5-way index under the column "id". Removing the 5-way
> index didn't improve responsiveness, but setting elvtune on Linux did! The
> 5-way index is still needed for my purposes.
He meant to use a "hash index" which is a type of index you can create in
postgres. However you should realize that hash indexes have some major bugs in
7.3 and prior. Even in 7.4 with a lot of bugs fixed they still have a lot of
limitations that make them probably not such a hot idea.