>>>>> "sdv" == sdv mailer <sdvmailer@yahoo.com> writes:
sdv> Yes, I realize it's a bit old but I just wanted to make a sdv> small point that forking is slower. It's funny
youshould ask sdv> because thread creation on Linux has in fact improved over sdv> process creation much more in
sdv> Benchmark at IBM shows Linux 2.4 thread creation is 30x sdv> faster than process creation. Process creation
onWindows sdv> 2000 is about twice longer than process creation on sdv> Linux. This means forking on Win32 will be
2xslower! See sdv> 2002 benchmark below:
sdv> http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/library/l-rt7/?Open&t=grl,l=252,p=mgth
Excuse me for butting in here but this shows that fork AND exec is
slower than thread creation. I was under the impression that (for 2.2
or 2.4 at least) both fork and thread creation used clone (kernel not
libc). Only when a process does an exec does the diiference show
(well, actually it seems when either process modifies its stack).
Now, saying that, I have no idea how postgresql works so will shut up.
Adrian Phillips
Who really wrote the works of William Shakespeare ?