Just noting what seems to me to be a bug, though perhaps not a consequential
one since we never dump out the contents of system tables and don't expect
people to be using aclitem for non-system tables.
The output of aclitem can't be read back back in as an aclitem:
postgres=# select relacl::text from pg_class limit 1; relacl ------------ {=r/stark}(1 row)
postgres=# select relacl::text::aclitem from pg_class limit 1;ERROR: unrecognized key word: ""HINT: ACL key word must
be"group" or "user".
I can't look at fixing it right now but I'll poke my nose in a bit later when
I'm done what I'm doing.
-- Gregory Stark EnterpriseDB http://www.enterprisedb.com Ask me about EnterpriseDB's PostGIS support!