"Erik Peterson" <epeterson@cardiomems.com> writes:
> This happens in the same session. I have an application that had been
> encountering this issue periodically, and I have rigged it to send me an
> email whenever it happens. I¹ll get that email, fire up my client, and try
> to update the row manually. Right after my update (autocommit is on, but it
> makes no difference if I do a manual commit), I¹ll issue a select statement
> on the same row, and it returns with the value from before the update. I¹ll
> keep watching that row, and eventually it will show the right value in that
> column. Once again, looking at the query logs, there are no conflicting
> updates happening.
You'll have to describe in much more detail what you're doing. Send the actual
session from your terminal of this happening, for example.
Gregory Stark
EnterpriseDB http://www.enterprisedb.com