"Andy Kriger" <akriger@greaterthanone.com> writes:
> I am trying to get the last value updated by an column
> auto-incrementing with nextval(). In MySQL, you'd use
> LAST_INSERT_ID() - in Postgre, currval() appears to do the trick.
Yes, currval is the thing to use to do this.
> Is this maintained on a per-connection basis? For example, user A
> inserts and the nextval() updates to 5, user B does 2 inserts,
> updating nextval() to 7. When user A calls currval() they should get
> 5 if the updates are per-cnx. What does psql do under the hood
> here?
currval is per connection. User A's currval would get them 5 and user
B would get 7. Basically as long as you are using the same connection
currval will do "The right thing"TM.