Ron St-Pierre <> writes:
> No it doesn't. For example, after I create the unique index I can still input:
> company10 association7 true
> company10 association7 true
> company10 association7 true
> I want to prevent this from happening, but still allow multiple
> company10 association7 false
> company10 association7 false
> entries for example.
For example:
test=# create table test (company integer, association integer, isdefault boolean);
test=# create unique index testi on (company,association) where isdefault;
ERROR: syntax error at or near "(" at character 30
test=# create unique index testi on test (company,association) where isdefault;
test=# insert into test values (10,7,true);
INSERT 6888594 1
test=# insert into test values (10,7,true);
ERROR: duplicate key violates unique constraint "testi"
test=# insert into test values (10,7,false);
INSERT 6888596 1
test=# insert into test values (10,7,false);
INSERT 6888597 1
test=# select * from test;
company | association | isdefault
10 | 7 | t
10 | 7 | f
10 | 7 | f
(3 rows)