AMD FX 8120 / centos 6.2 / latest source (git head)
It seems to be quite easy to force a 'sync' replica to not be equal to master by
recreating+loading a table in a while loop.
For this test I compiled+checked+installed three separate instances on the same machine. The
replica application_name are names 'wal_receiver_$copy' where $copy is 01, resp. 02.
$ ./ pid | application_name | state | sync_state
-------+------------------+-----------+------------19520 | wal_receiver_01 | streaming | sync19567 | wal_receiver_02
|streaming | async
(2 rows)
port | synchronous_commit | synchronous_standby_names
------+--------------------+---------------------------6564 | on | wal_receiver_01
(1 row)
port | synchronous_commit | synchronous_standby_names
------+--------------------+---------------------------6565 | off |
(1 row)
port | synchronous_commit | synchronous_standby_names
------+--------------------+---------------------------6566 | off |
(1 row)
The test consists of creating a table and loading tab-separated data from file with COPY and then
taking the rowcount of that table (13 MB, almost 200k rows) in all three instances:
# wget
zcat $slurp_file \| grep -v '^#' \| grep -Ev '^[[:space:]]*$' \| psql -c " drop table if exists $table cascade;
createtable $table ( gene_symbol text , primary_fbgn text , secondary_fbgns text
, annotation_id text , secondary_annotation_ids text ); copy $table from stdin csv delimiter
# count on master:
echo "select current_setting('port') port,count(*) from $table"|psql -qtXp 6564
# count on wal_receiver_01 (sync replica):
echo "select current_setting('port') port,count(*) from $table"|psql -qtXp 6565
# count on wal_receiver_02 (async replica):
echo "select current_setting('port') port,count(*) from $table"|psql -qtXp 6566
I expected the rowcounts from master and sync replica to always be the same.
Initially this seemed to be the case, but when I run the above sequence in a while loop for a few
minutes about 10% of rowcounts from the sync-replica are not equal to the master.
Perhaps not a likely scenario, but surely such a deviating rowcount on a sync replica should not
be possible?
thank you,
Erik Rijkers