>>>>> "Tom" == Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us> writes:
> Teodor Sigaev <teodor@sigaev.ru> writes:>> Look at the patch, it fixes the problem by comparing for equality>> by
FPeq()macros which is used everywhere in geometry calculation.
Tom> Ick. FPeq() is a crock; I'd like to see us get rid of it, notTom> spread it even further. And what confidence do
youhave thatTom> this change eliminates all forms of the problem, anyway?
Here is a test case that crashes even with the patch:
create table floats3(x float8, y float8);
-- same badfloats.txt data as before
\copy floats3 from 'badfloats.txt'
update floats3 set x = x * pow(2::float8,33), y = y * pow(2::float8,33);
create table boxes1 (b box);
create index boxes1_idx on boxes1 using gist (b);
insert into boxes1 select box(point(x,x),point(y,y)) as b from floats3;
Andrew (irc:RhodiumToad)