> According to documentation
> paragraph
> 8.17.5. Range Input/Output
> "Whitespace is allowed before and after the range value, but any whitespace
> between the parentheses or brackets is taken as part of the lower or upper
> bound value. (Depending on the element type, it might or might not be
> significant.)"
> The real behavior is different for bounded and unbounded ranges:
> SELECT '[10,)'::int4range; -- OK
> SELECT '[10, )'::int4range; -- Fails
> SELECT '[10,12 )'::int4range; -- OK
> SELECT '(, 10]'::int4range; -- OK
> SELECT '(,10 )'::int4range; -- OK
> SELECT '( ,10)'::int4range; -- Fails
> SELECT '( 8,10)'::int4range; -- OK
I see no bug here. If you're omitting a value, you can't put some random
whitespace there instead. The documentation seems clear enough about that
to me.
> I would expect that for range types where white spaces can't be significant
> for evaluating elements they would be trimmed before evaluating a SQL
> statement with casting to a range type. Currently an implementation of
> casting to range types is too peaky to the exact syntax of the text string.
Don't insert any made-up whitespace. What's so hard about that?
regards, tom lane