Re: Migrating from 10 -> 16, PreparedStatements disabled in JDBC and pgbouncer, I am getting : bind /C_5 - Mailing list pgsql-admin

From Tom Lane
Subject Re: Migrating from 10 -> 16, PreparedStatements disabled in JDBC and pgbouncer, I am getting : bind /C_5
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In response to Migrating from 10 -> 16, PreparedStatements disabled in JDBC and pgbouncer, I am getting : bind /C_5  (Achilleas Mantzios - cloud <>)
Responses Re: Migrating from 10 -> 16, PreparedStatements disabled in JDBC and pgbouncer, I am getting : bind /C_5
List pgsql-admin
Achilleas Mantzios - cloud <> writes:
> I have noticed in the pgsql 16.4 logs some lines with this pattern :

> [4079203] 67122b3b.3e3e63 2024-10-18 12:32:44.260 EEST
> SMA  amantzio@dynacom line:35 LOG:  duration: 0.166 ms  parse <unnamed>:
> SELECT work_status FROM company_stuff WHERE ldap_cn = $
> 1
> [4079203] 67122b3b.3e3e63 2024-10-18 12:32:44.261 EEST
> SMA  amantzio@dynacom line:36 LOG:  duration: 0.553 ms  bind
> <unnamed>/C_5: SELECT work_status FROM company_stuff WHERE ldap_cn
> = $1
> [4079203] 67122b3b.3e3e63 2024-10-18 12:32:44.261 EEST
> SMA  amantzio@dynacom line:38 LOG:  duration: 0.036 ms  execute
> <unnamed>/C_5: SELECT work_status FROM company_stuff WHERE ldap_
> cn = $1

> So the parse is done on an unnamed prepared statement, however the bind
> and the execute show this : /C_5 after<unnamed>. We haven't got any log
> entries with this /C_* pattern on the "parse" phase, only on "bind" and
> "execute". I am curious what those represent.

Here C_5 would be a portal name, identifying the bound-and-ready-
to-execute query.  See

            regards, tom lane

pgsql-admin by date:

From: Achilleas Mantzios - cloud
Subject: Migrating from 10 -> 16, PreparedStatements disabled in JDBC and pgbouncer, I am getting : bind /C_5
From: Achilleas Mantzios
Subject: Re: Migrating from 10 -> 16, PreparedStatements disabled in JDBC and pgbouncer, I am getting : bind /C_5