>>>>> "Unihost" == Unihost Web Hosting <tony@unihost.net> writes:
Unihost> Further to this post, what might actually work is to convince O'
Unihost> Reilly (since they have PostgreSQL book/s) to do some articles like
Unihost> they have for PG, but making full use of the PG database. For
Unihost> instance, building a simple data-warehouse using PG. Articles that
Unihost> show off an OSS product/project in a clearly enterprise light in a
Unihost> step-by-step fashion. There have been so many articles on DB design
Unihost> using MySQL. How about an article on DB design using all the
Unihost> functionality of a real ORDBMS.
Well, since I need 2.5 ideas per month for the three columns I'm still
writing, I'm certainly in a position to write nice things about PG,
although I always have to work it in from a Perl slant.
Actually, I'm sure that any of the magazines I'm in would appreciate
an additional article or two from me.
If you can think of something that fits in 2000 words or so (or 4000
if it needs part 1 and 2), and can have a Perl wrapper, I'd appreciate
some inspiration.
Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
<merlyn@stonehenge.com> <URL:http://www.stonehenge.com/merlyn/>
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