On 22 Apr 2005, at 06:57, Tom Lane wrote:
> Bill Chandler <billybobc1210@yahoo.com> writes:
>> Client is reporting that the size of an index is
>> greater than the number of rows in the table (1.9
>> million vs. 1.5 million).
> This thread seems to have wandered away without asking the critical
> question "what did you mean by that?"
> It's not possible for an index to have more rows than there are in
> the table unless something is seriously broken. And there aren't
> any SQL operations that let you inspect an index directly anyway.
> So: what is the actual observation that led you to the above
> conclusion? Facts, please, not inferences.
I work for the client in question. Glad you picked up on that point. I
covered the detail in my my post "How can an index be larger than a
table" on 21 Apr. 2005. I guess I was too detailed, and too much info
put people off.
quoting from there...
|SELECT relname, relkind, reltuples, relpages FROM pg_class WHERE
relname LIKE 'dave_data%';
|relname relkind reltuples relpages
|======================================= ======= ========= ========
|dave_data_update_events r 1593600.0 40209
|dave_data_update_events_event_id_key i 1912320.0 29271
|dave_data_update_events_event_id_seq S 1.0 1
|dave_data_update_events_lds_idx i 1593600.0 6139
|dave_data_update_events_obj_id_idx i 1593600.0 6139
|iso_pjm_data_update_events_obj_id_idx i 1593600.0 6139
Note that there are only 1593600 rows in the table, so why the 1912320
Of course I checked that the row count was correct...
|select count(*) from iso_pjm_data_update_events
|Aggregate (cost=60129.00..60129.00 rows=1 width=0) (actual
time=35933.292..35933.293 rows=1 loops=1)
| -> Seq Scan on iso_pjm_data_update_events (cost=0.00..56145.00
rows=1593600 width=0) (actual time=0.213..27919.497 rows=1593600
|Total runtime: 35933.489 ms
|select count(*) from iso_pjm_data_update_events
so it's not that there are any undeleted rows lying around