I'm unable to connect from DTS designer (MS SQLServer2000/WindowsXP Professional) to PostgreSQL (RHEL-4) using psqlODBC driver. I setup a DSN successfully in the Windows machine. (but did not change any of the default values of advanced options)
While creating a connection in DTS designer, the installed psqlODBC driver is listed, and it pops up a window, where I typed in the ip address of the linux box and the postgres username and password.
Would you please help me out? The details are as follows:
1) ODBC driver version - psqlodbc-08_01_0200 (downloaded from
http://www.postgresql.org/ftp/odbc/versions/msi/ )
2) PostgreSQL database version - 7.4.6-1 (this is the rpm name - running on RHEL-4)
3) Error message -
"Package error :
HResult of 0x80004005 (-2147467259) returned
Unexpected error occured. An error result was returned without an error message."
4-a) Error log file (mylog_1532.log) -
" [3428]globals.extra_systable_prefixes = 'dd_;'
[3428]aszKey='DSN', value='PostgreSQL'
[3428]copyAttributes: DSN='PostgreSQL',server='',dbase='',user='',passwd='xxxxx',port='',onlyread='',protocol='',conn_settings='',disallow_premature=-1)
[3428]globals.extra_systable_prefixes = 'dd_;' "
4-b) Error log file (psqlodbc_1544.log) -
The following error appears many times in the log file:
" func=PGAPI_DriverConnect, desc='Error from CC_Connect', errnum=101, errmsg='Could not connect to the server' "
I guess, each one corresponds to each of my (unsuccessful) connection attempts?
Thanks in advance.
Ram Mohan