> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brar Piening [mailto:Brar@gmx.de]
> Sent: 20 September 2001 14:53
> To: pgadmin-support@postgresql.org
> Subject: [pgadmin-support] Export "time-field" to text/html problem
> Hi,
> whenever I try to execute a query which includes a table
> containing a column with data-type "time" to a html- or a
> text-file the current date is inserted before the time-value
> in the resulting table. This problem never appears when I
> execute the query to the screen. What's wrong?
If I remember correctly, this is because Microsoft's ADO prepends the date
to the time. The data grid (==screen) fixes it again because it re-formats
dates/times into a non-ambiguous format (ISO something, I forget the number)
so that updates and deletes work properly. The exporters just export the
data as supplied by ADO.
I will look into fixing the exporters for the next release.
Thanks, Dave.