Re: BUG #18815: Logical replication worker Segmentation fault - Mailing list pgsql-bugs

From Tom Lane
Subject Re: BUG #18815: Logical replication worker Segmentation fault
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In response to BUG #18815: Logical replication worker Segmentation fault  (PG Bug reporting form <>)
Responses Re: BUG #18815: Logical replication worker Segmentation fault
List pgsql-bugs
PG Bug reporting form <> writes:
> After some investigations I found that segfault is caused by one type of
> subscriptions: subscription for huge partitioned tables on publisher and
> subscriber (via root), subscriptions are created with data_copy=false
> (source table updated by inserts and partition detaches, and it is huge,
> data transfer is not compressed so it may take a days). Segfault does not
> come immediately after subscription creation, but it cause when data is come
> from the publisher. Then subscriber is restarts, recover, run subscription
> again, catch segfault and repeat again until subscription is disabled.

This is not enough information for anyone else to reproduce the
problem; it very likely depends on details that you haven't mentioned.
Can you create a reproducer case?  I'm hoping for a script that sets
up the necessary tables and subscriptions and populates the tables
with enough dummy data to cause the failure.

Something that might be less work for you is to get a stack trace
from the crash:

However, I make no promises that we can isolate the cause from
just a stack trace.  A reproducer would be much better.

            regards, tom lane

pgsql-bugs by date:

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Subject: Re: BUG #18814: cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'notifies')
From: Sergey Belyashov
Subject: Re: BUG #18815: Logical replication worker Segmentation fault