On 11/22/23 22:56, Cherry Pang wrote:
> hello!
> I am a novice enthusiast in the field of fuzz testing and have an
> interest in conducting fuzz testing for the SQLite protocol. I
> understand that testing the logic bugs or crash bugs in Data
> Manipulation Language (DML) functionalities differs significantly, and
> as such, I am unsure about the initial seed format required.
1) FYI, this is the list for Postgres not SQLite.
2) I don't know anything about fuzzy testing, but for those that do it
might be helpful to mention what tools you are using.
> From my understanding, the seed for protocol testing refers to queries
> or commands sent to the database server. How does this differ from seeds
> used in regular logic testing? I would greatly appreciate it if you
> could shed some light on the format of the initial seed for this
> purpose. If possible, providing a few seed examples would be immensely
> helpful.
> Thank you very much for your time and assistance.
Adrian Klaver