I'm trying to copy a database from mySql to postgres - I'd like to compare their performance in a specific application.
I'm trying to use the database migration wizard in pgadmin 1.6.0. (Is there a better way to duplicate this database across?) Right after I click next after specifying the odbc database, pgadmin ungracefully crashes. And its not the new error catcher either, is the system level crash notification.
Here is all I can get out of a full debug log:
2003-08-04 14:36:29 - Entering pgAdmin II:frmMain.mnuPluginsPlg_Click(4)
2003-08-04 14:36:29 - Entering pgAdmin II:clsPlugins.Property Get Item("Database Migration Wizard")
2003-08-04 14:36:29 - Entering pgAdmin II:clsPlugins.Property Get Item("Database Migration Wizard")
2003-08-04 14:36:29 - Executing Plugin: Database Migration Wizard v1.6.0
2003-08-04 14:36:29 - Entering pgAdmin II:clsPlugins.Property Get Item("Database Migration Wizard")
2003-08-04 14:36:29 - Entering Database Migration Wizard:frmWizard.Initialise()
2003-08-04 14:36:30 - Entering Database Migration Wizard:frmWizard.optType_Click()
2003-08-04 14:36:44 - Entering Database Migration Wizard:frmWizard.cmdNext_Click()
2003-08-04 14:36:44 - Entering Database Migration Wizard:frmWizard.dbConnect()
2003-08-04 14:36:44 - Opening and Examining Source Database...
2003-08-04 14:36:44 - Opening DSN: mysql lvg
2003-08-04 14:36:44 - Entering Database Migration Wizard:frmWizard.GetQuoteChar("DSN=mysql lvg;UID=mirpub;PWD=mirpub")
Help ?