On Wed, 9 Mar 2005 16:26:53 -0300 (ART), marcelo Cortez
<jmdc_marcelo@yahoo.com.ar> wrote:
> Lonni , folks
> >
> > You're doing this from within psql or elsewhere?
> from putty terminal from windows statiom
That doesn't really answer the question. How are you interfacing with
the database? Are you using a client, such as psql, or something
else? putty just means that you're ssh'ing to the server, but once
you're there, how are you connecting to the DB and issuing this
> > What logging level
> default i' guest
From your postgresql.conf i think i saw a debug5 for min_messages.
That is not typically a default for most people. Admittedly your word
wrap in your MUA is rather narrow (like 35 chars) so parsing through
it wasn't the easiest in the world.
> > are you using? How 'massive' is this update?
> full , the update statement not have filter clause.
Full meaning all the rows are being updated? What kind of data is
this that you're updating?
L. Friedman netllama@gmail.com
LlamaLand http://netllama.linux-sxs.org