pgAdmin in its youngest incarnation supports a "connection" dropdown above the query window.<br /><br />But I am not
ableto select more then 1 connection by any means.<br /><br />1st try: being connected to more then one server in the
maintree. Opening Query Window while standing on one database. only 1 connection <br />2nd try: Query window is open. I
select"new connection". nothing happens.<br /><br />What is the correct way to use more then one connection, that is:
switchbetween different servers / databases within the query window? <br /><br />Harald<br clear="all" /><br />-- <br
/>GHUMHarald Massa<br />persuadere et programmare<br />Harald Armin Massa<br />Reinsburgstraße 202b<br />70197
Stuttgart<br/>0173/9409607<br />-<br />PostgreSQL - supported by a community that does not put you on hold