Hi there - we've hit a bit of a brick wall with this and I was
wondering if someone could help us out. Our MS-SQL code is this :
SELECT "Site"."Name" as "SiteName", "Site"."Description" as
"Site"."DefaultStyle", "Site"."PageWidth",
"Site"."Tel", "Site"."Fax", "Site"."Email", "Site"."Web",
"Site"."UserRegistration", "Site"."UserApprovalRequired",
"Site"."DefaultSecurity", "Site"."GrantedSecurity",
"Site"."DescriptionMeta", "Site"."WhatsNewTF", "Site"."RegIntro",
"Site"."RegConfirm", "AppUser"."Email" as "SecurityContactEmail",
"Site"."TimeZone", "Site"."Logo", "Site"."LogoWidth",
"Site"."LogoBGColor", "Site"."Favicon", "Site"."PublishingTF",
"Site"."LastPublished", "Site"."MyMessageCodeField",
FROM "Site","AppUser"
WHERE "Site"."SiteCode"=1
AND "Site"."SecurityContactCode" *= "AppUser"."UserCode"
And it's the "* =" at the very end of the table which is causing the
Our dev. guy has told me that "*=" in MS speak is INNER JOIN.
Can anyone out there help us. I have Momjians book here but I'm stuck.
Many thanks,