Hello Tom,
On Feb 4, 2005, at 12:37 AM, Tom Lane wrote:
> Joseph Kiniry <kiniry@acm.org> writes:
>> Does anyone have any suggestions on this problem? How can I recreate
>> pg_user?
> Sure, just run the CREATE VIEW command executed by initdb; it's in the
> initdb shell script. Note that all the objects created that way (with
> "postgres <<EOF" shell constructs) will be missing --- you'll likely
> find you have to create some more missing bits too.
This is as I expected, and I have been able to recreate several tables
& views necessary in my GForge database, ignoring the botched template?
databases, of course, since I'll be recreating those once I have my
data. I'm currently blocked on the system catalog schema "pg_catalog";
whence is it initialized? I have looked though all initdb-related
scripts, SQL files, and BKI files and have found several references to
pg_catalog, but I have not found its definition/initialization.
> FWIW, I think that the latest selinux-policy and postgresql RPMs should
> fix this problem.
Yes, they do, but I still have to get my data out first. :)
Thanks very much. Note that only small hints are needed for me; I have
years of experience with various databases &c but obviously only months
of experience with SELinux. :)
Joe Kiniry