On Dec 6, 2013, at 8:44 AM, John R Pierce <pierce@hogranch.com> wrote:
> On 12/6/2013 6:53 AM, Magnus Hagander wrote:
>> What I'm asking for is the 9.2 postgresql packages to depend on a =
version of openssl that's present in 6.4. If the user is on 6.5, it will =
still match, and not be a problem.
> I don't get it, on my centos 6.4 box, yum pulled in the new openssl =
automatically. I wonder if the OP's system wasn't properly configured =
with RHN.
Well, the issue seems to be specific to RHEL, but if you look way back =
in the thread, I actually spun up a RHEL6.4 instance on EC2 and it =
happily installed the new version of openssl when I did "yum install =
postgresql92 postgresql92-server postgresql92-contrib", so I'm not =
entirely sure why it's broken for some folks on RHEL6.4, but not others.