> Hm. Evidently not :-(. The COMMENT ON DATABASE facility is
> a bit bogus
> anyway (since there's no way to make the comments visible across
> databases). You might be best advised not to use it.
I agree. I plan to delete it and try again, and avoid using database comments in the future. This seems to work:
DELETE FROM ONLY pg_description
WHERE pg_description.objoid=
(SELECT pg_database.oid FROM pg_database WHERE pg_database.datname=current_database())
AND pg_description.classoid=
(SELECT pg_class.relfilenode FROM pg_class WHERE pg_class.relname='pg_database');
> (though I'm
> not quite sure how to phrase the warning ...). Any thoughts?
I would have been happy enough with the existing message as a warning - probably anyone who tries to use database
commentshas noticed the limitations.