On 8/23/21, 10:31 AM, "alvherre@alvh.no-ip.org" <alvherre@alvh.no-ip.org> wrote:
> On 2021-Aug-23, alvherre@alvh.no-ip.org wrote:
>> The only way .ready files are created is that XLogNotifyWrite() is
>> called. For regular WAL files during regular operation, that only
>> happens in XLogNotifyWriteSeg(). That, in turn, only happens in
>> NotifySegmentsReadyForArchive(). But if the system runs and never
>> writes WAL records that cross WAL boundaries, that function will see
>> that both earliestSegBoundary and latestSegBoundary are MaxXLogSegno,
>> and return without doing anything. So no segments will be notified.
> Nevermind -- I realized that all segments get registered, not just those
> for which we generate continuation records.
Ah, okay. BTW the other changes you mentioned made sense to me.