"Buorn, Yoway" <Yoway.Buorn@gd-ais.com> writes:
> No, I'm not trying to back-port a dump. I simply followed the
> instructions in the section 2.3.4 of the gforge manual which tells me to
> go into the db/ folder and apply the schema changes in order for all sql
> files dated after the existing installation. So I started with
> 20050312.sql and it gave me this parse error near "CASCADE".
> You mention there's nothing wrong with this. Does this mean the message
> is not really an error and I can safely ignore it?
What that probably means is that you need a newer version of Postgres
before trying to install gforge. It would seem that you have PG 7.2 or
before. I don't know what gforge's minimum requirement for PG version
is, but certainly 7.2 is pretty ancient.
regards, tom lane