On 2020/07/29 18:24, Martijn van Oosterhout wrote:
> Hoi hackers,
> We've been using the pg_stat_statements extension to get an idea of the queries used in the database, but the table
isbeing filled with entries like:
> SAVEPOINT sa_savepoint_NNN;
> DECLARE "c_7f9451c4dcc0_5" CURSOR WITHOUT HOLD ...
> FETCH FORWARD 250 FROM "c_7f9451b03908_5"
> Since the unique id is different for each query, the aggregation does nothing and there are quite a lot of these
drowningout the normal queries (yes, I'm aware this is an issue of itself). The only way to deal with this is
"pg_stat_statements.track_utility=off".However, it occurs to me that if you just tracked the tags rather than the full
querytext you could at least track the number of such queries and how much time they take. So the above queries would
betracked under SAVEPOINT, RELEASE, DECLARE CURSOR and (I guess) FETCH respectively. But it would also catch DDL.
> Does this sound like something for which a patch would be accepted?
Or, we should extend the existing query normalization to handle also DDL?
Fujii Masao
Advanced Computing Technology Center
Research and Development Headquarters