Reducing the runtime of the core regression tests - Mailing list pgsql-hackers

Back in [1] I wrote

> I've wondered for some time whether we couldn't make a useful
> reduction in the run time of the PG regression tests by looking
> for scripts that run significantly longer than others in their
> parallel groups, and making an effort to trim the runtimes of
> those particular scripts.

I finally got some time to pursue that, and attached is a proposed patch
that moves some tests around and slightly adjusts some other ones.
To cut to the chase: on my workstation, this cuts the time for
"make installcheck-parallel" from 21.9 sec to 13.9 sec, or almost 40%.
I think that's a worthwhile improvement, considering how often all of us
run those tests.

Said workstation is an 8-core machine, so an objection could made
that maybe I'm optimizing too much for multicore.  But even laptops
have multiple cores these days.  To check ostensibly-worse cases,
I also tried this patch on dromedary's host (old dual-core Intel), and
found that installcheck-parallel went from about 92 seconds to about 82.
On gaur's host (single-core HPPA), the time went from 840 sec to 774.
So there's close to 10% savings even on very lame machines.

In no particular order, here's what I did:

* Move the strings and numerology tests to be part of the second
parallel test group; there is no reason to run them serially.

* Move the insert and insert_conflict tests to be part of the "copy"
parallel group.  There is no reason to run them serially, plus they
were obviously placed with the aid of a dartboard, or at least without
concern for fixing comments one line away.

* Move the select and errors tests into the preceding parallel group
instead of running them serially.  (This required adjusting the
constraints test, which uses a table named "tmp" as select also does.
I fixed that by making it a temp table in the constraints test.)

* create_index.sql ran much longer than other tests in its parallel
group, so I split out the SP-GiST-related tests into a new file
create_index_spgist.sql, and moved the delete_test_table test case
to btree_index.sql.

* Likewise, join.sql needed to be split up, so I moved the "exercises
for the hash join code" portion into a new file join_hash.sql.

* Likewise, I split up indexing.sql by moving the "fastpath" test into
a new file index_fastpath.sql.

* psql and stats_ext both ran considerably longer than other tests
in their group.  I fixed that by moving them into the next parallel
group, where the rules test has a similar runtime.  (To make it
safe to run stats_ext in parallel with rules, I adjusted the latter
to only dump views/rules from the pg_catalog and public schemas,
which was what it was doing anyway.  stats_ext makes some views in
a transient schema, which now will not affect rules.)

* The plpgsql test ran much longer than others, which turns out to be
largely due to the 2-second timeout in its test of statement_timeout.
In view of the experience reflected in commit f1e671a0b, just
reducing that timeout seems unsafe.  What I did instead was to shove
that test case and some related ones into a new plpgsql test file,
src/pl/plpgsql/src/sql/plpgsql_trap.sql, so that it's not part of the
core regression tests at all.  (We've talked before about moving
chunks of plpgsql.sql into the plpgsql module, so this is sort of a
down payment on that.)  Now, if you think about the time to do 
check-world rather than just the core regression tests, this isn't
obviously a win, and in fact it might be a loss because the plpgsql
tests run serially not in parallel with anything else.  However,
by that same token, the parallel-testing overload we were concerned
about in f1e671a0b should be much less bad in the plpgsql context.
I therefore took a chance on reducing the timeout down to 1 second.
If the buildfarm doesn't like that, we can change it back to 2 seconds
again.  It should still be a net win because of the fact that
check-world runs the core tests more than once.

* Another thing I changed in the SP-GiST tests was to adjust the tests
that are trying to verify that KNN indexscan gives the same ordering
as seqscan-and-sort.  Those were using FULL JOIN to match up rank()
results, which is horribly inefficient on this data set, because there
are 1000 duplicate entries in quad_point_tbl and hence 1000 rows with
the same rank; we proceed to form 1000000 join rows that we then have
to filter away again.  What I did about that was to replace rank()
with row_number() so that the primary join key is unique, shaving well
over a second off the test's runtime.  There is a small problem, namely
that the data set has two points that are different but yet have exactly
the same distance to the origin, causing their sort ordering to be
underdetermined.  I think however that it's okay to simplify the queries
so that they just verify that we get the same values and ordering of the
distance results.  The purpose of this test is not to see whether <->
gets the right answer, it is to see whether SP-GiST can return results
in the correct order according to <->, so I think it's okay to compare
only the distances and not the underlying points.

* Also, in polygon.sql, I removed quad_poly_tbl_ord_seq1 and
quad_poly_tbl_ord_idx1; the related queries are very expensive and
it's not clear what coverage they provide that isn't provided by
the near-duplicate tests involving quad_poly_tbl_ord_seq2 and
quad_poly_tbl_ord_idx2.  (Note: polygon.sql seems to run proportionally
much slower on some machines than others.  Unpatched, on my workstation
it's 3x slower than timestamptz, whereas on say longfin it's a good bit
faster.  It might be interesting to look into why that is.  But anyway,
this part of the patch benefits machines where it's slower.)

There are still a few tests that seem like maybe it'd be worth trimming,
but I felt like I'd hit a point of diminishing returns, so I stopped

Thoughts?  Anyone object to making these sorts of changes

            regards, tom lane


diff --git a/src/pl/plpgsql/src/Makefile b/src/pl/plpgsql/src/Makefile
index cc1c261..af9f6fb 100644
--- a/src/pl/plpgsql/src/Makefile
+++ b/src/pl/plpgsql/src/Makefile
@@ -27,7 +27,8 @@ DATA = plpgsql.control plpgsql--1.0.sql plpgsql--unpackaged--1.0.sql

 REGRESS = plpgsql_call plpgsql_control plpgsql_domain plpgsql_record \
-    plpgsql_cache plpgsql_transaction plpgsql_trigger plpgsql_varprops
+    plpgsql_cache plpgsql_transaction plpgsql_trap \
+    plpgsql_trigger plpgsql_varprops

 # where to find and subsidiary files
 TOOLSDIR = $(top_srcdir)/src/tools
diff --git a/src/pl/plpgsql/src/expected/plpgsql_trap.out b/src/pl/plpgsql/src/expected/plpgsql_trap.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..881603f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pl/plpgsql/src/expected/plpgsql_trap.out
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+-- Test error trapping
+create function trap_zero_divide(int) returns int as $$
+declare x int;
+    sx smallint;
+    begin    -- start a subtransaction
+        raise notice 'should see this';
+        x := 100 / $1;
+        raise notice 'should see this only if % <> 0', $1;
+        sx := $1;
+        raise notice 'should see this only if % fits in smallint', $1;
+        if $1 < 0 then
+            raise exception '% is less than zero', $1;
+        end if;
+    exception
+        when division_by_zero then
+            raise notice 'caught division_by_zero';
+            x := -1;
+        when NUMERIC_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE then
+            raise notice 'caught numeric_value_out_of_range';
+            x := -2;
+    end;
+    return x;
+end$$ language plpgsql;
+select trap_zero_divide(50);
+NOTICE:  should see this
+NOTICE:  should see this only if 50 <> 0
+NOTICE:  should see this only if 50 fits in smallint
+ trap_zero_divide
+                2
+(1 row)
+select trap_zero_divide(0);
+NOTICE:  should see this
+NOTICE:  caught division_by_zero
+ trap_zero_divide
+               -1
+(1 row)
+select trap_zero_divide(100000);
+NOTICE:  should see this
+NOTICE:  should see this only if 100000 <> 0
+NOTICE:  caught numeric_value_out_of_range
+ trap_zero_divide
+               -2
+(1 row)
+select trap_zero_divide(-100);
+NOTICE:  should see this
+NOTICE:  should see this only if -100 <> 0
+NOTICE:  should see this only if -100 fits in smallint
+ERROR:  -100 is less than zero
+CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function trap_zero_divide(integer) line 12 at RAISE
+create table match_source as
+  select x as id, x*10 as data, x/10 as ten from generate_series(1,100) x;
+create function trap_matching_test(int) returns int as $$
+declare x int;
+    sx smallint;
+    y int;
+    begin    -- start a subtransaction
+        x := 100 / $1;
+        sx := $1;
+        select into y data from match_source where id =
+            (select id from match_source b where ten = $1);
+    exception
+        when data_exception then  -- category match
+            raise notice 'caught data_exception';
+            x := -1;
+            raise notice 'caught numeric_value_out_of_range or cardinality_violation';
+            x := -2;
+    end;
+    return x;
+end$$ language plpgsql;
+select trap_matching_test(50);
+ trap_matching_test
+                  2
+(1 row)
+select trap_matching_test(0);
+NOTICE:  caught data_exception
+ trap_matching_test
+                 -1
+(1 row)
+select trap_matching_test(100000);
+NOTICE:  caught data_exception
+ trap_matching_test
+                 -1
+(1 row)
+select trap_matching_test(1);
+NOTICE:  caught numeric_value_out_of_range or cardinality_violation
+ trap_matching_test
+                 -2
+(1 row)
+create temp table foo (f1 int);
+create function subxact_rollback_semantics() returns int as $$
+declare x int;
+  x := 1;
+  insert into foo values(x);
+  begin
+    x := x + 1;
+    insert into foo values(x);
+    raise exception 'inner';
+  exception
+    when others then
+      x := x * 10;
+  end;
+  insert into foo values(x);
+  return x;
+end$$ language plpgsql;
+select subxact_rollback_semantics();
+ subxact_rollback_semantics
+                         20
+(1 row)
+select * from foo;
+ f1
+  1
+ 20
+(2 rows)
+drop table foo;
+create function trap_timeout() returns void as $$
+  declare x int;
+  begin
+    -- we assume this will take longer than 1 second:
+    select count(*) into x from generate_series(1, 1000000000000);
+  exception
+    when others then
+      raise notice 'caught others?';
+    when query_canceled then
+      raise notice 'nyeah nyeah, can''t stop me';
+  end;
+  -- Abort transaction to abandon the statement_timeout setting.  Otherwise,
+  -- the next top-level statement would be vulnerable to the timeout.
+  raise exception 'end of function';
+end$$ language plpgsql;
+set statement_timeout to 1000;
+select trap_timeout();
+NOTICE:  nyeah nyeah, can't stop me
+ERROR:  end of function
+CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function trap_timeout() line 15 at RAISE
+-- Test for pass-by-ref values being stored in proper context
+create function test_variable_storage() returns text as $$
+declare x text;
+  x := '1234';
+  begin
+    x := x || '5678';
+    -- force error inside subtransaction SPI context
+    perform trap_zero_divide(-100);
+  exception
+    when others then
+      x := x || '9012';
+  end;
+  return x;
+end$$ language plpgsql;
+select test_variable_storage();
+NOTICE:  should see this
+NOTICE:  should see this only if -100 <> 0
+NOTICE:  should see this only if -100 fits in smallint
+ test_variable_storage
+ 123456789012
+(1 row)
+-- test foreign key error trapping
+create temp table master(f1 int primary key);
+create temp table slave(f1 int references master deferrable);
+insert into master values(1);
+insert into slave values(1);
+insert into slave values(2);    -- fails
+ERROR:  insert or update on table "slave" violates foreign key constraint "slave_f1_fkey"
+DETAIL:  Key (f1)=(2) is not present in table "master".
+create function trap_foreign_key(int) returns int as $$
+    begin    -- start a subtransaction
+        insert into slave values($1);
+    exception
+        when foreign_key_violation then
+            raise notice 'caught foreign_key_violation';
+            return 0;
+    end;
+    return 1;
+end$$ language plpgsql;
+create function trap_foreign_key_2() returns int as $$
+    begin    -- start a subtransaction
+        set constraints all immediate;
+    exception
+        when foreign_key_violation then
+            raise notice 'caught foreign_key_violation';
+            return 0;
+    end;
+    return 1;
+end$$ language plpgsql;
+select trap_foreign_key(1);
+ trap_foreign_key
+                1
+(1 row)
+select trap_foreign_key(2);    -- detects FK violation
+NOTICE:  caught foreign_key_violation
+ trap_foreign_key
+                0
+(1 row)
+  set constraints all deferred;
+  select trap_foreign_key(2);    -- should not detect FK violation
+ trap_foreign_key
+                1
+(1 row)
+  savepoint x;
+    set constraints all immediate; -- fails
+ERROR:  insert or update on table "slave" violates foreign key constraint "slave_f1_fkey"
+DETAIL:  Key (f1)=(2) is not present in table "master".
+  rollback to x;
+  select trap_foreign_key_2();  -- detects FK violation
+NOTICE:  caught foreign_key_violation
+ trap_foreign_key_2
+                  0
+(1 row)
+commit;                -- still fails
+ERROR:  insert or update on table "slave" violates foreign key constraint "slave_f1_fkey"
+DETAIL:  Key (f1)=(2) is not present in table "master".
+drop function trap_foreign_key(int);
+drop function trap_foreign_key_2();
diff --git a/src/pl/plpgsql/src/sql/plpgsql_trap.sql b/src/pl/plpgsql/src/sql/plpgsql_trap.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e75f46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pl/plpgsql/src/sql/plpgsql_trap.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+-- Test error trapping
+create function trap_zero_divide(int) returns int as $$
+declare x int;
+    sx smallint;
+    begin    -- start a subtransaction
+        raise notice 'should see this';
+        x := 100 / $1;
+        raise notice 'should see this only if % <> 0', $1;
+        sx := $1;
+        raise notice 'should see this only if % fits in smallint', $1;
+        if $1 < 0 then
+            raise exception '% is less than zero', $1;
+        end if;
+    exception
+        when division_by_zero then
+            raise notice 'caught division_by_zero';
+            x := -1;
+        when NUMERIC_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE then
+            raise notice 'caught numeric_value_out_of_range';
+            x := -2;
+    end;
+    return x;
+end$$ language plpgsql;
+select trap_zero_divide(50);
+select trap_zero_divide(0);
+select trap_zero_divide(100000);
+select trap_zero_divide(-100);
+create table match_source as
+  select x as id, x*10 as data, x/10 as ten from generate_series(1,100) x;
+create function trap_matching_test(int) returns int as $$
+declare x int;
+    sx smallint;
+    y int;
+    begin    -- start a subtransaction
+        x := 100 / $1;
+        sx := $1;
+        select into y data from match_source where id =
+            (select id from match_source b where ten = $1);
+    exception
+        when data_exception then  -- category match
+            raise notice 'caught data_exception';
+            x := -1;
+            raise notice 'caught numeric_value_out_of_range or cardinality_violation';
+            x := -2;
+    end;
+    return x;
+end$$ language plpgsql;
+select trap_matching_test(50);
+select trap_matching_test(0);
+select trap_matching_test(100000);
+select trap_matching_test(1);
+create temp table foo (f1 int);
+create function subxact_rollback_semantics() returns int as $$
+declare x int;
+  x := 1;
+  insert into foo values(x);
+  begin
+    x := x + 1;
+    insert into foo values(x);
+    raise exception 'inner';
+  exception
+    when others then
+      x := x * 10;
+  end;
+  insert into foo values(x);
+  return x;
+end$$ language plpgsql;
+select subxact_rollback_semantics();
+select * from foo;
+drop table foo;
+create function trap_timeout() returns void as $$
+  declare x int;
+  begin
+    -- we assume this will take longer than 1 second:
+    select count(*) into x from generate_series(1, 1000000000000);
+  exception
+    when others then
+      raise notice 'caught others?';
+    when query_canceled then
+      raise notice 'nyeah nyeah, can''t stop me';
+  end;
+  -- Abort transaction to abandon the statement_timeout setting.  Otherwise,
+  -- the next top-level statement would be vulnerable to the timeout.
+  raise exception 'end of function';
+end$$ language plpgsql;
+set statement_timeout to 1000;
+select trap_timeout();
+-- Test for pass-by-ref values being stored in proper context
+create function test_variable_storage() returns text as $$
+declare x text;
+  x := '1234';
+  begin
+    x := x || '5678';
+    -- force error inside subtransaction SPI context
+    perform trap_zero_divide(-100);
+  exception
+    when others then
+      x := x || '9012';
+  end;
+  return x;
+end$$ language plpgsql;
+select test_variable_storage();
+-- test foreign key error trapping
+create temp table master(f1 int primary key);
+create temp table slave(f1 int references master deferrable);
+insert into master values(1);
+insert into slave values(1);
+insert into slave values(2);    -- fails
+create function trap_foreign_key(int) returns int as $$
+    begin    -- start a subtransaction
+        insert into slave values($1);
+    exception
+        when foreign_key_violation then
+            raise notice 'caught foreign_key_violation';
+            return 0;
+    end;
+    return 1;
+end$$ language plpgsql;
+create function trap_foreign_key_2() returns int as $$
+    begin    -- start a subtransaction
+        set constraints all immediate;
+    exception
+        when foreign_key_violation then
+            raise notice 'caught foreign_key_violation';
+            return 0;
+    end;
+    return 1;
+end$$ language plpgsql;
+select trap_foreign_key(1);
+select trap_foreign_key(2);    -- detects FK violation
+  set constraints all deferred;
+  select trap_foreign_key(2);    -- should not detect FK violation
+  savepoint x;
+    set constraints all immediate; -- fails
+  rollback to x;
+  select trap_foreign_key_2();  -- detects FK violation
+commit;                -- still fails
+drop function trap_foreign_key(int);
+drop function trap_foreign_key_2();
diff --git a/src/test/regress/expected/btree_index.out b/src/test/regress/expected/btree_index.out
index ff443a4..acab8e0 100644
--- a/src/test/regress/expected/btree_index.out
+++ b/src/test/regress/expected/btree_index.out
@@ -244,3 +244,21 @@ select reloptions from pg_class WHERE oid = 'btree_idx1'::regclass;
 (1 row)

+-- Test for multilevel page deletion
+CREATE TABLE delete_test_table (a bigint, b bigint, c bigint, d bigint);
+INSERT INTO delete_test_table SELECT i, 1, 2, 3 FROM generate_series(1,80000) i;
+ALTER TABLE delete_test_table ADD PRIMARY KEY (a,b,c,d);
+-- Delete most entries, and vacuum, deleting internal pages and creating "fast
+-- root"
+DELETE FROM delete_test_table WHERE a < 79990;
+VACUUM delete_test_table;
+-- Test B-tree insertion with a metapage update (XLOG_BTREE_INSERT_META
+-- WAL record type). This happens when a "fast root" page is split.  This
+-- also creates coverage for nbtree FSM page recycling.
+-- The vacuum above should've turned the leaf page into a fast root. We just
+-- need to insert some rows to cause the fast root page to split.
+INSERT INTO delete_test_table SELECT i, 1, 2, 3 FROM generate_series(1,1000) i;
diff --git a/src/test/regress/expected/create_index.out b/src/test/regress/expected/create_index.out
index 388d709..f9b4768 100644
--- a/src/test/regress/expected/create_index.out
+++ b/src/test/regress/expected/create_index.out
@@ -68,25 +68,7 @@ CREATE TEMP TABLE gcircle_tbl AS
 CREATE INDEX ggpolygonind ON gpolygon_tbl USING gist (f1);
 CREATE INDEX ggcircleind ON gcircle_tbl USING gist (f1);
--- SP-GiST
-CREATE TABLE quad_point_tbl AS
-    SELECT point(unique1,unique2) AS p FROM tenk1;
-INSERT INTO quad_point_tbl
-    SELECT '(333.0,400.0)'::point FROM generate_series(1,1000);
-INSERT INTO quad_point_tbl VALUES (NULL), (NULL), (NULL);
-CREATE INDEX sp_quad_ind ON quad_point_tbl USING spgist (p);
-CREATE TABLE kd_point_tbl AS SELECT * FROM quad_point_tbl;
-CREATE INDEX sp_kd_ind ON kd_point_tbl USING spgist (p kd_point_ops);
-CREATE TABLE radix_text_tbl AS
-    SELECT name AS t FROM road WHERE name !~ '^[0-9]';
-INSERT INTO radix_text_tbl
-    SELECT 'P0123456789abcdef' FROM generate_series(1,1000);
-INSERT INTO radix_text_tbl VALUES ('P0123456789abcde');
-INSERT INTO radix_text_tbl VALUES ('P0123456789abcdefF');
-CREATE INDEX sp_radix_ind ON radix_text_tbl USING spgist (t);
--- Test GiST and SP-GiST indexes
+-- Test GiST indexes
 -- get non-indexed results for comparison purposes
 SET enable_seqscan = ON;
@@ -241,159 +223,6 @@ SELECT * FROM point_tbl WHERE f1 <@ '(-10,-10),(10,10)':: box ORDER BY f1 <-> '0
 (5 rows)

-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p IS NULL;
- count
-     3
-(1 row)
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p IS NOT NULL;
- count
- 11000
-(1 row)
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl;
- count
- 11003
-(1 row)
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p <@ box '(200,200,1000,1000)';
- count
-  1057
-(1 row)
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE box '(200,200,1000,1000)' @> p;
- count
-  1057
-(1 row)
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p << '(5000, 4000)';
- count
-  6000
-(1 row)
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p >> '(5000, 4000)';
- count
-  4999
-(1 row)
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p <^ '(5000, 4000)';
- count
-  5000
-(1 row)
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p >^ '(5000, 4000)';
- count
-  5999
-(1 row)
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p ~= '(4585, 365)';
- count
-     1
-(1 row)
-CREATE TEMP TABLE quad_point_tbl_ord_seq1 AS
-SELECT rank() OVER (ORDER BY p <-> '0,0') n, p <-> '0,0' dist, p
-FROM quad_point_tbl;
-CREATE TEMP TABLE quad_point_tbl_ord_seq2 AS
-SELECT rank() OVER (ORDER BY p <-> '0,0') n, p <-> '0,0' dist, p
-FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p <@ box '(200,200,1000,1000)';
-CREATE TEMP TABLE quad_point_tbl_ord_seq3 AS
-SELECT rank() OVER (ORDER BY p <-> '333,400') n, p <-> '333,400' dist, p
-FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p IS NOT NULL;
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t = 'P0123456789abcdef';
- count
-  1000
-(1 row)
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t = 'P0123456789abcde';
- count
-     1
-(1 row)
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t = 'P0123456789abcdefF';
- count
-     1
-(1 row)
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t <    'Aztec                         Ct  ';
- count
-   272
-(1 row)
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ~<~  'Aztec                         Ct  ';
- count
-   272
-(1 row)
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t <=   'Aztec                         Ct  ';
- count
-   273
-(1 row)
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ~<=~ 'Aztec                         Ct  ';
- count
-   273
-(1 row)
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t =    'Aztec                         Ct  ';
- count
-     1
-(1 row)
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t =    'Worth                         St  ';
- count
-     2
-(1 row)
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t >=   'Worth                         St  ';
- count
-    50
-(1 row)
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ~>=~ 'Worth                         St  ';
- count
-    50
-(1 row)
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t >    'Worth                         St  ';
- count
-    48
-(1 row)
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ~>~  'Worth                         St  ';
- count
-    48
-(1 row)
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ^@  'Worth';
- count
-     2
-(1 row)
 SELECT * FROM gpolygon_tbl ORDER BY f1 <-> '(0,0)'::point LIMIT 10;
@@ -515,1445 +344,326 @@ SELECT * FROM circle_tbl WHERE f1 && circle(point(1,-2), 1)
- <(100,1),115>
-(4 rows)
-SELECT count(*) FROM gpolygon_tbl WHERE f1 && '(1000,1000,0,0)'::polygon;
-                         QUERY PLAN
- Aggregate
-   ->  Index Scan using ggpolygonind on gpolygon_tbl
-         Index Cond: (f1 && '((1000,1000),(0,0))'::polygon)
-(3 rows)
-SELECT count(*) FROM gpolygon_tbl WHERE f1 && '(1000,1000,0,0)'::polygon;
- count
-     2
-(1 row)
-SELECT count(*) FROM gcircle_tbl WHERE f1 && '<(500,500),500>'::circle;
-                      QUERY PLAN
- Aggregate
-   ->  Index Scan using ggcircleind on gcircle_tbl
-         Index Cond: (f1 && '<(500,500),500>'::circle)
-(3 rows)
-SELECT count(*) FROM gcircle_tbl WHERE f1 && '<(500,500),500>'::circle;
- count
-     2
-(1 row)
-SELECT count(*) FROM point_tbl WHERE f1 <@ box '(0,0,100,100)';
-                     QUERY PLAN
- Aggregate
-   ->  Index Only Scan using gpointind on point_tbl
-         Index Cond: (f1 <@ '(100,100),(0,0)'::box)
-(3 rows)
-SELECT count(*) FROM point_tbl WHERE f1 <@ box '(0,0,100,100)';
- count
-     3
-(1 row)
-SELECT count(*) FROM point_tbl WHERE box '(0,0,100,100)' @> f1;
-                     QUERY PLAN
- Aggregate
-   ->  Index Only Scan using gpointind on point_tbl
-         Index Cond: (f1 <@ '(100,100),(0,0)'::box)
-(3 rows)
-SELECT count(*) FROM point_tbl WHERE box '(0,0,100,100)' @> f1;
- count
-     3
-(1 row)
-SELECT count(*) FROM point_tbl WHERE f1 <@ polygon '(0,0),(0,100),(100,100),(50,50),(100,0),(0,0)';
-                                       QUERY PLAN
- Aggregate
-   ->  Index Only Scan using gpointind on point_tbl
-         Index Cond: (f1 <@ '((0,0),(0,100),(100,100),(50,50),(100,0),(0,0))'::polygon)
-(3 rows)
-SELECT count(*) FROM point_tbl WHERE f1 <@ polygon '(0,0),(0,100),(100,100),(50,50),(100,0),(0,0)';
- count
-     4
-(1 row)
-SELECT count(*) FROM point_tbl WHERE f1 <@ circle '<(50,50),50>';
-                     QUERY PLAN
- Aggregate
-   ->  Index Only Scan using gpointind on point_tbl
-         Index Cond: (f1 <@ '<(50,50),50>'::circle)
-(3 rows)
-SELECT count(*) FROM point_tbl WHERE f1 <@ circle '<(50,50),50>';
- count
-     1
-(1 row)
-SELECT count(*) FROM point_tbl p WHERE p.f1 << '(0.0, 0.0)';
-                      QUERY PLAN
- Aggregate
-   ->  Index Only Scan using gpointind on point_tbl p
-         Index Cond: (f1 << '(0,0)'::point)
-(3 rows)
-SELECT count(*) FROM point_tbl p WHERE p.f1 << '(0.0, 0.0)';
- count
-     3
-(1 row)
-SELECT count(*) FROM point_tbl p WHERE p.f1 >> '(0.0, 0.0)';
-                      QUERY PLAN
- Aggregate
-   ->  Index Only Scan using gpointind on point_tbl p
-         Index Cond: (f1 >> '(0,0)'::point)
-(3 rows)
-SELECT count(*) FROM point_tbl p WHERE p.f1 >> '(0.0, 0.0)';
- count
-     3
-(1 row)
-SELECT count(*) FROM point_tbl p WHERE p.f1 <^ '(0.0, 0.0)';
-                      QUERY PLAN
- Aggregate
-   ->  Index Only Scan using gpointind on point_tbl p
-         Index Cond: (f1 <^ '(0,0)'::point)
-(3 rows)
-SELECT count(*) FROM point_tbl p WHERE p.f1 <^ '(0.0, 0.0)';
- count
-     1
-(1 row)
-SELECT count(*) FROM point_tbl p WHERE p.f1 >^ '(0.0, 0.0)';
-                      QUERY PLAN
- Aggregate
-   ->  Index Only Scan using gpointind on point_tbl p
-         Index Cond: (f1 >^ '(0,0)'::point)
-(3 rows)
-SELECT count(*) FROM point_tbl p WHERE p.f1 >^ '(0.0, 0.0)';
- count
-     4
-(1 row)
-SELECT count(*) FROM point_tbl p WHERE p.f1 ~= '(-5, -12)';
-                      QUERY PLAN
- Aggregate
-   ->  Index Only Scan using gpointind on point_tbl p
-         Index Cond: (f1 ~= '(-5,-12)'::point)
-(3 rows)
-SELECT count(*) FROM point_tbl p WHERE p.f1 ~= '(-5, -12)';
- count
-     1
-(1 row)
-SELECT * FROM point_tbl ORDER BY f1 <-> '0,1';
-                  QUERY PLAN
- Index Only Scan using gpointind on point_tbl
-   Order By: (f1 <-> '(0,1)'::point)
-(2 rows)
-SELECT * FROM point_tbl ORDER BY f1 <-> '0,1';
-        f1
- (10,10)
- (NaN,NaN)
- (0,0)
- (1e-300,-1e-300)
- (-3,4)
- (-10,0)
- (-5,-12)
- (5.1,34.5)
- (1e+300,Infinity)
-(10 rows)
-SELECT * FROM point_tbl WHERE f1 IS NULL;
-                  QUERY PLAN
- Index Only Scan using gpointind on point_tbl
-   Index Cond: (f1 IS NULL)
-(2 rows)
-SELECT * FROM point_tbl WHERE f1 IS NULL;
- f1
-(1 row)
-SELECT * FROM point_tbl WHERE f1 IS NOT NULL ORDER BY f1 <-> '0,1';
-                  QUERY PLAN
- Index Only Scan using gpointind on point_tbl
-   Index Cond: (f1 IS NOT NULL)
-   Order By: (f1 <-> '(0,1)'::point)
-(3 rows)
-SELECT * FROM point_tbl WHERE f1 IS NOT NULL ORDER BY f1 <-> '0,1';
-        f1
- (10,10)
- (NaN,NaN)
- (0,0)
- (1e-300,-1e-300)
- (-3,4)
- (-10,0)
- (-5,-12)
- (5.1,34.5)
- (1e+300,Infinity)
-(9 rows)
-SELECT * FROM point_tbl WHERE f1 <@ '(-10,-10),(10,10)':: box ORDER BY f1 <-> '0,1';
-                   QUERY PLAN
- Index Only Scan using gpointind on point_tbl
-   Index Cond: (f1 <@ '(10,10),(-10,-10)'::box)
-   Order By: (f1 <-> '(0,1)'::point)
-(3 rows)
-SELECT * FROM point_tbl WHERE f1 <@ '(-10,-10),(10,10)':: box ORDER BY f1 <-> '0,1';
-        f1
- (0,0)
- (1e-300,-1e-300)
- (-3,4)
- (-10,0)
- (10,10)
-(5 rows)
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p IS NULL;
-                        QUERY PLAN
- Aggregate
-   ->  Index Only Scan using sp_quad_ind on quad_point_tbl
-         Index Cond: (p IS NULL)
-(3 rows)
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p IS NULL;
- count
-     3
-(1 row)
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p IS NOT NULL;
-                        QUERY PLAN
- Aggregate
-   ->  Index Only Scan using sp_quad_ind on quad_point_tbl
-         Index Cond: (p IS NOT NULL)
-(3 rows)
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p IS NOT NULL;
- count
- 11000
-(1 row)
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl;
-                        QUERY PLAN
- Aggregate
-   ->  Index Only Scan using sp_quad_ind on quad_point_tbl
-(2 rows)
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl;
- count
- 11003
-(1 row)
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p <@ box '(200,200,1000,1000)';
-                        QUERY PLAN
- Aggregate
-   ->  Index Only Scan using sp_quad_ind on quad_point_tbl
-         Index Cond: (p <@ '(1000,1000),(200,200)'::box)
-(3 rows)
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p <@ box '(200,200,1000,1000)';
- count
-  1057
-(1 row)
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE box '(200,200,1000,1000)' @> p;
-                        QUERY PLAN
- Aggregate
-   ->  Index Only Scan using sp_quad_ind on quad_point_tbl
-         Index Cond: (p <@ '(1000,1000),(200,200)'::box)
-(3 rows)
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE box '(200,200,1000,1000)' @> p;
- count
-  1057
-(1 row)
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p << '(5000, 4000)';
-                        QUERY PLAN
- Aggregate
-   ->  Index Only Scan using sp_quad_ind on quad_point_tbl
-         Index Cond: (p << '(5000,4000)'::point)
-(3 rows)
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p << '(5000, 4000)';
- count
-  6000
-(1 row)
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p >> '(5000, 4000)';
-                        QUERY PLAN
- Aggregate
-   ->  Index Only Scan using sp_quad_ind on quad_point_tbl
-         Index Cond: (p >> '(5000,4000)'::point)
-(3 rows)
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p >> '(5000, 4000)';
- count
-  4999
-(1 row)
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p <^ '(5000, 4000)';
-                        QUERY PLAN
- Aggregate
-   ->  Index Only Scan using sp_quad_ind on quad_point_tbl
-         Index Cond: (p <^ '(5000,4000)'::point)
-(3 rows)
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p <^ '(5000, 4000)';
- count
-  5000
-(1 row)
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p >^ '(5000, 4000)';
-                        QUERY PLAN
- Aggregate
-   ->  Index Only Scan using sp_quad_ind on quad_point_tbl
-         Index Cond: (p >^ '(5000,4000)'::point)
-(3 rows)
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p >^ '(5000, 4000)';
- count
-  5999
-(1 row)
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p ~= '(4585, 365)';
-                        QUERY PLAN
- Aggregate
-   ->  Index Only Scan using sp_quad_ind on quad_point_tbl
-         Index Cond: (p ~= '(4585,365)'::point)
-(3 rows)
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p ~= '(4585, 365)';
- count
-     1
-(1 row)
-SELECT rank() OVER (ORDER BY p <-> '0,0') n, p <-> '0,0' dist, p
-FROM quad_point_tbl;
-                        QUERY PLAN
- WindowAgg
-   ->  Index Only Scan using sp_quad_ind on quad_point_tbl
-         Order By: (p <-> '(0,0)'::point)
-(3 rows)
-CREATE TEMP TABLE quad_point_tbl_ord_idx1 AS
-SELECT rank() OVER (ORDER BY p <-> '0,0') n, p <-> '0,0' dist, p
-FROM quad_point_tbl;
-SELECT * FROM quad_point_tbl_ord_seq1 seq FULL JOIN quad_point_tbl_ord_idx1 idx
-ON seq.n = idx.n
-AND (seq.dist = idx.dist AND seq.p ~= idx.p OR seq.p IS NULL AND idx.p IS NULL)
-WHERE seq.n IS NULL OR idx.n IS NULL;
- n | dist | p | n | dist | p
-(0 rows)
-SELECT rank() OVER (ORDER BY p <-> '0,0') n, p <-> '0,0' dist, p
-FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p <@ box '(200,200,1000,1000)';
-                        QUERY PLAN
- WindowAgg
-   ->  Index Only Scan using sp_quad_ind on quad_point_tbl
-         Index Cond: (p <@ '(1000,1000),(200,200)'::box)
-         Order By: (p <-> '(0,0)'::point)
-(4 rows)
-CREATE TEMP TABLE quad_point_tbl_ord_idx2 AS
-SELECT rank() OVER (ORDER BY p <-> '0,0') n, p <-> '0,0' dist, p
-FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p <@ box '(200,200,1000,1000)';
-SELECT * FROM quad_point_tbl_ord_seq2 seq FULL JOIN quad_point_tbl_ord_idx2 idx
-ON seq.n = idx.n
-AND (seq.dist = idx.dist AND seq.p ~= idx.p OR seq.p IS NULL AND idx.p IS NULL)
-WHERE seq.n IS NULL OR idx.n IS NULL;
- n | dist | p | n | dist | p
-(0 rows)
-SELECT rank() OVER (ORDER BY p <-> '333,400') n, p <-> '333,400' dist, p
-FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p IS NOT NULL;
-                        QUERY PLAN
- WindowAgg
-   ->  Index Only Scan using sp_quad_ind on quad_point_tbl
-         Index Cond: (p IS NOT NULL)
-         Order By: (p <-> '(333,400)'::point)
-(4 rows)
-CREATE TEMP TABLE quad_point_tbl_ord_idx3 AS
-SELECT rank() OVER (ORDER BY p <-> '333,400') n, p <-> '333,400' dist, p
-FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p IS NOT NULL;
-SELECT * FROM quad_point_tbl_ord_seq3 seq FULL JOIN quad_point_tbl_ord_idx3 idx
-ON seq.n = idx.n
-AND (seq.dist = idx.dist AND seq.p ~= idx.p OR seq.p IS NULL AND idx.p IS NULL)
-WHERE seq.n IS NULL OR idx.n IS NULL;
- n | dist | p | n | dist | p
-(0 rows)
-SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p <@ box '(200,200,1000,1000)';
-                       QUERY PLAN
- Aggregate
-   ->  Index Only Scan using sp_kd_ind on kd_point_tbl
-         Index Cond: (p <@ '(1000,1000),(200,200)'::box)
-(3 rows)
-SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p <@ box '(200,200,1000,1000)';
- count
-  1057
-(1 row)
-SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE box '(200,200,1000,1000)' @> p;
-                       QUERY PLAN
- Aggregate
-   ->  Index Only Scan using sp_kd_ind on kd_point_tbl
-         Index Cond: (p <@ '(1000,1000),(200,200)'::box)
-(3 rows)
-SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE box '(200,200,1000,1000)' @> p;
- count
-  1057
-(1 row)
-SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p << '(5000, 4000)';
-                      QUERY PLAN
- Aggregate
-   ->  Index Only Scan using sp_kd_ind on kd_point_tbl
-         Index Cond: (p << '(5000,4000)'::point)
-(3 rows)
-SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p << '(5000, 4000)';
- count
-  6000
-(1 row)
-SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p >> '(5000, 4000)';
-                      QUERY PLAN
- Aggregate
-   ->  Index Only Scan using sp_kd_ind on kd_point_tbl
-         Index Cond: (p >> '(5000,4000)'::point)
-(3 rows)
-SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p >> '(5000, 4000)';
- count
-  4999
-(1 row)
-SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p <^ '(5000, 4000)';
-                      QUERY PLAN
- Aggregate
-   ->  Index Only Scan using sp_kd_ind on kd_point_tbl
-         Index Cond: (p <^ '(5000,4000)'::point)
-(3 rows)
-SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p <^ '(5000, 4000)';
- count
-  5000
-(1 row)
-SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p >^ '(5000, 4000)';
-                      QUERY PLAN
- Aggregate
-   ->  Index Only Scan using sp_kd_ind on kd_point_tbl
-         Index Cond: (p >^ '(5000,4000)'::point)
-(3 rows)
-SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p >^ '(5000, 4000)';
- count
-  5999
-(1 row)
-SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p ~= '(4585, 365)';
-                      QUERY PLAN
- Aggregate
-   ->  Index Only Scan using sp_kd_ind on kd_point_tbl
-         Index Cond: (p ~= '(4585,365)'::point)
-(3 rows)
-SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p ~= '(4585, 365)';
- count
-     1
-(1 row)
-SELECT rank() OVER (ORDER BY p <-> '0,0') n, p <-> '0,0' dist, p
-FROM kd_point_tbl;
-                      QUERY PLAN
- WindowAgg
-   ->  Index Only Scan using sp_kd_ind on kd_point_tbl
-         Order By: (p <-> '(0,0)'::point)
-(3 rows)
-CREATE TEMP TABLE kd_point_tbl_ord_idx1 AS
-SELECT rank() OVER (ORDER BY p <-> '0,0') n, p <-> '0,0' dist, p
-FROM kd_point_tbl;
-SELECT * FROM quad_point_tbl_ord_seq1 seq FULL JOIN kd_point_tbl_ord_idx1 idx
-ON seq.n = idx.n AND
-(seq.dist = idx.dist AND seq.p ~= idx.p OR seq.p IS NULL AND idx.p IS NULL)
-WHERE seq.n IS NULL OR idx.n IS NULL;
- n | dist | p | n | dist | p
-(0 rows)
-SELECT rank() OVER (ORDER BY p <-> '0,0') n, p <-> '0,0' dist, p
-FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p <@ box '(200,200,1000,1000)';
-                       QUERY PLAN
- WindowAgg
-   ->  Index Only Scan using sp_kd_ind on kd_point_tbl
-         Index Cond: (p <@ '(1000,1000),(200,200)'::box)
-         Order By: (p <-> '(0,0)'::point)
-(4 rows)
-CREATE TEMP TABLE kd_point_tbl_ord_idx2 AS
-SELECT rank() OVER (ORDER BY p <-> '0,0') n, p <-> '0,0' dist, p
-FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p <@ box '(200,200,1000,1000)';
-SELECT * FROM quad_point_tbl_ord_seq2 seq FULL JOIN kd_point_tbl_ord_idx2 idx
-ON seq.n = idx.n AND
-(seq.dist = idx.dist AND seq.p ~= idx.p OR seq.p IS NULL AND idx.p IS NULL)
-WHERE seq.n IS NULL OR idx.n IS NULL;
- n | dist | p | n | dist | p
-(0 rows)
-SELECT rank() OVER (ORDER BY p <-> '333,400') n, p <-> '333,400' dist, p
-FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p IS NOT NULL;
-                      QUERY PLAN
- WindowAgg
-   ->  Index Only Scan using sp_kd_ind on kd_point_tbl
-         Index Cond: (p IS NOT NULL)
-         Order By: (p <-> '(333,400)'::point)
-(4 rows)
-CREATE TEMP TABLE kd_point_tbl_ord_idx3 AS
-SELECT rank() OVER (ORDER BY p <-> '333,400') n, p <-> '333,400' dist, p
-FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p IS NOT NULL;
-SELECT * FROM quad_point_tbl_ord_seq3 seq FULL JOIN kd_point_tbl_ord_idx3 idx
-ON seq.n = idx.n AND
-(seq.dist = idx.dist AND seq.p ~= idx.p OR seq.p IS NULL AND idx.p IS NULL)
-WHERE seq.n IS NULL OR idx.n IS NULL;
- n | dist | p | n | dist | p
-(0 rows)
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t = 'P0123456789abcdef';
-                         QUERY PLAN
- Aggregate
-   ->  Index Only Scan using sp_radix_ind on radix_text_tbl
-         Index Cond: (t = 'P0123456789abcdef'::text)
-(3 rows)
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t = 'P0123456789abcdef';
- count
-  1000
-(1 row)
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t = 'P0123456789abcde';
-                         QUERY PLAN
- Aggregate
-   ->  Index Only Scan using sp_radix_ind on radix_text_tbl
-         Index Cond: (t = 'P0123456789abcde'::text)
-(3 rows)
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t = 'P0123456789abcde';
- count
-     1
-(1 row)
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t = 'P0123456789abcdefF';
-                         QUERY PLAN
- Aggregate
-   ->  Index Only Scan using sp_radix_ind on radix_text_tbl
-         Index Cond: (t = 'P0123456789abcdefF'::text)
-(3 rows)
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t = 'P0123456789abcdefF';
- count
-     1
-(1 row)
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t <    'Aztec                         Ct  ';
-                              QUERY PLAN
- Aggregate
-   ->  Index Only Scan using sp_radix_ind on radix_text_tbl
-         Index Cond: (t < 'Aztec                         Ct  '::text)
-(3 rows)
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t <    'Aztec                         Ct  ';
- count
-   272
-(1 row)
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ~<~  'Aztec                         Ct  ';
-                               QUERY PLAN
- Aggregate
-   ->  Index Only Scan using sp_radix_ind on radix_text_tbl
-         Index Cond: (t ~<~ 'Aztec                         Ct  '::text)
-(3 rows)
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ~<~  'Aztec                         Ct  ';
- count
-   272
-(1 row)
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t <=   'Aztec                         Ct  ';
-                              QUERY PLAN
- Aggregate
-   ->  Index Only Scan using sp_radix_ind on radix_text_tbl
-         Index Cond: (t <= 'Aztec                         Ct  '::text)
-(3 rows)
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t <=   'Aztec                         Ct  ';
- count
-   273
-(1 row)
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ~<=~ 'Aztec                         Ct  ';
-                               QUERY PLAN
- Aggregate
-   ->  Index Only Scan using sp_radix_ind on radix_text_tbl
-         Index Cond: (t ~<=~ 'Aztec                         Ct  '::text)
-(3 rows)
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ~<=~ 'Aztec                         Ct  ';
- count
-   273
-(1 row)
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t =    'Aztec                         Ct  ';
-                              QUERY PLAN
- Aggregate
-   ->  Index Only Scan using sp_radix_ind on radix_text_tbl
-         Index Cond: (t = 'Aztec                         Ct  '::text)
-(3 rows)
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t =    'Aztec                         Ct  ';
- count
-     1
-(1 row)
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t =    'Worth                         St  ';
-                              QUERY PLAN
- Aggregate
-   ->  Index Only Scan using sp_radix_ind on radix_text_tbl
-         Index Cond: (t = 'Worth                         St  '::text)
-(3 rows)
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t =    'Worth                         St  ';
- count
-     2
-(1 row)
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t >=   'Worth                         St  ';
-                              QUERY PLAN
- Aggregate
-   ->  Index Only Scan using sp_radix_ind on radix_text_tbl
-         Index Cond: (t >= 'Worth                         St  '::text)
-(3 rows)
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t >=   'Worth                         St  ';
- count
-    50
-(1 row)
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ~>=~ 'Worth                         St  ';
-                               QUERY PLAN
- Aggregate
-   ->  Index Only Scan using sp_radix_ind on radix_text_tbl
-         Index Cond: (t ~>=~ 'Worth                         St  '::text)
-(3 rows)
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ~>=~ 'Worth                         St  ';
- count
-    50
-(1 row)
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t >    'Worth                         St  ';
-                              QUERY PLAN
- Aggregate
-   ->  Index Only Scan using sp_radix_ind on radix_text_tbl
-         Index Cond: (t > 'Worth                         St  '::text)
-(3 rows)
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t >    'Worth                         St  ';
- count
-    48
-(1 row)
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ~>~  'Worth                         St  ';
-                               QUERY PLAN
- Aggregate
-   ->  Index Only Scan using sp_radix_ind on radix_text_tbl
-         Index Cond: (t ~>~ 'Worth                         St  '::text)
-(3 rows)
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ~>~  'Worth                         St  ';
- count
-    48
-(1 row)
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ^@     'Worth';
-                         QUERY PLAN
- Aggregate
-   ->  Index Only Scan using sp_radix_ind on radix_text_tbl
-         Index Cond: (t ^@ 'Worth'::text)
-(3 rows)
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ^@     'Worth';
- count
-     2
-(1 row)
-SELECT * FROM gpolygon_tbl ORDER BY f1 <-> '(0,0)'::point LIMIT 10;
-                     QUERY PLAN
- Limit
-   ->  Index Scan using ggpolygonind on gpolygon_tbl
-         Order By: (f1 <-> '(0,0)'::point)
-(3 rows)
-SELECT * FROM gpolygon_tbl ORDER BY f1 <-> '(0,0)'::point LIMIT 10;
-                       f1
- ((240,359),(240,455),(337,455),(337,359))
- ((662,163),(662,187),(759,187),(759,163))
- ((1000,0),(0,1000))
- ((0,1000),(1000,1000))
- ((1346,344),(1346,403),(1444,403),(1444,344))
- ((278,1409),(278,1457),(369,1457),(369,1409))
- ((907,1156),(907,1201),(948,1201),(948,1156))
- ((1517,971),(1517,1043),(1594,1043),(1594,971))
- ((175,1820),(175,1850),(259,1850),(259,1820))
- ((2424,81),(2424,160),(2424,160),(2424,81))
-(10 rows)
-SELECT circle_center(f1), round(radius(f1)) as radius FROM gcircle_tbl ORDER BY f1 <-> '(200,300)'::point LIMIT 10;
-                    QUERY PLAN
- Limit
-   ->  Index Scan using ggcircleind on gcircle_tbl
-         Order By: (f1 <-> '(200,300)'::point)
-(3 rows)
-SELECT circle_center(f1), round(radius(f1)) as radius FROM gcircle_tbl ORDER BY f1 <-> '(200,300)'::point LIMIT 10;
- circle_center  | radius
- (288.5,407)    |     68
- (710.5,175)    |     50
- (323.5,1433)   |     51
- (927.5,1178.5) |     30
- (1395,373.5)   |     57
- (1555.5,1007)  |     53
- (217,1835)     |     45
- (489,2421.5)   |     22
- (2424,120.5)   |     40
- (751.5,2655)   |     20
-(10 rows)
--- Now check the results from bitmap indexscan
-SET enable_seqscan = OFF;
-SET enable_indexscan = OFF;
-SET enable_bitmapscan = ON;
-SELECT * FROM point_tbl WHERE f1 <@ '(-10,-10),(10,10)':: box ORDER BY f1 <-> '0,1';
-                         QUERY PLAN
- Sort
-   Sort Key: ((f1 <-> '(0,1)'::point))
-   ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on point_tbl
-         Recheck Cond: (f1 <@ '(10,10),(-10,-10)'::box)
-         ->  Bitmap Index Scan on gpointind
-               Index Cond: (f1 <@ '(10,10),(-10,-10)'::box)
-(6 rows)
-SELECT * FROM point_tbl WHERE f1 <@ '(-10,-10),(10,10)':: box ORDER BY f1 <-> '0,1';
-        f1
- (0,0)
- (1e-300,-1e-300)
- (-3,4)
- (-10,0)
- (10,10)
-(5 rows)
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p IS NULL;
-                  QUERY PLAN
- Aggregate
-   ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on quad_point_tbl
-         Recheck Cond: (p IS NULL)
-         ->  Bitmap Index Scan on sp_quad_ind
-               Index Cond: (p IS NULL)
-(5 rows)
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p IS NULL;
- count
-     3
-(1 row)
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p IS NOT NULL;
-                  QUERY PLAN
- Aggregate
-   ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on quad_point_tbl
-         Recheck Cond: (p IS NOT NULL)
-         ->  Bitmap Index Scan on sp_quad_ind
-               Index Cond: (p IS NOT NULL)
-(5 rows)
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p IS NOT NULL;
- count
- 11000
-(1 row)
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl;
-                  QUERY PLAN
- Aggregate
-   ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on quad_point_tbl
-         ->  Bitmap Index Scan on sp_quad_ind
-(3 rows)
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl;
- count
- 11003
-(1 row)
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p <@ box '(200,200,1000,1000)';
-                          QUERY PLAN
- Aggregate
-   ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on quad_point_tbl
-         Recheck Cond: (p <@ '(1000,1000),(200,200)'::box)
-         ->  Bitmap Index Scan on sp_quad_ind
-               Index Cond: (p <@ '(1000,1000),(200,200)'::box)
-(5 rows)
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p <@ box '(200,200,1000,1000)';
- count
-  1057
-(1 row)
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE box '(200,200,1000,1000)' @> p;
-                          QUERY PLAN
- Aggregate
-   ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on quad_point_tbl
-         Recheck Cond: ('(1000,1000),(200,200)'::box @> p)
-         ->  Bitmap Index Scan on sp_quad_ind
-               Index Cond: (p <@ '(1000,1000),(200,200)'::box)
-(5 rows)
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE box '(200,200,1000,1000)' @> p;
- count
-  1057
-(1 row)
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p << '(5000, 4000)';
-                      QUERY PLAN
- Aggregate
-   ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on quad_point_tbl
-         Recheck Cond: (p << '(5000,4000)'::point)
-         ->  Bitmap Index Scan on sp_quad_ind
-               Index Cond: (p << '(5000,4000)'::point)
-(5 rows)
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p << '(5000, 4000)';
- count
-  6000
-(1 row)
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p >> '(5000, 4000)';
-                      QUERY PLAN
- Aggregate
-   ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on quad_point_tbl
-         Recheck Cond: (p >> '(5000,4000)'::point)
-         ->  Bitmap Index Scan on sp_quad_ind
-               Index Cond: (p >> '(5000,4000)'::point)
-(5 rows)
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p >> '(5000, 4000)';
- count
-  4999
-(1 row)
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p <^ '(5000, 4000)';
-                      QUERY PLAN
- Aggregate
-   ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on quad_point_tbl
-         Recheck Cond: (p <^ '(5000,4000)'::point)
-         ->  Bitmap Index Scan on sp_quad_ind
-               Index Cond: (p <^ '(5000,4000)'::point)
-(5 rows)
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p <^ '(5000, 4000)';
- count
-  5000
-(1 row)
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p >^ '(5000, 4000)';
-                      QUERY PLAN
- Aggregate
-   ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on quad_point_tbl
-         Recheck Cond: (p >^ '(5000,4000)'::point)
-         ->  Bitmap Index Scan on sp_quad_ind
-               Index Cond: (p >^ '(5000,4000)'::point)
-(5 rows)
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p >^ '(5000, 4000)';
- count
-  5999
-(1 row)
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p ~= '(4585, 365)';
-                      QUERY PLAN
- Aggregate
-   ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on quad_point_tbl
-         Recheck Cond: (p ~= '(4585,365)'::point)
-         ->  Bitmap Index Scan on sp_quad_ind
-               Index Cond: (p ~= '(4585,365)'::point)
-(5 rows)
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p ~= '(4585, 365)';
- count
-     1
-(1 row)
-SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p <@ box '(200,200,1000,1000)';
-                          QUERY PLAN
- Aggregate
-   ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on kd_point_tbl
-         Recheck Cond: (p <@ '(1000,1000),(200,200)'::box)
-         ->  Bitmap Index Scan on sp_kd_ind
-               Index Cond: (p <@ '(1000,1000),(200,200)'::box)
-(5 rows)
-SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p <@ box '(200,200,1000,1000)';
- count
-  1057
-(1 row)
-SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE box '(200,200,1000,1000)' @> p;
-                          QUERY PLAN
- Aggregate
-   ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on kd_point_tbl
-         Recheck Cond: ('(1000,1000),(200,200)'::box @> p)
-         ->  Bitmap Index Scan on sp_kd_ind
-               Index Cond: (p <@ '(1000,1000),(200,200)'::box)
-(5 rows)
-SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE box '(200,200,1000,1000)' @> p;
- count
-  1057
-(1 row)
-SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p << '(5000, 4000)';
-                      QUERY PLAN
- Aggregate
-   ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on kd_point_tbl
-         Recheck Cond: (p << '(5000,4000)'::point)
-         ->  Bitmap Index Scan on sp_kd_ind
-               Index Cond: (p << '(5000,4000)'::point)
-(5 rows)
-SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p << '(5000, 4000)';
- count
-  6000
-(1 row)
-SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p >> '(5000, 4000)';
-                      QUERY PLAN
- Aggregate
-   ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on kd_point_tbl
-         Recheck Cond: (p >> '(5000,4000)'::point)
-         ->  Bitmap Index Scan on sp_kd_ind
-               Index Cond: (p >> '(5000,4000)'::point)
-(5 rows)
-SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p >> '(5000, 4000)';
- count
-  4999
-(1 row)
-SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p <^ '(5000, 4000)';
-                      QUERY PLAN
- Aggregate
-   ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on kd_point_tbl
-         Recheck Cond: (p <^ '(5000,4000)'::point)
-         ->  Bitmap Index Scan on sp_kd_ind
-               Index Cond: (p <^ '(5000,4000)'::point)
-(5 rows)
-SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p <^ '(5000, 4000)';
- count
-  5000
-(1 row)
-SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p >^ '(5000, 4000)';
-                      QUERY PLAN
- Aggregate
-   ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on kd_point_tbl
-         Recheck Cond: (p >^ '(5000,4000)'::point)
-         ->  Bitmap Index Scan on sp_kd_ind
-               Index Cond: (p >^ '(5000,4000)'::point)
-(5 rows)
-SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p >^ '(5000, 4000)';
- count
-  5999
-(1 row)
-SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p ~= '(4585, 365)';
-                      QUERY PLAN
- Aggregate
-   ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on kd_point_tbl
-         Recheck Cond: (p ~= '(4585,365)'::point)
-         ->  Bitmap Index Scan on sp_kd_ind
-               Index Cond: (p ~= '(4585,365)'::point)
-(5 rows)
-SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p ~= '(4585, 365)';
- count
-     1
-(1 row)
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t = 'P0123456789abcdef';
-                        QUERY PLAN
- Aggregate
-   ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on radix_text_tbl
-         Recheck Cond: (t = 'P0123456789abcdef'::text)
-         ->  Bitmap Index Scan on sp_radix_ind
-               Index Cond: (t = 'P0123456789abcdef'::text)
-(5 rows)
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t = 'P0123456789abcdef';
- count
-  1000
-(1 row)
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t = 'P0123456789abcde';
-                        QUERY PLAN
- Aggregate
-   ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on radix_text_tbl
-         Recheck Cond: (t = 'P0123456789abcde'::text)
-         ->  Bitmap Index Scan on sp_radix_ind
-               Index Cond: (t = 'P0123456789abcde'::text)
-(5 rows)
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t = 'P0123456789abcde';
- count
-     1
-(1 row)
+ <(100,1),115>
+(4 rows)

-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t = 'P0123456789abcdefF';
+SELECT count(*) FROM gpolygon_tbl WHERE f1 && '(1000,1000,0,0)'::polygon;
                          QUERY PLAN
-   ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on radix_text_tbl
-         Recheck Cond: (t = 'P0123456789abcdefF'::text)
-         ->  Bitmap Index Scan on sp_radix_ind
-               Index Cond: (t = 'P0123456789abcdefF'::text)
-(5 rows)
+   ->  Index Scan using ggpolygonind on gpolygon_tbl
+         Index Cond: (f1 && '((1000,1000),(0,0))'::polygon)
+(3 rows)

-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t = 'P0123456789abcdefF';
+SELECT count(*) FROM gpolygon_tbl WHERE f1 && '(1000,1000,0,0)'::polygon;
-     1
+     2
 (1 row)

-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t <    'Aztec                         Ct  ';
-                                 QUERY PLAN
+SELECT count(*) FROM gcircle_tbl WHERE f1 && '<(500,500),500>'::circle;
+                      QUERY PLAN
-   ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on radix_text_tbl
-         Recheck Cond: (t < 'Aztec                         Ct  '::text)
-         ->  Bitmap Index Scan on sp_radix_ind
-               Index Cond: (t < 'Aztec                         Ct  '::text)
-(5 rows)
+   ->  Index Scan using ggcircleind on gcircle_tbl
+         Index Cond: (f1 && '<(500,500),500>'::circle)
+(3 rows)

-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t <    'Aztec                         Ct  ';
+SELECT count(*) FROM gcircle_tbl WHERE f1 && '<(500,500),500>'::circle;
-   272
+     2
 (1 row)

-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ~<~  'Aztec                         Ct  ';
-                                  QUERY PLAN
+SELECT count(*) FROM point_tbl WHERE f1 <@ box '(0,0,100,100)';
+                     QUERY PLAN
-   ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on radix_text_tbl
-         Recheck Cond: (t ~<~ 'Aztec                         Ct  '::text)
-         ->  Bitmap Index Scan on sp_radix_ind
-               Index Cond: (t ~<~ 'Aztec                         Ct  '::text)
-(5 rows)
+   ->  Index Only Scan using gpointind on point_tbl
+         Index Cond: (f1 <@ '(100,100),(0,0)'::box)
+(3 rows)

-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ~<~  'Aztec                         Ct  ';
+SELECT count(*) FROM point_tbl WHERE f1 <@ box '(0,0,100,100)';
-   272
+     3
 (1 row)

-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t <=   'Aztec                         Ct  ';
-                                 QUERY PLAN
+SELECT count(*) FROM point_tbl WHERE box '(0,0,100,100)' @> f1;
+                     QUERY PLAN
-   ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on radix_text_tbl
-         Recheck Cond: (t <= 'Aztec                         Ct  '::text)
-         ->  Bitmap Index Scan on sp_radix_ind
-               Index Cond: (t <= 'Aztec                         Ct  '::text)
-(5 rows)
+   ->  Index Only Scan using gpointind on point_tbl
+         Index Cond: (f1 <@ '(100,100),(0,0)'::box)
+(3 rows)

-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t <=   'Aztec                         Ct  ';
+SELECT count(*) FROM point_tbl WHERE box '(0,0,100,100)' @> f1;
-   273
+     3
 (1 row)

-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ~<=~ 'Aztec                         Ct  ';
-                                  QUERY PLAN
+SELECT count(*) FROM point_tbl WHERE f1 <@ polygon '(0,0),(0,100),(100,100),(50,50),(100,0),(0,0)';
+                                       QUERY PLAN
-   ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on radix_text_tbl
-         Recheck Cond: (t ~<=~ 'Aztec                         Ct  '::text)
-         ->  Bitmap Index Scan on sp_radix_ind
-               Index Cond: (t ~<=~ 'Aztec                         Ct  '::text)
-(5 rows)
+   ->  Index Only Scan using gpointind on point_tbl
+         Index Cond: (f1 <@ '((0,0),(0,100),(100,100),(50,50),(100,0),(0,0))'::polygon)
+(3 rows)

-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ~<=~ 'Aztec                         Ct  ';
+SELECT count(*) FROM point_tbl WHERE f1 <@ polygon '(0,0),(0,100),(100,100),(50,50),(100,0),(0,0)';
-   273
+     4
 (1 row)

-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t =    'Aztec                         Ct  ';
-                                 QUERY PLAN
+SELECT count(*) FROM point_tbl WHERE f1 <@ circle '<(50,50),50>';
+                     QUERY PLAN
-   ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on radix_text_tbl
-         Recheck Cond: (t = 'Aztec                         Ct  '::text)
-         ->  Bitmap Index Scan on sp_radix_ind
-               Index Cond: (t = 'Aztec                         Ct  '::text)
-(5 rows)
+   ->  Index Only Scan using gpointind on point_tbl
+         Index Cond: (f1 <@ '<(50,50),50>'::circle)
+(3 rows)

-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t =    'Aztec                         Ct  ';
+SELECT count(*) FROM point_tbl WHERE f1 <@ circle '<(50,50),50>';
 (1 row)

-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t =    'Worth                         St  ';
-                                 QUERY PLAN
+SELECT count(*) FROM point_tbl p WHERE p.f1 << '(0.0, 0.0)';
+                      QUERY PLAN
-   ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on radix_text_tbl
-         Recheck Cond: (t = 'Worth                         St  '::text)
-         ->  Bitmap Index Scan on sp_radix_ind
-               Index Cond: (t = 'Worth                         St  '::text)
-(5 rows)
+   ->  Index Only Scan using gpointind on point_tbl p
+         Index Cond: (f1 << '(0,0)'::point)
+(3 rows)

-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t =    'Worth                         St  ';
+SELECT count(*) FROM point_tbl p WHERE p.f1 << '(0.0, 0.0)';
-     2
+     3
 (1 row)

-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t >=   'Worth                         St  ';
-                                 QUERY PLAN
+SELECT count(*) FROM point_tbl p WHERE p.f1 >> '(0.0, 0.0)';
+                      QUERY PLAN
-   ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on radix_text_tbl
-         Recheck Cond: (t >= 'Worth                         St  '::text)
-         ->  Bitmap Index Scan on sp_radix_ind
-               Index Cond: (t >= 'Worth                         St  '::text)
-(5 rows)
+   ->  Index Only Scan using gpointind on point_tbl p
+         Index Cond: (f1 >> '(0,0)'::point)
+(3 rows)

-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t >=   'Worth                         St  ';
+SELECT count(*) FROM point_tbl p WHERE p.f1 >> '(0.0, 0.0)';
-    50
+     3
 (1 row)

-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ~>=~ 'Worth                         St  ';
-                                  QUERY PLAN
+SELECT count(*) FROM point_tbl p WHERE p.f1 <^ '(0.0, 0.0)';
+                      QUERY PLAN
-   ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on radix_text_tbl
-         Recheck Cond: (t ~>=~ 'Worth                         St  '::text)
-         ->  Bitmap Index Scan on sp_radix_ind
-               Index Cond: (t ~>=~ 'Worth                         St  '::text)
-(5 rows)
+   ->  Index Only Scan using gpointind on point_tbl p
+         Index Cond: (f1 <^ '(0,0)'::point)
+(3 rows)

-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ~>=~ 'Worth                         St  ';
+SELECT count(*) FROM point_tbl p WHERE p.f1 <^ '(0.0, 0.0)';
-    50
+     1
 (1 row)

-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t >    'Worth                         St  ';
-                                 QUERY PLAN
+SELECT count(*) FROM point_tbl p WHERE p.f1 >^ '(0.0, 0.0)';
+                      QUERY PLAN
-   ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on radix_text_tbl
-         Recheck Cond: (t > 'Worth                         St  '::text)
-         ->  Bitmap Index Scan on sp_radix_ind
-               Index Cond: (t > 'Worth                         St  '::text)
-(5 rows)
+   ->  Index Only Scan using gpointind on point_tbl p
+         Index Cond: (f1 >^ '(0,0)'::point)
+(3 rows)

-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t >    'Worth                         St  ';
+SELECT count(*) FROM point_tbl p WHERE p.f1 >^ '(0.0, 0.0)';
-    48
+     4
 (1 row)

-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ~>~  'Worth                         St  ';
-                                  QUERY PLAN
+SELECT count(*) FROM point_tbl p WHERE p.f1 ~= '(-5, -12)';
+                      QUERY PLAN
-   ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on radix_text_tbl
-         Recheck Cond: (t ~>~ 'Worth                         St  '::text)
-         ->  Bitmap Index Scan on sp_radix_ind
-               Index Cond: (t ~>~ 'Worth                         St  '::text)
-(5 rows)
+   ->  Index Only Scan using gpointind on point_tbl p
+         Index Cond: (f1 ~= '(-5,-12)'::point)
+(3 rows)

-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ~>~  'Worth                         St  ';
+SELECT count(*) FROM point_tbl p WHERE p.f1 ~= '(-5, -12)';
-    48
+     1
+(1 row)
+SELECT * FROM point_tbl ORDER BY f1 <-> '0,1';
+                  QUERY PLAN
+ Index Only Scan using gpointind on point_tbl
+   Order By: (f1 <-> '(0,1)'::point)
+(2 rows)
+SELECT * FROM point_tbl ORDER BY f1 <-> '0,1';
+        f1
+ (10,10)
+ (NaN,NaN)
+ (0,0)
+ (1e-300,-1e-300)
+ (-3,4)
+ (-10,0)
+ (-5,-12)
+ (5.1,34.5)
+ (1e+300,Infinity)
+(10 rows)
+SELECT * FROM point_tbl WHERE f1 IS NULL;
+                  QUERY PLAN
+ Index Only Scan using gpointind on point_tbl
+   Index Cond: (f1 IS NULL)
+(2 rows)
+SELECT * FROM point_tbl WHERE f1 IS NULL;
+ f1
 (1 row)

-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ^@     'Worth';
+SELECT * FROM point_tbl WHERE f1 IS NOT NULL ORDER BY f1 <-> '0,1';
+                  QUERY PLAN
+ Index Only Scan using gpointind on point_tbl
+   Index Cond: (f1 IS NOT NULL)
+   Order By: (f1 <-> '(0,1)'::point)
+(3 rows)
+SELECT * FROM point_tbl WHERE f1 IS NOT NULL ORDER BY f1 <-> '0,1';
+        f1
+ (10,10)
+ (NaN,NaN)
+ (0,0)
+ (1e-300,-1e-300)
+ (-3,4)
+ (-10,0)
+ (-5,-12)
+ (5.1,34.5)
+ (1e+300,Infinity)
+(9 rows)
+SELECT * FROM point_tbl WHERE f1 <@ '(-10,-10),(10,10)':: box ORDER BY f1 <-> '0,1';
                    QUERY PLAN
- Aggregate
-   ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on radix_text_tbl
-         Recheck Cond: (t ^@ 'Worth'::text)
-         ->  Bitmap Index Scan on sp_radix_ind
-               Index Cond: (t ^@ 'Worth'::text)
+ Index Only Scan using gpointind on point_tbl
+   Index Cond: (f1 <@ '(10,10),(-10,-10)'::box)
+   Order By: (f1 <-> '(0,1)'::point)
+(3 rows)
+SELECT * FROM point_tbl WHERE f1 <@ '(-10,-10),(10,10)':: box ORDER BY f1 <-> '0,1';
+        f1
+ (0,0)
+ (1e-300,-1e-300)
+ (-3,4)
+ (-10,0)
+ (10,10)
 (5 rows)

-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ^@     'Worth';
- count
-     2
-(1 row)
+SELECT * FROM gpolygon_tbl ORDER BY f1 <-> '(0,0)'::point LIMIT 10;
+                     QUERY PLAN
+ Limit
+   ->  Index Scan using ggpolygonind on gpolygon_tbl
+         Order By: (f1 <-> '(0,0)'::point)
+(3 rows)
+SELECT * FROM gpolygon_tbl ORDER BY f1 <-> '(0,0)'::point LIMIT 10;
+                       f1
+ ((240,359),(240,455),(337,455),(337,359))
+ ((662,163),(662,187),(759,187),(759,163))
+ ((1000,0),(0,1000))
+ ((0,1000),(1000,1000))
+ ((1346,344),(1346,403),(1444,403),(1444,344))
+ ((278,1409),(278,1457),(369,1457),(369,1409))
+ ((907,1156),(907,1201),(948,1201),(948,1156))
+ ((1517,971),(1517,1043),(1594,1043),(1594,971))
+ ((175,1820),(175,1850),(259,1850),(259,1820))
+ ((2424,81),(2424,160),(2424,160),(2424,81))
+(10 rows)
+SELECT circle_center(f1), round(radius(f1)) as radius FROM gcircle_tbl ORDER BY f1 <-> '(200,300)'::point LIMIT 10;
+                    QUERY PLAN
+ Limit
+   ->  Index Scan using ggcircleind on gcircle_tbl
+         Order By: (f1 <-> '(200,300)'::point)
+(3 rows)
+SELECT circle_center(f1), round(radius(f1)) as radius FROM gcircle_tbl ORDER BY f1 <-> '(200,300)'::point LIMIT 10;
+ circle_center  | radius
+ (288.5,407)    |     68
+ (710.5,175)    |     50
+ (323.5,1433)   |     51
+ (927.5,1178.5) |     30
+ (1395,373.5)   |     57
+ (1555.5,1007)  |     53
+ (217,1835)     |     45
+ (489,2421.5)   |     22
+ (2424,120.5)   |     40
+ (751.5,2655)   |     20
+(10 rows)
+-- Now check the results from bitmap indexscan
+SET enable_seqscan = OFF;
+SET enable_indexscan = OFF;
+SET enable_bitmapscan = ON;
+SELECT * FROM point_tbl WHERE f1 <@ '(-10,-10),(10,10)':: box ORDER BY f1 <-> '0,1';
+                         QUERY PLAN
+ Sort
+   Sort Key: ((f1 <-> '(0,1)'::point))
+   ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on point_tbl
+         Recheck Cond: (f1 <@ '(10,10),(-10,-10)'::box)
+         ->  Bitmap Index Scan on gpointind
+               Index Cond: (f1 <@ '(10,10),(-10,-10)'::box)
+(6 rows)
+SELECT * FROM point_tbl WHERE f1 <@ '(-10,-10),(10,10)':: box ORDER BY f1 <-> '0,1';
+        f1
+ (0,0)
+ (1e-300,-1e-300)
+ (-3,4)
+ (-10,0)
+ (10,10)
+(5 rows)

 RESET enable_seqscan;
 RESET enable_indexscan;
@@ -3220,24 +1930,6 @@ explain (costs off)
 (3 rows)

--- Test for multilevel page deletion
-CREATE TABLE delete_test_table (a bigint, b bigint, c bigint, d bigint);
-INSERT INTO delete_test_table SELECT i, 1, 2, 3 FROM generate_series(1,80000) i;
-ALTER TABLE delete_test_table ADD PRIMARY KEY (a,b,c,d);
--- Delete most entries, and vacuum, deleting internal pages and creating "fast
--- root"
-DELETE FROM delete_test_table WHERE a < 79990;
-VACUUM delete_test_table;
--- Test B-tree insertion with a metapage update (XLOG_BTREE_INSERT_META
--- WAL record type). This happens when a "fast root" page is split.  This
--- also creates coverage for nbtree FSM page recycling.
--- The vacuum above should've turned the leaf page into a fast root. We just
--- need to insert some rows to cause the fast root page to split.
-INSERT INTO delete_test_table SELECT i, 1, 2, 3 FROM generate_series(1,1000) i;
 CREATE TABLE reindex_verbose(id integer primary key);
diff --git a/src/test/regress/expected/create_index_spgist.out b/src/test/regress/expected/create_index_spgist.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81b4a67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/regress/expected/create_index_spgist.out
@@ -0,0 +1,1299 @@
+-- SP-GiST index tests
+CREATE TABLE quad_point_tbl AS
+    SELECT point(unique1,unique2) AS p FROM tenk1;
+INSERT INTO quad_point_tbl
+    SELECT '(333.0,400.0)'::point FROM generate_series(1,1000);
+INSERT INTO quad_point_tbl VALUES (NULL), (NULL), (NULL);
+CREATE INDEX sp_quad_ind ON quad_point_tbl USING spgist (p);
+CREATE TABLE kd_point_tbl AS SELECT * FROM quad_point_tbl;
+CREATE INDEX sp_kd_ind ON kd_point_tbl USING spgist (p kd_point_ops);
+CREATE TABLE radix_text_tbl AS
+    SELECT name AS t FROM road WHERE name !~ '^[0-9]';
+INSERT INTO radix_text_tbl
+    SELECT 'P0123456789abcdef' FROM generate_series(1,1000);
+INSERT INTO radix_text_tbl VALUES ('P0123456789abcde');
+INSERT INTO radix_text_tbl VALUES ('P0123456789abcdefF');
+CREATE INDEX sp_radix_ind ON radix_text_tbl USING spgist (t);
+-- get non-indexed results for comparison purposes
+SET enable_seqscan = ON;
+SET enable_indexscan = OFF;
+SET enable_bitmapscan = OFF;
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p IS NULL;
+ count
+     3
+(1 row)
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p IS NOT NULL;
+ count
+ 11000
+(1 row)
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl;
+ count
+ 11003
+(1 row)
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p <@ box '(200,200,1000,1000)';
+ count
+  1057
+(1 row)
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE box '(200,200,1000,1000)' @> p;
+ count
+  1057
+(1 row)
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p << '(5000, 4000)';
+ count
+  6000
+(1 row)
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p >> '(5000, 4000)';
+ count
+  4999
+(1 row)
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p <^ '(5000, 4000)';
+ count
+  5000
+(1 row)
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p >^ '(5000, 4000)';
+ count
+  5999
+(1 row)
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p ~= '(4585, 365)';
+ count
+     1
+(1 row)
+CREATE TEMP TABLE quad_point_tbl_ord_seq1 AS
+SELECT row_number() OVER (ORDER BY p <-> '0,0') n, p <-> '0,0' dist, p
+FROM quad_point_tbl;
+CREATE TEMP TABLE quad_point_tbl_ord_seq2 AS
+SELECT row_number() OVER (ORDER BY p <-> '0,0') n, p <-> '0,0' dist, p
+FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p <@ box '(200,200,1000,1000)';
+CREATE TEMP TABLE quad_point_tbl_ord_seq3 AS
+SELECT row_number() OVER (ORDER BY p <-> '333,400') n, p <-> '333,400' dist, p
+FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p IS NOT NULL;
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t = 'P0123456789abcdef';
+ count
+  1000
+(1 row)
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t = 'P0123456789abcde';
+ count
+     1
+(1 row)
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t = 'P0123456789abcdefF';
+ count
+     1
+(1 row)
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t <    'Aztec                         Ct  ';
+ count
+   272
+(1 row)
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ~<~  'Aztec                         Ct  ';
+ count
+   272
+(1 row)
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t <=   'Aztec                         Ct  ';
+ count
+   273
+(1 row)
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ~<=~ 'Aztec                         Ct  ';
+ count
+   273
+(1 row)
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t =    'Aztec                         Ct  ';
+ count
+     1
+(1 row)
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t =    'Worth                         St  ';
+ count
+     2
+(1 row)
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t >=   'Worth                         St  ';
+ count
+    50
+(1 row)
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ~>=~ 'Worth                         St  ';
+ count
+    50
+(1 row)
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t >    'Worth                         St  ';
+ count
+    48
+(1 row)
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ~>~  'Worth                         St  ';
+ count
+    48
+(1 row)
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ^@  'Worth';
+ count
+     2
+(1 row)
+-- Now check the results from plain indexscan
+SET enable_seqscan = OFF;
+SET enable_indexscan = ON;
+SET enable_bitmapscan = OFF;
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p IS NULL;
+                        QUERY PLAN
+ Aggregate
+   ->  Index Only Scan using sp_quad_ind on quad_point_tbl
+         Index Cond: (p IS NULL)
+(3 rows)
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p IS NULL;
+ count
+     3
+(1 row)
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p IS NOT NULL;
+                        QUERY PLAN
+ Aggregate
+   ->  Index Only Scan using sp_quad_ind on quad_point_tbl
+         Index Cond: (p IS NOT NULL)
+(3 rows)
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p IS NOT NULL;
+ count
+ 11000
+(1 row)
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl;
+                        QUERY PLAN
+ Aggregate
+   ->  Index Only Scan using sp_quad_ind on quad_point_tbl
+(2 rows)
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl;
+ count
+ 11003
+(1 row)
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p <@ box '(200,200,1000,1000)';
+                        QUERY PLAN
+ Aggregate
+   ->  Index Only Scan using sp_quad_ind on quad_point_tbl
+         Index Cond: (p <@ '(1000,1000),(200,200)'::box)
+(3 rows)
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p <@ box '(200,200,1000,1000)';
+ count
+  1057
+(1 row)
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE box '(200,200,1000,1000)' @> p;
+                        QUERY PLAN
+ Aggregate
+   ->  Index Only Scan using sp_quad_ind on quad_point_tbl
+         Index Cond: (p <@ '(1000,1000),(200,200)'::box)
+(3 rows)
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE box '(200,200,1000,1000)' @> p;
+ count
+  1057
+(1 row)
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p << '(5000, 4000)';
+                        QUERY PLAN
+ Aggregate
+   ->  Index Only Scan using sp_quad_ind on quad_point_tbl
+         Index Cond: (p << '(5000,4000)'::point)
+(3 rows)
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p << '(5000, 4000)';
+ count
+  6000
+(1 row)
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p >> '(5000, 4000)';
+                        QUERY PLAN
+ Aggregate
+   ->  Index Only Scan using sp_quad_ind on quad_point_tbl
+         Index Cond: (p >> '(5000,4000)'::point)
+(3 rows)
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p >> '(5000, 4000)';
+ count
+  4999
+(1 row)
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p <^ '(5000, 4000)';
+                        QUERY PLAN
+ Aggregate
+   ->  Index Only Scan using sp_quad_ind on quad_point_tbl
+         Index Cond: (p <^ '(5000,4000)'::point)
+(3 rows)
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p <^ '(5000, 4000)';
+ count
+  5000
+(1 row)
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p >^ '(5000, 4000)';
+                        QUERY PLAN
+ Aggregate
+   ->  Index Only Scan using sp_quad_ind on quad_point_tbl
+         Index Cond: (p >^ '(5000,4000)'::point)
+(3 rows)
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p >^ '(5000, 4000)';
+ count
+  5999
+(1 row)
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p ~= '(4585, 365)';
+                        QUERY PLAN
+ Aggregate
+   ->  Index Only Scan using sp_quad_ind on quad_point_tbl
+         Index Cond: (p ~= '(4585,365)'::point)
+(3 rows)
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p ~= '(4585, 365)';
+ count
+     1
+(1 row)
+SELECT row_number() OVER (ORDER BY p <-> '0,0') n, p <-> '0,0' dist, p
+FROM quad_point_tbl;
+                        QUERY PLAN
+ WindowAgg
+   ->  Index Only Scan using sp_quad_ind on quad_point_tbl
+         Order By: (p <-> '(0,0)'::point)
+(3 rows)
+CREATE TEMP TABLE quad_point_tbl_ord_idx1 AS
+SELECT row_number() OVER (ORDER BY p <-> '0,0') n, p <-> '0,0' dist, p
+FROM quad_point_tbl;
+SELECT * FROM quad_point_tbl_ord_seq1 seq FULL JOIN quad_point_tbl_ord_idx1 idx
+ON seq.n = idx.n
+WHERE seq.dist IS DISTINCT FROM idx.dist;
+ n | dist | p | n | dist | p
+(0 rows)
+SELECT row_number() OVER (ORDER BY p <-> '0,0') n, p <-> '0,0' dist, p
+FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p <@ box '(200,200,1000,1000)';
+                        QUERY PLAN
+ WindowAgg
+   ->  Index Only Scan using sp_quad_ind on quad_point_tbl
+         Index Cond: (p <@ '(1000,1000),(200,200)'::box)
+         Order By: (p <-> '(0,0)'::point)
+(4 rows)
+CREATE TEMP TABLE quad_point_tbl_ord_idx2 AS
+SELECT row_number() OVER (ORDER BY p <-> '0,0') n, p <-> '0,0' dist, p
+FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p <@ box '(200,200,1000,1000)';
+SELECT * FROM quad_point_tbl_ord_seq2 seq FULL JOIN quad_point_tbl_ord_idx2 idx
+ON seq.n = idx.n
+WHERE seq.dist IS DISTINCT FROM idx.dist;
+ n | dist | p | n | dist | p
+(0 rows)
+SELECT row_number() OVER (ORDER BY p <-> '333,400') n, p <-> '333,400' dist, p
+FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p IS NOT NULL;
+                        QUERY PLAN
+ WindowAgg
+   ->  Index Only Scan using sp_quad_ind on quad_point_tbl
+         Index Cond: (p IS NOT NULL)
+         Order By: (p <-> '(333,400)'::point)
+(4 rows)
+CREATE TEMP TABLE quad_point_tbl_ord_idx3 AS
+SELECT row_number() OVER (ORDER BY p <-> '333,400') n, p <-> '333,400' dist, p
+FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p IS NOT NULL;
+SELECT * FROM quad_point_tbl_ord_seq3 seq FULL JOIN quad_point_tbl_ord_idx3 idx
+ON seq.n = idx.n
+WHERE seq.dist IS DISTINCT FROM idx.dist;
+ n | dist | p | n | dist | p
+(0 rows)
+SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p <@ box '(200,200,1000,1000)';
+                       QUERY PLAN
+ Aggregate
+   ->  Index Only Scan using sp_kd_ind on kd_point_tbl
+         Index Cond: (p <@ '(1000,1000),(200,200)'::box)
+(3 rows)
+SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p <@ box '(200,200,1000,1000)';
+ count
+  1057
+(1 row)
+SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE box '(200,200,1000,1000)' @> p;
+                       QUERY PLAN
+ Aggregate
+   ->  Index Only Scan using sp_kd_ind on kd_point_tbl
+         Index Cond: (p <@ '(1000,1000),(200,200)'::box)
+(3 rows)
+SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE box '(200,200,1000,1000)' @> p;
+ count
+  1057
+(1 row)
+SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p << '(5000, 4000)';
+                      QUERY PLAN
+ Aggregate
+   ->  Index Only Scan using sp_kd_ind on kd_point_tbl
+         Index Cond: (p << '(5000,4000)'::point)
+(3 rows)
+SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p << '(5000, 4000)';
+ count
+  6000
+(1 row)
+SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p >> '(5000, 4000)';
+                      QUERY PLAN
+ Aggregate
+   ->  Index Only Scan using sp_kd_ind on kd_point_tbl
+         Index Cond: (p >> '(5000,4000)'::point)
+(3 rows)
+SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p >> '(5000, 4000)';
+ count
+  4999
+(1 row)
+SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p <^ '(5000, 4000)';
+                      QUERY PLAN
+ Aggregate
+   ->  Index Only Scan using sp_kd_ind on kd_point_tbl
+         Index Cond: (p <^ '(5000,4000)'::point)
+(3 rows)
+SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p <^ '(5000, 4000)';
+ count
+  5000
+(1 row)
+SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p >^ '(5000, 4000)';
+                      QUERY PLAN
+ Aggregate
+   ->  Index Only Scan using sp_kd_ind on kd_point_tbl
+         Index Cond: (p >^ '(5000,4000)'::point)
+(3 rows)
+SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p >^ '(5000, 4000)';
+ count
+  5999
+(1 row)
+SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p ~= '(4585, 365)';
+                      QUERY PLAN
+ Aggregate
+   ->  Index Only Scan using sp_kd_ind on kd_point_tbl
+         Index Cond: (p ~= '(4585,365)'::point)
+(3 rows)
+SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p ~= '(4585, 365)';
+ count
+     1
+(1 row)
+SELECT row_number() OVER (ORDER BY p <-> '0,0') n, p <-> '0,0' dist, p
+FROM kd_point_tbl;
+                      QUERY PLAN
+ WindowAgg
+   ->  Index Only Scan using sp_kd_ind on kd_point_tbl
+         Order By: (p <-> '(0,0)'::point)
+(3 rows)
+CREATE TEMP TABLE kd_point_tbl_ord_idx1 AS
+SELECT row_number() OVER (ORDER BY p <-> '0,0') n, p <-> '0,0' dist, p
+FROM kd_point_tbl;
+SELECT * FROM quad_point_tbl_ord_seq1 seq FULL JOIN kd_point_tbl_ord_idx1 idx
+ON seq.n = idx.n
+WHERE seq.dist IS DISTINCT FROM idx.dist;
+ n | dist | p | n | dist | p
+(0 rows)
+SELECT row_number() OVER (ORDER BY p <-> '0,0') n, p <-> '0,0' dist, p
+FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p <@ box '(200,200,1000,1000)';
+                       QUERY PLAN
+ WindowAgg
+   ->  Index Only Scan using sp_kd_ind on kd_point_tbl
+         Index Cond: (p <@ '(1000,1000),(200,200)'::box)
+         Order By: (p <-> '(0,0)'::point)
+(4 rows)
+CREATE TEMP TABLE kd_point_tbl_ord_idx2 AS
+SELECT row_number() OVER (ORDER BY p <-> '0,0') n, p <-> '0,0' dist, p
+FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p <@ box '(200,200,1000,1000)';
+SELECT * FROM quad_point_tbl_ord_seq2 seq FULL JOIN kd_point_tbl_ord_idx2 idx
+ON seq.n = idx.n
+WHERE seq.dist IS DISTINCT FROM idx.dist;
+ n | dist | p | n | dist | p
+(0 rows)
+SELECT row_number() OVER (ORDER BY p <-> '333,400') n, p <-> '333,400' dist, p
+FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p IS NOT NULL;
+                      QUERY PLAN
+ WindowAgg
+   ->  Index Only Scan using sp_kd_ind on kd_point_tbl
+         Index Cond: (p IS NOT NULL)
+         Order By: (p <-> '(333,400)'::point)
+(4 rows)
+CREATE TEMP TABLE kd_point_tbl_ord_idx3 AS
+SELECT row_number() OVER (ORDER BY p <-> '333,400') n, p <-> '333,400' dist, p
+FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p IS NOT NULL;
+SELECT * FROM quad_point_tbl_ord_seq3 seq FULL JOIN kd_point_tbl_ord_idx3 idx
+ON seq.n = idx.n
+WHERE seq.dist IS DISTINCT FROM idx.dist;
+ n | dist | p | n | dist | p
+(0 rows)
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t = 'P0123456789abcdef';
+                         QUERY PLAN
+ Aggregate
+   ->  Index Only Scan using sp_radix_ind on radix_text_tbl
+         Index Cond: (t = 'P0123456789abcdef'::text)
+(3 rows)
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t = 'P0123456789abcdef';
+ count
+  1000
+(1 row)
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t = 'P0123456789abcde';
+                         QUERY PLAN
+ Aggregate
+   ->  Index Only Scan using sp_radix_ind on radix_text_tbl
+         Index Cond: (t = 'P0123456789abcde'::text)
+(3 rows)
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t = 'P0123456789abcde';
+ count
+     1
+(1 row)
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t = 'P0123456789abcdefF';
+                         QUERY PLAN
+ Aggregate
+   ->  Index Only Scan using sp_radix_ind on radix_text_tbl
+         Index Cond: (t = 'P0123456789abcdefF'::text)
+(3 rows)
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t = 'P0123456789abcdefF';
+ count
+     1
+(1 row)
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t <    'Aztec                         Ct  ';
+                              QUERY PLAN
+ Aggregate
+   ->  Index Only Scan using sp_radix_ind on radix_text_tbl
+         Index Cond: (t < 'Aztec                         Ct  '::text)
+(3 rows)
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t <    'Aztec                         Ct  ';
+ count
+   272
+(1 row)
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ~<~  'Aztec                         Ct  ';
+                               QUERY PLAN
+ Aggregate
+   ->  Index Only Scan using sp_radix_ind on radix_text_tbl
+         Index Cond: (t ~<~ 'Aztec                         Ct  '::text)
+(3 rows)
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ~<~  'Aztec                         Ct  ';
+ count
+   272
+(1 row)
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t <=   'Aztec                         Ct  ';
+                              QUERY PLAN
+ Aggregate
+   ->  Index Only Scan using sp_radix_ind on radix_text_tbl
+         Index Cond: (t <= 'Aztec                         Ct  '::text)
+(3 rows)
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t <=   'Aztec                         Ct  ';
+ count
+   273
+(1 row)
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ~<=~ 'Aztec                         Ct  ';
+                               QUERY PLAN
+ Aggregate
+   ->  Index Only Scan using sp_radix_ind on radix_text_tbl
+         Index Cond: (t ~<=~ 'Aztec                         Ct  '::text)
+(3 rows)
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ~<=~ 'Aztec                         Ct  ';
+ count
+   273
+(1 row)
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t =    'Aztec                         Ct  ';
+                              QUERY PLAN
+ Aggregate
+   ->  Index Only Scan using sp_radix_ind on radix_text_tbl
+         Index Cond: (t = 'Aztec                         Ct  '::text)
+(3 rows)
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t =    'Aztec                         Ct  ';
+ count
+     1
+(1 row)
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t =    'Worth                         St  ';
+                              QUERY PLAN
+ Aggregate
+   ->  Index Only Scan using sp_radix_ind on radix_text_tbl
+         Index Cond: (t = 'Worth                         St  '::text)
+(3 rows)
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t =    'Worth                         St  ';
+ count
+     2
+(1 row)
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t >=   'Worth                         St  ';
+                              QUERY PLAN
+ Aggregate
+   ->  Index Only Scan using sp_radix_ind on radix_text_tbl
+         Index Cond: (t >= 'Worth                         St  '::text)
+(3 rows)
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t >=   'Worth                         St  ';
+ count
+    50
+(1 row)
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ~>=~ 'Worth                         St  ';
+                               QUERY PLAN
+ Aggregate
+   ->  Index Only Scan using sp_radix_ind on radix_text_tbl
+         Index Cond: (t ~>=~ 'Worth                         St  '::text)
+(3 rows)
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ~>=~ 'Worth                         St  ';
+ count
+    50
+(1 row)
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t >    'Worth                         St  ';
+                              QUERY PLAN
+ Aggregate
+   ->  Index Only Scan using sp_radix_ind on radix_text_tbl
+         Index Cond: (t > 'Worth                         St  '::text)
+(3 rows)
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t >    'Worth                         St  ';
+ count
+    48
+(1 row)
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ~>~  'Worth                         St  ';
+                               QUERY PLAN
+ Aggregate
+   ->  Index Only Scan using sp_radix_ind on radix_text_tbl
+         Index Cond: (t ~>~ 'Worth                         St  '::text)
+(3 rows)
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ~>~  'Worth                         St  ';
+ count
+    48
+(1 row)
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ^@     'Worth';
+                         QUERY PLAN
+ Aggregate
+   ->  Index Only Scan using sp_radix_ind on radix_text_tbl
+         Index Cond: (t ^@ 'Worth'::text)
+(3 rows)
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ^@     'Worth';
+ count
+     2
+(1 row)
+-- Now check the results from bitmap indexscan
+SET enable_seqscan = OFF;
+SET enable_indexscan = OFF;
+SET enable_bitmapscan = ON;
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p IS NULL;
+                  QUERY PLAN
+ Aggregate
+   ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on quad_point_tbl
+         Recheck Cond: (p IS NULL)
+         ->  Bitmap Index Scan on sp_quad_ind
+               Index Cond: (p IS NULL)
+(5 rows)
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p IS NULL;
+ count
+     3
+(1 row)
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p IS NOT NULL;
+                  QUERY PLAN
+ Aggregate
+   ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on quad_point_tbl
+         Recheck Cond: (p IS NOT NULL)
+         ->  Bitmap Index Scan on sp_quad_ind
+               Index Cond: (p IS NOT NULL)
+(5 rows)
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p IS NOT NULL;
+ count
+ 11000
+(1 row)
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl;
+                  QUERY PLAN
+ Aggregate
+   ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on quad_point_tbl
+         ->  Bitmap Index Scan on sp_quad_ind
+(3 rows)
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl;
+ count
+ 11003
+(1 row)
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p <@ box '(200,200,1000,1000)';
+                          QUERY PLAN
+ Aggregate
+   ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on quad_point_tbl
+         Recheck Cond: (p <@ '(1000,1000),(200,200)'::box)
+         ->  Bitmap Index Scan on sp_quad_ind
+               Index Cond: (p <@ '(1000,1000),(200,200)'::box)
+(5 rows)
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p <@ box '(200,200,1000,1000)';
+ count
+  1057
+(1 row)
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE box '(200,200,1000,1000)' @> p;
+                          QUERY PLAN
+ Aggregate
+   ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on quad_point_tbl
+         Recheck Cond: ('(1000,1000),(200,200)'::box @> p)
+         ->  Bitmap Index Scan on sp_quad_ind
+               Index Cond: (p <@ '(1000,1000),(200,200)'::box)
+(5 rows)
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE box '(200,200,1000,1000)' @> p;
+ count
+  1057
+(1 row)
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p << '(5000, 4000)';
+                      QUERY PLAN
+ Aggregate
+   ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on quad_point_tbl
+         Recheck Cond: (p << '(5000,4000)'::point)
+         ->  Bitmap Index Scan on sp_quad_ind
+               Index Cond: (p << '(5000,4000)'::point)
+(5 rows)
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p << '(5000, 4000)';
+ count
+  6000
+(1 row)
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p >> '(5000, 4000)';
+                      QUERY PLAN
+ Aggregate
+   ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on quad_point_tbl
+         Recheck Cond: (p >> '(5000,4000)'::point)
+         ->  Bitmap Index Scan on sp_quad_ind
+               Index Cond: (p >> '(5000,4000)'::point)
+(5 rows)
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p >> '(5000, 4000)';
+ count
+  4999
+(1 row)
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p <^ '(5000, 4000)';
+                      QUERY PLAN
+ Aggregate
+   ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on quad_point_tbl
+         Recheck Cond: (p <^ '(5000,4000)'::point)
+         ->  Bitmap Index Scan on sp_quad_ind
+               Index Cond: (p <^ '(5000,4000)'::point)
+(5 rows)
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p <^ '(5000, 4000)';
+ count
+  5000
+(1 row)
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p >^ '(5000, 4000)';
+                      QUERY PLAN
+ Aggregate
+   ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on quad_point_tbl
+         Recheck Cond: (p >^ '(5000,4000)'::point)
+         ->  Bitmap Index Scan on sp_quad_ind
+               Index Cond: (p >^ '(5000,4000)'::point)
+(5 rows)
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p >^ '(5000, 4000)';
+ count
+  5999
+(1 row)
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p ~= '(4585, 365)';
+                      QUERY PLAN
+ Aggregate
+   ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on quad_point_tbl
+         Recheck Cond: (p ~= '(4585,365)'::point)
+         ->  Bitmap Index Scan on sp_quad_ind
+               Index Cond: (p ~= '(4585,365)'::point)
+(5 rows)
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p ~= '(4585, 365)';
+ count
+     1
+(1 row)
+SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p <@ box '(200,200,1000,1000)';
+                          QUERY PLAN
+ Aggregate
+   ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on kd_point_tbl
+         Recheck Cond: (p <@ '(1000,1000),(200,200)'::box)
+         ->  Bitmap Index Scan on sp_kd_ind
+               Index Cond: (p <@ '(1000,1000),(200,200)'::box)
+(5 rows)
+SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p <@ box '(200,200,1000,1000)';
+ count
+  1057
+(1 row)
+SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE box '(200,200,1000,1000)' @> p;
+                          QUERY PLAN
+ Aggregate
+   ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on kd_point_tbl
+         Recheck Cond: ('(1000,1000),(200,200)'::box @> p)
+         ->  Bitmap Index Scan on sp_kd_ind
+               Index Cond: (p <@ '(1000,1000),(200,200)'::box)
+(5 rows)
+SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE box '(200,200,1000,1000)' @> p;
+ count
+  1057
+(1 row)
+SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p << '(5000, 4000)';
+                      QUERY PLAN
+ Aggregate
+   ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on kd_point_tbl
+         Recheck Cond: (p << '(5000,4000)'::point)
+         ->  Bitmap Index Scan on sp_kd_ind
+               Index Cond: (p << '(5000,4000)'::point)
+(5 rows)
+SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p << '(5000, 4000)';
+ count
+  6000
+(1 row)
+SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p >> '(5000, 4000)';
+                      QUERY PLAN
+ Aggregate
+   ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on kd_point_tbl
+         Recheck Cond: (p >> '(5000,4000)'::point)
+         ->  Bitmap Index Scan on sp_kd_ind
+               Index Cond: (p >> '(5000,4000)'::point)
+(5 rows)
+SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p >> '(5000, 4000)';
+ count
+  4999
+(1 row)
+SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p <^ '(5000, 4000)';
+                      QUERY PLAN
+ Aggregate
+   ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on kd_point_tbl
+         Recheck Cond: (p <^ '(5000,4000)'::point)
+         ->  Bitmap Index Scan on sp_kd_ind
+               Index Cond: (p <^ '(5000,4000)'::point)
+(5 rows)
+SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p <^ '(5000, 4000)';
+ count
+  5000
+(1 row)
+SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p >^ '(5000, 4000)';
+                      QUERY PLAN
+ Aggregate
+   ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on kd_point_tbl
+         Recheck Cond: (p >^ '(5000,4000)'::point)
+         ->  Bitmap Index Scan on sp_kd_ind
+               Index Cond: (p >^ '(5000,4000)'::point)
+(5 rows)
+SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p >^ '(5000, 4000)';
+ count
+  5999
+(1 row)
+SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p ~= '(4585, 365)';
+                      QUERY PLAN
+ Aggregate
+   ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on kd_point_tbl
+         Recheck Cond: (p ~= '(4585,365)'::point)
+         ->  Bitmap Index Scan on sp_kd_ind
+               Index Cond: (p ~= '(4585,365)'::point)
+(5 rows)
+SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p ~= '(4585, 365)';
+ count
+     1
+(1 row)
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t = 'P0123456789abcdef';
+                        QUERY PLAN
+ Aggregate
+   ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on radix_text_tbl
+         Recheck Cond: (t = 'P0123456789abcdef'::text)
+         ->  Bitmap Index Scan on sp_radix_ind
+               Index Cond: (t = 'P0123456789abcdef'::text)
+(5 rows)
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t = 'P0123456789abcdef';
+ count
+  1000
+(1 row)
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t = 'P0123456789abcde';
+                        QUERY PLAN
+ Aggregate
+   ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on radix_text_tbl
+         Recheck Cond: (t = 'P0123456789abcde'::text)
+         ->  Bitmap Index Scan on sp_radix_ind
+               Index Cond: (t = 'P0123456789abcde'::text)
+(5 rows)
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t = 'P0123456789abcde';
+ count
+     1
+(1 row)
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t = 'P0123456789abcdefF';
+                         QUERY PLAN
+ Aggregate
+   ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on radix_text_tbl
+         Recheck Cond: (t = 'P0123456789abcdefF'::text)
+         ->  Bitmap Index Scan on sp_radix_ind
+               Index Cond: (t = 'P0123456789abcdefF'::text)
+(5 rows)
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t = 'P0123456789abcdefF';
+ count
+     1
+(1 row)
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t <    'Aztec                         Ct  ';
+                                 QUERY PLAN
+ Aggregate
+   ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on radix_text_tbl
+         Recheck Cond: (t < 'Aztec                         Ct  '::text)
+         ->  Bitmap Index Scan on sp_radix_ind
+               Index Cond: (t < 'Aztec                         Ct  '::text)
+(5 rows)
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t <    'Aztec                         Ct  ';
+ count
+   272
+(1 row)
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ~<~  'Aztec                         Ct  ';
+                                  QUERY PLAN
+ Aggregate
+   ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on radix_text_tbl
+         Recheck Cond: (t ~<~ 'Aztec                         Ct  '::text)
+         ->  Bitmap Index Scan on sp_radix_ind
+               Index Cond: (t ~<~ 'Aztec                         Ct  '::text)
+(5 rows)
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ~<~  'Aztec                         Ct  ';
+ count
+   272
+(1 row)
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t <=   'Aztec                         Ct  ';
+                                 QUERY PLAN
+ Aggregate
+   ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on radix_text_tbl
+         Recheck Cond: (t <= 'Aztec                         Ct  '::text)
+         ->  Bitmap Index Scan on sp_radix_ind
+               Index Cond: (t <= 'Aztec                         Ct  '::text)
+(5 rows)
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t <=   'Aztec                         Ct  ';
+ count
+   273
+(1 row)
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ~<=~ 'Aztec                         Ct  ';
+                                  QUERY PLAN
+ Aggregate
+   ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on radix_text_tbl
+         Recheck Cond: (t ~<=~ 'Aztec                         Ct  '::text)
+         ->  Bitmap Index Scan on sp_radix_ind
+               Index Cond: (t ~<=~ 'Aztec                         Ct  '::text)
+(5 rows)
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ~<=~ 'Aztec                         Ct  ';
+ count
+   273
+(1 row)
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t =    'Aztec                         Ct  ';
+                                 QUERY PLAN
+ Aggregate
+   ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on radix_text_tbl
+         Recheck Cond: (t = 'Aztec                         Ct  '::text)
+         ->  Bitmap Index Scan on sp_radix_ind
+               Index Cond: (t = 'Aztec                         Ct  '::text)
+(5 rows)
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t =    'Aztec                         Ct  ';
+ count
+     1
+(1 row)
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t =    'Worth                         St  ';
+                                 QUERY PLAN
+ Aggregate
+   ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on radix_text_tbl
+         Recheck Cond: (t = 'Worth                         St  '::text)
+         ->  Bitmap Index Scan on sp_radix_ind
+               Index Cond: (t = 'Worth                         St  '::text)
+(5 rows)
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t =    'Worth                         St  ';
+ count
+     2
+(1 row)
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t >=   'Worth                         St  ';
+                                 QUERY PLAN
+ Aggregate
+   ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on radix_text_tbl
+         Recheck Cond: (t >= 'Worth                         St  '::text)
+         ->  Bitmap Index Scan on sp_radix_ind
+               Index Cond: (t >= 'Worth                         St  '::text)
+(5 rows)
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t >=   'Worth                         St  ';
+ count
+    50
+(1 row)
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ~>=~ 'Worth                         St  ';
+                                  QUERY PLAN
+ Aggregate
+   ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on radix_text_tbl
+         Recheck Cond: (t ~>=~ 'Worth                         St  '::text)
+         ->  Bitmap Index Scan on sp_radix_ind
+               Index Cond: (t ~>=~ 'Worth                         St  '::text)
+(5 rows)
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ~>=~ 'Worth                         St  ';
+ count
+    50
+(1 row)
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t >    'Worth                         St  ';
+                                 QUERY PLAN
+ Aggregate
+   ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on radix_text_tbl
+         Recheck Cond: (t > 'Worth                         St  '::text)
+         ->  Bitmap Index Scan on sp_radix_ind
+               Index Cond: (t > 'Worth                         St  '::text)
+(5 rows)
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t >    'Worth                         St  ';
+ count
+    48
+(1 row)
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ~>~  'Worth                         St  ';
+                                  QUERY PLAN
+ Aggregate
+   ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on radix_text_tbl
+         Recheck Cond: (t ~>~ 'Worth                         St  '::text)
+         ->  Bitmap Index Scan on sp_radix_ind
+               Index Cond: (t ~>~ 'Worth                         St  '::text)
+(5 rows)
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ~>~  'Worth                         St  ';
+ count
+    48
+(1 row)
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ^@     'Worth';
+                   QUERY PLAN
+ Aggregate
+   ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on radix_text_tbl
+         Recheck Cond: (t ^@ 'Worth'::text)
+         ->  Bitmap Index Scan on sp_radix_ind
+               Index Cond: (t ^@ 'Worth'::text)
+(5 rows)
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ^@     'Worth';
+ count
+     2
+(1 row)
+RESET enable_seqscan;
+RESET enable_indexscan;
+RESET enable_bitmapscan;
diff --git a/src/test/regress/expected/index_fastpath.out b/src/test/regress/expected/index_fastpath.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..accaf3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/regress/expected/index_fastpath.out
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+-- test fastpath mechanism for index insertion
+create table fastpath (a int, b text, c numeric);
+create unique index fpindex1 on fastpath(a);
+insert into fastpath values (1, 'b1', 100.00);
+insert into fastpath values (1, 'b1', 100.00); -- unique key check
+ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint "fpindex1"
+DETAIL:  Key (a)=(1) already exists.
+truncate fastpath;
+insert into fastpath select generate_series(1,10000), 'b', 100;
+-- vacuum the table so as to improve chances of index-only scans. we can't
+-- guarantee if index-only scans will be picked up in all cases or not, but
+-- that fuzziness actually helps the test.
+vacuum fastpath;
+set enable_seqscan to false;
+set enable_bitmapscan to false;
+select sum(a) from fastpath where a = 6456;
+ sum
+ 6456
+(1 row)
+select sum(a) from fastpath where a >= 5000 and a < 5700;
+   sum
+ 3744650
+(1 row)
+-- drop the only index on the table and compute hashes for
+-- a few queries which orders the results in various different ways.
+drop index fpindex1;
+truncate fastpath;
+insert into fastpath select y.x, 'b' || (y.x/10)::text, 100 from (select generate_series(1,10000) as x) y;
+select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by a, b asc)) from fastpath
+    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
+               md5
+ 2ca216010a558a52d7df12f76dfc77ab
+(1 row)
+select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by a desc, b desc)) from fastpath
+    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
+               md5
+ 6167a852b3e0679886b84a5405b5b53d
+(1 row)
+select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by b, a desc)) from fastpath
+    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
+               md5
+ dfcf2bd5e5fea8397d47b2fd14618d31
+(1 row)
+select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by b, a asc)) from fastpath
+    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
+               md5
+ 2ca216010a558a52d7df12f76dfc77ab
+(1 row)
+-- now create a multi-column index with both column asc
+create index fpindex2 on fastpath(a, b);
+truncate fastpath;
+insert into fastpath select y.x, 'b' || (y.x/10)::text, 100 from (select generate_series(1,10000) as x) y;
+-- again, vacuum here either forces index-only scans or creates fuzziness
+vacuum fastpath;
+select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by a, b asc)) from fastpath
+    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
+               md5
+ 2ca216010a558a52d7df12f76dfc77ab
+(1 row)
+select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by a desc, b desc)) from fastpath
+    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
+               md5
+ 6167a852b3e0679886b84a5405b5b53d
+(1 row)
+select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by b, a desc)) from fastpath
+    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
+               md5
+ dfcf2bd5e5fea8397d47b2fd14618d31
+(1 row)
+select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by b, a asc)) from fastpath
+    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
+               md5
+ 2ca216010a558a52d7df12f76dfc77ab
+(1 row)
+-- same queries with a different kind of index now. the final result must not
+-- change irrespective of what kind of index we have.
+drop index fpindex2;
+create index fpindex3 on fastpath(a desc, b asc);
+truncate fastpath;
+insert into fastpath select y.x, 'b' || (y.x/10)::text, 100 from (select generate_series(1,10000) as x) y;
+vacuum fastpath;
+select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by a, b asc)) from fastpath
+    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
+               md5
+ 2ca216010a558a52d7df12f76dfc77ab
+(1 row)
+select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by a desc, b desc)) from fastpath
+    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
+               md5
+ 6167a852b3e0679886b84a5405b5b53d
+(1 row)
+select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by b, a desc)) from fastpath
+    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
+               md5
+ dfcf2bd5e5fea8397d47b2fd14618d31
+(1 row)
+select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by b, a asc)) from fastpath
+    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
+               md5
+ 2ca216010a558a52d7df12f76dfc77ab
+(1 row)
+-- repeat again
+drop index fpindex3;
+create index fpindex4 on fastpath(a asc, b desc);
+truncate fastpath;
+insert into fastpath select y.x, 'b' || (y.x/10)::text, 100 from (select generate_series(1,10000) as x) y;
+vacuum fastpath;
+select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by a, b asc)) from fastpath
+    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
+               md5
+ 2ca216010a558a52d7df12f76dfc77ab
+(1 row)
+select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by a desc, b desc)) from fastpath
+    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
+               md5
+ 6167a852b3e0679886b84a5405b5b53d
+(1 row)
+select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by b, a desc)) from fastpath
+    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
+               md5
+ dfcf2bd5e5fea8397d47b2fd14618d31
+(1 row)
+select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by b, a asc)) from fastpath
+    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
+               md5
+ 2ca216010a558a52d7df12f76dfc77ab
+(1 row)
+-- and again, this time indexing by (b, a). Note that column "b" has non-unique
+-- values.
+drop index fpindex4;
+create index fpindex5 on fastpath(b asc, a desc);
+truncate fastpath;
+insert into fastpath select y.x, 'b' || (y.x/10)::text, 100 from (select generate_series(1,10000) as x) y;
+vacuum fastpath;
+select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by a, b asc)) from fastpath
+    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
+               md5
+ 2ca216010a558a52d7df12f76dfc77ab
+(1 row)
+select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by a desc, b desc)) from fastpath
+    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
+               md5
+ 6167a852b3e0679886b84a5405b5b53d
+(1 row)
+select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by b, a desc)) from fastpath
+    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
+               md5
+ dfcf2bd5e5fea8397d47b2fd14618d31
+(1 row)
+select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by b, a asc)) from fastpath
+    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
+               md5
+ 2ca216010a558a52d7df12f76dfc77ab
+(1 row)
+-- one last time
+drop index fpindex5;
+create index fpindex6 on fastpath(b desc, a desc);
+truncate fastpath;
+insert into fastpath select y.x, 'b' || (y.x/10)::text, 100 from (select generate_series(1,10000) as x) y;
+vacuum fastpath;
+select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by a, b asc)) from fastpath
+    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
+               md5
+ 2ca216010a558a52d7df12f76dfc77ab
+(1 row)
+select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by a desc, b desc)) from fastpath
+    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
+               md5
+ 6167a852b3e0679886b84a5405b5b53d
+(1 row)
+select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by b, a desc)) from fastpath
+    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
+               md5
+ dfcf2bd5e5fea8397d47b2fd14618d31
+(1 row)
+select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by b, a asc)) from fastpath
+    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
+               md5
+ 2ca216010a558a52d7df12f76dfc77ab
+(1 row)
+drop table fastpath;
diff --git a/src/test/regress/expected/indexing.out b/src/test/regress/expected/indexing.out
index cfbc06d..e9ac715 100644
--- a/src/test/regress/expected/indexing.out
+++ b/src/test/regress/expected/indexing.out
@@ -1165,239 +1165,6 @@ select tableoid::regclass, * from idxpart order by a;
 (8 rows)

 drop table idxpart;
--- test fastpath mechanism for index insertion
-create table fastpath (a int, b text, c numeric);
-create unique index fpindex1 on fastpath(a);
-insert into fastpath values (1, 'b1', 100.00);
-insert into fastpath values (1, 'b1', 100.00); -- unique key check
-ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint "fpindex1"
-DETAIL:  Key (a)=(1) already exists.
-truncate fastpath;
-insert into fastpath select generate_series(1,10000), 'b', 100;
--- vacuum the table so as to improve chances of index-only scans. we can't
--- guarantee if index-only scans will be picked up in all cases or not, but
--- that fuzziness actually helps the test.
-vacuum fastpath;
-set enable_seqscan to false;
-set enable_bitmapscan to false;
-select sum(a) from fastpath where a = 6456;
- sum
- 6456
-(1 row)
-select sum(a) from fastpath where a >= 5000 and a < 5700;
-   sum
- 3744650
-(1 row)
--- drop the only index on the table and compute hashes for
--- a few queries which orders the results in various different ways.
-drop index fpindex1;
-truncate fastpath;
-insert into fastpath select y.x, 'b' || (y.x/10)::text, 100 from (select generate_series(1,10000) as x) y;
-select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by a, b asc)) from fastpath
-    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
-               md5
- 2ca216010a558a52d7df12f76dfc77ab
-(1 row)
-select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by a desc, b desc)) from fastpath
-    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
-               md5
- 6167a852b3e0679886b84a5405b5b53d
-(1 row)
-select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by b, a desc)) from fastpath
-    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
-               md5
- dfcf2bd5e5fea8397d47b2fd14618d31
-(1 row)
-select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by b, a asc)) from fastpath
-    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
-               md5
- 2ca216010a558a52d7df12f76dfc77ab
-(1 row)
--- now create a multi-column index with both column asc
-create index fpindex2 on fastpath(a, b);
-truncate fastpath;
-insert into fastpath select y.x, 'b' || (y.x/10)::text, 100 from (select generate_series(1,10000) as x) y;
--- again, vacuum here either forces index-only scans or creates fuzziness
-vacuum fastpath;
-select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by a, b asc)) from fastpath
-    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
-               md5
- 2ca216010a558a52d7df12f76dfc77ab
-(1 row)
-select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by a desc, b desc)) from fastpath
-    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
-               md5
- 6167a852b3e0679886b84a5405b5b53d
-(1 row)
-select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by b, a desc)) from fastpath
-    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
-               md5
- dfcf2bd5e5fea8397d47b2fd14618d31
-(1 row)
-select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by b, a asc)) from fastpath
-    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
-               md5
- 2ca216010a558a52d7df12f76dfc77ab
-(1 row)
--- same queries with a different kind of index now. the final result must not
--- change irrespective of what kind of index we have.
-drop index fpindex2;
-create index fpindex3 on fastpath(a desc, b asc);
-truncate fastpath;
-insert into fastpath select y.x, 'b' || (y.x/10)::text, 100 from (select generate_series(1,10000) as x) y;
-vacuum fastpath;
-select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by a, b asc)) from fastpath
-    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
-               md5
- 2ca216010a558a52d7df12f76dfc77ab
-(1 row)
-select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by a desc, b desc)) from fastpath
-    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
-               md5
- 6167a852b3e0679886b84a5405b5b53d
-(1 row)
-select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by b, a desc)) from fastpath
-    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
-               md5
- dfcf2bd5e5fea8397d47b2fd14618d31
-(1 row)
-select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by b, a asc)) from fastpath
-    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
-               md5
- 2ca216010a558a52d7df12f76dfc77ab
-(1 row)
--- repeat again
-drop index fpindex3;
-create index fpindex4 on fastpath(a asc, b desc);
-truncate fastpath;
-insert into fastpath select y.x, 'b' || (y.x/10)::text, 100 from (select generate_series(1,10000) as x) y;
-vacuum fastpath;
-select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by a, b asc)) from fastpath
-    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
-               md5
- 2ca216010a558a52d7df12f76dfc77ab
-(1 row)
-select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by a desc, b desc)) from fastpath
-    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
-               md5
- 6167a852b3e0679886b84a5405b5b53d
-(1 row)
-select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by b, a desc)) from fastpath
-    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
-               md5
- dfcf2bd5e5fea8397d47b2fd14618d31
-(1 row)
-select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by b, a asc)) from fastpath
-    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
-               md5
- 2ca216010a558a52d7df12f76dfc77ab
-(1 row)
--- and again, this time indexing by (b, a). Note that column "b" has non-unique
--- values.
-drop index fpindex4;
-create index fpindex5 on fastpath(b asc, a desc);
-truncate fastpath;
-insert into fastpath select y.x, 'b' || (y.x/10)::text, 100 from (select generate_series(1,10000) as x) y;
-vacuum fastpath;
-select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by a, b asc)) from fastpath
-    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
-               md5
- 2ca216010a558a52d7df12f76dfc77ab
-(1 row)
-select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by a desc, b desc)) from fastpath
-    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
-               md5
- 6167a852b3e0679886b84a5405b5b53d
-(1 row)
-select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by b, a desc)) from fastpath
-    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
-               md5
- dfcf2bd5e5fea8397d47b2fd14618d31
-(1 row)
-select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by b, a asc)) from fastpath
-    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
-               md5
- 2ca216010a558a52d7df12f76dfc77ab
-(1 row)
--- one last time
-drop index fpindex5;
-create index fpindex6 on fastpath(b desc, a desc);
-truncate fastpath;
-insert into fastpath select y.x, 'b' || (y.x/10)::text, 100 from (select generate_series(1,10000) as x) y;
-vacuum fastpath;
-select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by a, b asc)) from fastpath
-    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
-               md5
- 2ca216010a558a52d7df12f76dfc77ab
-(1 row)
-select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by a desc, b desc)) from fastpath
-    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
-               md5
- 6167a852b3e0679886b84a5405b5b53d
-(1 row)
-select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by b, a desc)) from fastpath
-    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
-               md5
- dfcf2bd5e5fea8397d47b2fd14618d31
-(1 row)
-select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by b, a asc)) from fastpath
-    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
-               md5
- 2ca216010a558a52d7df12f76dfc77ab
-(1 row)
-drop table fastpath;
 -- intentionally leave some objects around
 create table idxpart (a int) partition by range (a);
 create table idxpart1 partition of idxpart for values from (0) to (100);
diff --git a/src/test/regress/expected/join.out b/src/test/regress/expected/join.out
index 88fcd52..07e631d 100644
--- a/src/test/regress/expected/join.out
+++ b/src/test/regress/expected/join.out
@@ -6051,883 +6051,3 @@ where exists (select 1 from j3
 (13 rows)

 drop table j3;
--- exercises for the hash join code
-set local min_parallel_table_scan_size = 0;
-set local parallel_setup_cost = 0;
--- Extract bucket and batch counts from an explain analyze plan.  In
--- general we can't make assertions about how many batches (or
--- buckets) will be required because it can vary, but we can in some
--- special cases and we can check for growth.
-create or replace function find_hash(node json)
-returns json language plpgsql
-  x json;
-  child json;
-  if node->>'Node Type' = 'Hash' then
-    return node;
-  else
-    for child in select json_array_elements(node->'Plans')
-    loop
-      x := find_hash(child);
-      if x is not null then
-        return x;
-      end if;
-    end loop;
-    return null;
-  end if;
-create or replace function hash_join_batches(query text)
-returns table (original int, final int) language plpgsql
-  whole_plan json;
-  hash_node json;
-  for whole_plan in
-    execute 'explain (analyze, format ''json'') ' || query
-  loop
-    hash_node := find_hash(json_extract_path(whole_plan, '0', 'Plan'));
-    original := hash_node->>'Original Hash Batches';
-    final := hash_node->>'Hash Batches';
-    return next;
-  end loop;
--- Make a simple relation with well distributed keys and correctly
--- estimated size.
-create table simple as
-  select generate_series(1, 20000) AS id, 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa';
-alter table simple set (parallel_workers = 2);
-analyze simple;
--- Make a relation whose size we will under-estimate.  We want stats
--- to say 1000 rows, but actually there are 20,000 rows.
-create table bigger_than_it_looks as
-  select generate_series(1, 20000) as id, 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa';
-alter table bigger_than_it_looks set (autovacuum_enabled = 'false');
-alter table bigger_than_it_looks set (parallel_workers = 2);
-analyze bigger_than_it_looks;
-update pg_class set reltuples = 1000 where relname = 'bigger_than_it_looks';
--- Make a relation whose size we underestimate and that also has a
--- kind of skew that breaks our batching scheme.  We want stats to say
--- 2 rows, but actually there are 20,000 rows with the same key.
-create table extremely_skewed (id int, t text);
-alter table extremely_skewed set (autovacuum_enabled = 'false');
-alter table extremely_skewed set (parallel_workers = 2);
-analyze extremely_skewed;
-insert into extremely_skewed
-  select 42 as id, 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa'
-  from generate_series(1, 20000);
-update pg_class
-  set reltuples = 2, relpages = pg_relation_size('extremely_skewed') / 8192
-  where relname = 'extremely_skewed';
--- Make a relation with a couple of enormous tuples.
-create table wide as select generate_series(1, 2) as id, rpad('', 320000, 'x') as t;
-alter table wide set (parallel_workers = 2);
--- The "optimal" case: the hash table fits in memory; we plan for 1
--- batch, we stick to that number, and peak memory usage stays within
--- our work_mem budget
--- non-parallel
-savepoint settings;
-set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 0;
-set local work_mem = '4MB';
-explain (costs off)
-  select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
-               QUERY PLAN
- Aggregate
-   ->  Hash Join
-         Hash Cond: ( =
-         ->  Seq Scan on simple r
-         ->  Hash
-               ->  Seq Scan on simple s
-(6 rows)
-select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
- count
- 20000
-(1 row)
-select original > 1 as initially_multibatch, final > original as increased_batches
-  from hash_join_batches(
-  select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
- initially_multibatch | increased_batches
- f                    | f
-(1 row)
-rollback to settings;
--- parallel with parallel-oblivious hash join
-savepoint settings;
-set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 2;
-set local work_mem = '4MB';
-set local enable_parallel_hash = off;
-explain (costs off)
-  select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
-                      QUERY PLAN
- Finalize Aggregate
-   ->  Gather
-         Workers Planned: 2
-         ->  Partial Aggregate
-               ->  Hash Join
-                     Hash Cond: ( =
-                     ->  Parallel Seq Scan on simple r
-                     ->  Hash
-                           ->  Seq Scan on simple s
-(9 rows)
-select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
- count
- 20000
-(1 row)
-select original > 1 as initially_multibatch, final > original as increased_batches
-  from hash_join_batches(
-  select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
- initially_multibatch | increased_batches
- f                    | f
-(1 row)
-rollback to settings;
--- parallel with parallel-aware hash join
-savepoint settings;
-set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 2;
-set local work_mem = '4MB';
-set local enable_parallel_hash = on;
-explain (costs off)
-  select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
-                         QUERY PLAN
- Finalize Aggregate
-   ->  Gather
-         Workers Planned: 2
-         ->  Partial Aggregate
-               ->  Parallel Hash Join
-                     Hash Cond: ( =
-                     ->  Parallel Seq Scan on simple r
-                     ->  Parallel Hash
-                           ->  Parallel Seq Scan on simple s
-(9 rows)
-select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
- count
- 20000
-(1 row)
-select original > 1 as initially_multibatch, final > original as increased_batches
-  from hash_join_batches(
-  select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
- initially_multibatch | increased_batches
- f                    | f
-(1 row)
-rollback to settings;
--- The "good" case: batches required, but we plan the right number; we
--- plan for some number of batches, and we stick to that number, and
--- peak memory usage says within our work_mem budget
--- non-parallel
-savepoint settings;
-set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 0;
-set local work_mem = '128kB';
-explain (costs off)
-  select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
-               QUERY PLAN
- Aggregate
-   ->  Hash Join
-         Hash Cond: ( =
-         ->  Seq Scan on simple r
-         ->  Hash
-               ->  Seq Scan on simple s
-(6 rows)
-select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
- count
- 20000
-(1 row)
-select original > 1 as initially_multibatch, final > original as increased_batches
-  from hash_join_batches(
-  select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
- initially_multibatch | increased_batches
- t                    | f
-(1 row)
-rollback to settings;
--- parallel with parallel-oblivious hash join
-savepoint settings;
-set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 2;
-set local work_mem = '128kB';
-set local enable_parallel_hash = off;
-explain (costs off)
-  select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
-                      QUERY PLAN
- Finalize Aggregate
-   ->  Gather
-         Workers Planned: 2
-         ->  Partial Aggregate
-               ->  Hash Join
-                     Hash Cond: ( =
-                     ->  Parallel Seq Scan on simple r
-                     ->  Hash
-                           ->  Seq Scan on simple s
-(9 rows)
-select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
- count
- 20000
-(1 row)
-select original > 1 as initially_multibatch, final > original as increased_batches
-  from hash_join_batches(
-  select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
- initially_multibatch | increased_batches
- t                    | f
-(1 row)
-rollback to settings;
--- parallel with parallel-aware hash join
-savepoint settings;
-set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 2;
-set local work_mem = '192kB';
-set local enable_parallel_hash = on;
-explain (costs off)
-  select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
-                         QUERY PLAN
- Finalize Aggregate
-   ->  Gather
-         Workers Planned: 2
-         ->  Partial Aggregate
-               ->  Parallel Hash Join
-                     Hash Cond: ( =
-                     ->  Parallel Seq Scan on simple r
-                     ->  Parallel Hash
-                           ->  Parallel Seq Scan on simple s
-(9 rows)
-select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
- count
- 20000
-(1 row)
-select original > 1 as initially_multibatch, final > original as increased_batches
-  from hash_join_batches(
-  select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
- initially_multibatch | increased_batches
- t                    | f
-(1 row)
-rollback to settings;
--- The "bad" case: during execution we need to increase number of
--- batches; in this case we plan for 1 batch, and increase at least a
--- couple of times, and peak memory usage stays within our work_mem
--- budget
--- non-parallel
-savepoint settings;
-set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 0;
-set local work_mem = '128kB';
-explain (costs off)
-  select count(*) FROM simple r JOIN bigger_than_it_looks s USING (id);
-                      QUERY PLAN
- Aggregate
-   ->  Hash Join
-         Hash Cond: ( =
-         ->  Seq Scan on simple r
-         ->  Hash
-               ->  Seq Scan on bigger_than_it_looks s
-(6 rows)
-select count(*) FROM simple r JOIN bigger_than_it_looks s USING (id);
- count
- 20000
-(1 row)
-select original > 1 as initially_multibatch, final > original as increased_batches
-  from hash_join_batches(
-  select count(*) FROM simple r JOIN bigger_than_it_looks s USING (id);
- initially_multibatch | increased_batches
- f                    | t
-(1 row)
-rollback to settings;
--- parallel with parallel-oblivious hash join
-savepoint settings;
-set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 2;
-set local work_mem = '128kB';
-set local enable_parallel_hash = off;
-explain (costs off)
-  select count(*) from simple r join bigger_than_it_looks s using (id);
-                            QUERY PLAN
- Finalize Aggregate
-   ->  Gather
-         Workers Planned: 2
-         ->  Partial Aggregate
-               ->  Hash Join
-                     Hash Cond: ( =
-                     ->  Parallel Seq Scan on simple r
-                     ->  Hash
-                           ->  Seq Scan on bigger_than_it_looks s
-(9 rows)
-select count(*) from simple r join bigger_than_it_looks s using (id);
- count
- 20000
-(1 row)
-select original > 1 as initially_multibatch, final > original as increased_batches
-  from hash_join_batches(
-  select count(*) from simple r join bigger_than_it_looks s using (id);
- initially_multibatch | increased_batches
- f                    | t
-(1 row)
-rollback to settings;
--- parallel with parallel-aware hash join
-savepoint settings;
-set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 1;
-set local work_mem = '192kB';
-set local enable_parallel_hash = on;
-explain (costs off)
-  select count(*) from simple r join bigger_than_it_looks s using (id);
-                                QUERY PLAN
- Finalize Aggregate
-   ->  Gather
-         Workers Planned: 1
-         ->  Partial Aggregate
-               ->  Parallel Hash Join
-                     Hash Cond: ( =
-                     ->  Parallel Seq Scan on simple r
-                     ->  Parallel Hash
-                           ->  Parallel Seq Scan on bigger_than_it_looks s
-(9 rows)
-select count(*) from simple r join bigger_than_it_looks s using (id);
- count
- 20000
-(1 row)
-select original > 1 as initially_multibatch, final > original as increased_batches
-  from hash_join_batches(
-  select count(*) from simple r join bigger_than_it_looks s using (id);
- initially_multibatch | increased_batches
- f                    | t
-(1 row)
-rollback to settings;
--- The "ugly" case: increasing the number of batches during execution
--- doesn't help, so stop trying to fit in work_mem and hope for the
--- best; in this case we plan for 1 batch, increases just once and
--- then stop increasing because that didn't help at all, so we blow
--- right through the work_mem budget and hope for the best...
--- non-parallel
-savepoint settings;
-set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 0;
-set local work_mem = '128kB';
-explain (costs off)
-  select count(*) from simple r join extremely_skewed s using (id);
-                    QUERY PLAN
- Aggregate
-   ->  Hash Join
-         Hash Cond: ( =
-         ->  Seq Scan on simple r
-         ->  Hash
-               ->  Seq Scan on extremely_skewed s
-(6 rows)
-select count(*) from simple r join extremely_skewed s using (id);
- count
- 20000
-(1 row)
-select * from hash_join_batches(
-  select count(*) from simple r join extremely_skewed s using (id);
- original | final
-        1 |     2
-(1 row)
-rollback to settings;
--- parallel with parallel-oblivious hash join
-savepoint settings;
-set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 2;
-set local work_mem = '128kB';
-set local enable_parallel_hash = off;
-explain (costs off)
-  select count(*) from simple r join extremely_skewed s using (id);
-                       QUERY PLAN
- Aggregate
-   ->  Gather
-         Workers Planned: 2
-         ->  Hash Join
-               Hash Cond: ( =
-               ->  Parallel Seq Scan on simple r
-               ->  Hash
-                     ->  Seq Scan on extremely_skewed s
-(8 rows)
-select count(*) from simple r join extremely_skewed s using (id);
- count
- 20000
-(1 row)
-select * from hash_join_batches(
-  select count(*) from simple r join extremely_skewed s using (id);
- original | final
-        1 |     2
-(1 row)
-rollback to settings;
--- parallel with parallel-aware hash join
-savepoint settings;
-set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 1;
-set local work_mem = '128kB';
-set local enable_parallel_hash = on;
-explain (costs off)
-  select count(*) from simple r join extremely_skewed s using (id);
-                              QUERY PLAN
- Finalize Aggregate
-   ->  Gather
-         Workers Planned: 1
-         ->  Partial Aggregate
-               ->  Parallel Hash Join
-                     Hash Cond: ( =
-                     ->  Parallel Seq Scan on simple r
-                     ->  Parallel Hash
-                           ->  Parallel Seq Scan on extremely_skewed s
-(9 rows)
-select count(*) from simple r join extremely_skewed s using (id);
- count
- 20000
-(1 row)
-select * from hash_join_batches(
-  select count(*) from simple r join extremely_skewed s using (id);
- original | final
-        1 |     4
-(1 row)
-rollback to settings;
--- A couple of other hash join tests unrelated to work_mem management.
--- Check that EXPLAIN ANALYZE has data even if the leader doesn't participate
-savepoint settings;
-set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 2;
-set local work_mem = '4MB';
-set local parallel_leader_participation = off;
-select * from hash_join_batches(
-  select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
- original | final
-        1 |     1
-(1 row)
-rollback to settings;
--- Exercise rescans.  We'll turn off parallel_leader_participation so
--- that we can check that instrumentation comes back correctly.
-create table join_foo as select generate_series(1, 3) as id, 'xxxxx'::text as t;
-alter table join_foo set (parallel_workers = 0);
-create table join_bar as select generate_series(1, 10000) as id, 'xxxxx'::text as t;
-alter table join_bar set (parallel_workers = 2);
--- multi-batch with rescan, parallel-oblivious
-savepoint settings;
-set enable_parallel_hash = off;
-set parallel_leader_participation = off;
-set min_parallel_table_scan_size = 0;
-set parallel_setup_cost = 0;
-set parallel_tuple_cost = 0;
-set max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 2;
-set enable_material = off;
-set enable_mergejoin = off;
-set work_mem = '64kB';
-explain (costs off)
-  select count(*) from join_foo
-    left join (select, b1.t from join_bar b1 join join_bar b2 using (id)) ss
-    on < + 1 and > - 1;
-                                     QUERY PLAN
- Aggregate
-   ->  Nested Loop Left Join
-         Join Filter: (( < ( + 1)) AND ( > ( - 1)))
-         ->  Seq Scan on join_foo
-         ->  Gather
-               Workers Planned: 2
-               ->  Hash Join
-                     Hash Cond: ( =
-                     ->  Parallel Seq Scan on join_bar b1
-                     ->  Hash
-                           ->  Seq Scan on join_bar b2
-(11 rows)
-select count(*) from join_foo
-  left join (select, b1.t from join_bar b1 join join_bar b2 using (id)) ss
-  on < + 1 and > - 1;
- count
-     3
-(1 row)
-select final > 1 as multibatch
-  from hash_join_batches(
-  select count(*) from join_foo
-    left join (select, b1.t from join_bar b1 join join_bar b2 using (id)) ss
-    on < + 1 and > - 1;
- multibatch
- t
-(1 row)
-rollback to settings;
--- single-batch with rescan, parallel-oblivious
-savepoint settings;
-set enable_parallel_hash = off;
-set parallel_leader_participation = off;
-set min_parallel_table_scan_size = 0;
-set parallel_setup_cost = 0;
-set parallel_tuple_cost = 0;
-set max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 2;
-set enable_material = off;
-set enable_mergejoin = off;
-set work_mem = '4MB';
-explain (costs off)
-  select count(*) from join_foo
-    left join (select, b1.t from join_bar b1 join join_bar b2 using (id)) ss
-    on < + 1 and > - 1;
-                                     QUERY PLAN
- Aggregate
-   ->  Nested Loop Left Join
-         Join Filter: (( < ( + 1)) AND ( > ( - 1)))
-         ->  Seq Scan on join_foo
-         ->  Gather
-               Workers Planned: 2
-               ->  Hash Join
-                     Hash Cond: ( =
-                     ->  Parallel Seq Scan on join_bar b1
-                     ->  Hash
-                           ->  Seq Scan on join_bar b2
-(11 rows)
-select count(*) from join_foo
-  left join (select, b1.t from join_bar b1 join join_bar b2 using (id)) ss
-  on < + 1 and > - 1;
- count
-     3
-(1 row)
-select final > 1 as multibatch
-  from hash_join_batches(
-  select count(*) from join_foo
-    left join (select, b1.t from join_bar b1 join join_bar b2 using (id)) ss
-    on < + 1 and > - 1;
- multibatch
- f
-(1 row)
-rollback to settings;
--- multi-batch with rescan, parallel-aware
-savepoint settings;
-set enable_parallel_hash = on;
-set parallel_leader_participation = off;
-set min_parallel_table_scan_size = 0;
-set parallel_setup_cost = 0;
-set parallel_tuple_cost = 0;
-set max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 2;
-set enable_material = off;
-set enable_mergejoin = off;
-set work_mem = '64kB';
-explain (costs off)
-  select count(*) from join_foo
-    left join (select, b1.t from join_bar b1 join join_bar b2 using (id)) ss
-    on < + 1 and > - 1;
-                                     QUERY PLAN
- Aggregate
-   ->  Nested Loop Left Join
-         Join Filter: (( < ( + 1)) AND ( > ( - 1)))
-         ->  Seq Scan on join_foo
-         ->  Gather
-               Workers Planned: 2
-               ->  Parallel Hash Join
-                     Hash Cond: ( =
-                     ->  Parallel Seq Scan on join_bar b1
-                     ->  Parallel Hash
-                           ->  Parallel Seq Scan on join_bar b2
-(11 rows)
-select count(*) from join_foo
-  left join (select, b1.t from join_bar b1 join join_bar b2 using (id)) ss
-  on < + 1 and > - 1;
- count
-     3
-(1 row)
-select final > 1 as multibatch
-  from hash_join_batches(
-  select count(*) from join_foo
-    left join (select, b1.t from join_bar b1 join join_bar b2 using (id)) ss
-    on < + 1 and > - 1;
- multibatch
- t
-(1 row)
-rollback to settings;
--- single-batch with rescan, parallel-aware
-savepoint settings;
-set enable_parallel_hash = on;
-set parallel_leader_participation = off;
-set min_parallel_table_scan_size = 0;
-set parallel_setup_cost = 0;
-set parallel_tuple_cost = 0;
-set max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 2;
-set enable_material = off;
-set enable_mergejoin = off;
-set work_mem = '4MB';
-explain (costs off)
-  select count(*) from join_foo
-    left join (select, b1.t from join_bar b1 join join_bar b2 using (id)) ss
-    on < + 1 and > - 1;
-                                     QUERY PLAN
- Aggregate
-   ->  Nested Loop Left Join
-         Join Filter: (( < ( + 1)) AND ( > ( - 1)))
-         ->  Seq Scan on join_foo
-         ->  Gather
-               Workers Planned: 2
-               ->  Parallel Hash Join
-                     Hash Cond: ( =
-                     ->  Parallel Seq Scan on join_bar b1
-                     ->  Parallel Hash
-                           ->  Parallel Seq Scan on join_bar b2
-(11 rows)
-select count(*) from join_foo
-  left join (select, b1.t from join_bar b1 join join_bar b2 using (id)) ss
-  on < + 1 and > - 1;
- count
-     3
-(1 row)
-select final > 1 as multibatch
-  from hash_join_batches(
-  select count(*) from join_foo
-    left join (select, b1.t from join_bar b1 join join_bar b2 using (id)) ss
-    on < + 1 and > - 1;
- multibatch
- f
-(1 row)
-rollback to settings;
--- A full outer join where every record is matched.
--- non-parallel
-savepoint settings;
-set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 0;
-explain (costs off)
-     select  count(*) from simple r full outer join simple s using (id);
-               QUERY PLAN
- Aggregate
-   ->  Hash Full Join
-         Hash Cond: ( =
-         ->  Seq Scan on simple r
-         ->  Hash
-               ->  Seq Scan on simple s
-(6 rows)
-select  count(*) from simple r full outer join simple s using (id);
- count
- 20000
-(1 row)
-rollback to settings;
--- parallelism not possible with parallel-oblivious outer hash join
-savepoint settings;
-set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 2;
-explain (costs off)
-     select  count(*) from simple r full outer join simple s using (id);
-               QUERY PLAN
- Aggregate
-   ->  Hash Full Join
-         Hash Cond: ( =
-         ->  Seq Scan on simple r
-         ->  Hash
-               ->  Seq Scan on simple s
-(6 rows)
-select  count(*) from simple r full outer join simple s using (id);
- count
- 20000
-(1 row)
-rollback to settings;
--- An full outer join where every record is not matched.
--- non-parallel
-savepoint settings;
-set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 0;
-explain (costs off)
-     select  count(*) from simple r full outer join simple s on ( = 0 -;
-               QUERY PLAN
- Aggregate
-   ->  Hash Full Join
-         Hash Cond: ((0 - =
-         ->  Seq Scan on simple s
-         ->  Hash
-               ->  Seq Scan on simple r
-(6 rows)
-select  count(*) from simple r full outer join simple s on ( = 0 -;
- count
- 40000
-(1 row)
-rollback to settings;
--- parallelism not possible with parallel-oblivious outer hash join
-savepoint settings;
-set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 2;
-explain (costs off)
-     select  count(*) from simple r full outer join simple s on ( = 0 -;
-               QUERY PLAN
- Aggregate
-   ->  Hash Full Join
-         Hash Cond: ((0 - =
-         ->  Seq Scan on simple s
-         ->  Hash
-               ->  Seq Scan on simple r
-(6 rows)
-select  count(*) from simple r full outer join simple s on ( = 0 -;
- count
- 40000
-(1 row)
-rollback to settings;
--- exercise special code paths for huge tuples (note use of non-strict
--- expression and left join required to get the detoasted tuple into
--- the hash table)
--- parallel with parallel-aware hash join (hits ExecParallelHashLoadTuple and
--- sts_puttuple oversized tuple cases because it's multi-batch)
-savepoint settings;
-set max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 2;
-set enable_parallel_hash = on;
-set work_mem = '128kB';
-explain (costs off)
-  select length(max(s.t))
-  from wide left join (select id, coalesce(t, '') || '' as t from wide) s using (id);
-                           QUERY PLAN
- Finalize Aggregate
-   ->  Gather
-         Workers Planned: 2
-         ->  Partial Aggregate
-               ->  Parallel Hash Left Join
-                     Hash Cond: ( =
-                     ->  Parallel Seq Scan on wide
-                     ->  Parallel Hash
-                           ->  Parallel Seq Scan on wide wide_1
-(9 rows)
-select length(max(s.t))
-from wide left join (select id, coalesce(t, '') || '' as t from wide) s using (id);
- length
- 320000
-(1 row)
-select final > 1 as multibatch
-  from hash_join_batches(
-  select length(max(s.t))
-  from wide left join (select id, coalesce(t, '') || '' as t from wide) s using (id);
- multibatch
- t
-(1 row)
-rollback to settings;
diff --git a/src/test/regress/expected/join_hash.out b/src/test/regress/expected/join_hash.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9eee39b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/regress/expected/join_hash.out
@@ -0,0 +1,880 @@
+-- exercises for the hash join code
+set local min_parallel_table_scan_size = 0;
+set local parallel_setup_cost = 0;
+-- Extract bucket and batch counts from an explain analyze plan.  In
+-- general we can't make assertions about how many batches (or
+-- buckets) will be required because it can vary, but we can in some
+-- special cases and we can check for growth.
+create or replace function find_hash(node json)
+returns json language plpgsql
+  x json;
+  child json;
+  if node->>'Node Type' = 'Hash' then
+    return node;
+  else
+    for child in select json_array_elements(node->'Plans')
+    loop
+      x := find_hash(child);
+      if x is not null then
+        return x;
+      end if;
+    end loop;
+    return null;
+  end if;
+create or replace function hash_join_batches(query text)
+returns table (original int, final int) language plpgsql
+  whole_plan json;
+  hash_node json;
+  for whole_plan in
+    execute 'explain (analyze, format ''json'') ' || query
+  loop
+    hash_node := find_hash(json_extract_path(whole_plan, '0', 'Plan'));
+    original := hash_node->>'Original Hash Batches';
+    final := hash_node->>'Hash Batches';
+    return next;
+  end loop;
+-- Make a simple relation with well distributed keys and correctly
+-- estimated size.
+create table simple as
+  select generate_series(1, 20000) AS id, 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa';
+alter table simple set (parallel_workers = 2);
+analyze simple;
+-- Make a relation whose size we will under-estimate.  We want stats
+-- to say 1000 rows, but actually there are 20,000 rows.
+create table bigger_than_it_looks as
+  select generate_series(1, 20000) as id, 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa';
+alter table bigger_than_it_looks set (autovacuum_enabled = 'false');
+alter table bigger_than_it_looks set (parallel_workers = 2);
+analyze bigger_than_it_looks;
+update pg_class set reltuples = 1000 where relname = 'bigger_than_it_looks';
+-- Make a relation whose size we underestimate and that also has a
+-- kind of skew that breaks our batching scheme.  We want stats to say
+-- 2 rows, but actually there are 20,000 rows with the same key.
+create table extremely_skewed (id int, t text);
+alter table extremely_skewed set (autovacuum_enabled = 'false');
+alter table extremely_skewed set (parallel_workers = 2);
+analyze extremely_skewed;
+insert into extremely_skewed
+  select 42 as id, 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa'
+  from generate_series(1, 20000);
+update pg_class
+  set reltuples = 2, relpages = pg_relation_size('extremely_skewed') / 8192
+  where relname = 'extremely_skewed';
+-- Make a relation with a couple of enormous tuples.
+create table wide as select generate_series(1, 2) as id, rpad('', 320000, 'x') as t;
+alter table wide set (parallel_workers = 2);
+-- The "optimal" case: the hash table fits in memory; we plan for 1
+-- batch, we stick to that number, and peak memory usage stays within
+-- our work_mem budget
+-- non-parallel
+savepoint settings;
+set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 0;
+set local work_mem = '4MB';
+explain (costs off)
+  select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
+               QUERY PLAN
+ Aggregate
+   ->  Hash Join
+         Hash Cond: ( =
+         ->  Seq Scan on simple r
+         ->  Hash
+               ->  Seq Scan on simple s
+(6 rows)
+select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
+ count
+ 20000
+(1 row)
+select original > 1 as initially_multibatch, final > original as increased_batches
+  from hash_join_batches(
+  select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
+ initially_multibatch | increased_batches
+ f                    | f
+(1 row)
+rollback to settings;
+-- parallel with parallel-oblivious hash join
+savepoint settings;
+set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 2;
+set local work_mem = '4MB';
+set local enable_parallel_hash = off;
+explain (costs off)
+  select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
+                      QUERY PLAN
+ Finalize Aggregate
+   ->  Gather
+         Workers Planned: 2
+         ->  Partial Aggregate
+               ->  Hash Join
+                     Hash Cond: ( =
+                     ->  Parallel Seq Scan on simple r
+                     ->  Hash
+                           ->  Seq Scan on simple s
+(9 rows)
+select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
+ count
+ 20000
+(1 row)
+select original > 1 as initially_multibatch, final > original as increased_batches
+  from hash_join_batches(
+  select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
+ initially_multibatch | increased_batches
+ f                    | f
+(1 row)
+rollback to settings;
+-- parallel with parallel-aware hash join
+savepoint settings;
+set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 2;
+set local work_mem = '4MB';
+set local enable_parallel_hash = on;
+explain (costs off)
+  select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
+                         QUERY PLAN
+ Finalize Aggregate
+   ->  Gather
+         Workers Planned: 2
+         ->  Partial Aggregate
+               ->  Parallel Hash Join
+                     Hash Cond: ( =
+                     ->  Parallel Seq Scan on simple r
+                     ->  Parallel Hash
+                           ->  Parallel Seq Scan on simple s
+(9 rows)
+select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
+ count
+ 20000
+(1 row)
+select original > 1 as initially_multibatch, final > original as increased_batches
+  from hash_join_batches(
+  select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
+ initially_multibatch | increased_batches
+ f                    | f
+(1 row)
+rollback to settings;
+-- The "good" case: batches required, but we plan the right number; we
+-- plan for some number of batches, and we stick to that number, and
+-- peak memory usage says within our work_mem budget
+-- non-parallel
+savepoint settings;
+set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 0;
+set local work_mem = '128kB';
+explain (costs off)
+  select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
+               QUERY PLAN
+ Aggregate
+   ->  Hash Join
+         Hash Cond: ( =
+         ->  Seq Scan on simple r
+         ->  Hash
+               ->  Seq Scan on simple s
+(6 rows)
+select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
+ count
+ 20000
+(1 row)
+select original > 1 as initially_multibatch, final > original as increased_batches
+  from hash_join_batches(
+  select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
+ initially_multibatch | increased_batches
+ t                    | f
+(1 row)
+rollback to settings;
+-- parallel with parallel-oblivious hash join
+savepoint settings;
+set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 2;
+set local work_mem = '128kB';
+set local enable_parallel_hash = off;
+explain (costs off)
+  select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
+                      QUERY PLAN
+ Finalize Aggregate
+   ->  Gather
+         Workers Planned: 2
+         ->  Partial Aggregate
+               ->  Hash Join
+                     Hash Cond: ( =
+                     ->  Parallel Seq Scan on simple r
+                     ->  Hash
+                           ->  Seq Scan on simple s
+(9 rows)
+select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
+ count
+ 20000
+(1 row)
+select original > 1 as initially_multibatch, final > original as increased_batches
+  from hash_join_batches(
+  select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
+ initially_multibatch | increased_batches
+ t                    | f
+(1 row)
+rollback to settings;
+-- parallel with parallel-aware hash join
+savepoint settings;
+set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 2;
+set local work_mem = '192kB';
+set local enable_parallel_hash = on;
+explain (costs off)
+  select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
+                         QUERY PLAN
+ Finalize Aggregate
+   ->  Gather
+         Workers Planned: 2
+         ->  Partial Aggregate
+               ->  Parallel Hash Join
+                     Hash Cond: ( =
+                     ->  Parallel Seq Scan on simple r
+                     ->  Parallel Hash
+                           ->  Parallel Seq Scan on simple s
+(9 rows)
+select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
+ count
+ 20000
+(1 row)
+select original > 1 as initially_multibatch, final > original as increased_batches
+  from hash_join_batches(
+  select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
+ initially_multibatch | increased_batches
+ t                    | f
+(1 row)
+rollback to settings;
+-- The "bad" case: during execution we need to increase number of
+-- batches; in this case we plan for 1 batch, and increase at least a
+-- couple of times, and peak memory usage stays within our work_mem
+-- budget
+-- non-parallel
+savepoint settings;
+set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 0;
+set local work_mem = '128kB';
+explain (costs off)
+  select count(*) FROM simple r JOIN bigger_than_it_looks s USING (id);
+                      QUERY PLAN
+ Aggregate
+   ->  Hash Join
+         Hash Cond: ( =
+         ->  Seq Scan on simple r
+         ->  Hash
+               ->  Seq Scan on bigger_than_it_looks s
+(6 rows)
+select count(*) FROM simple r JOIN bigger_than_it_looks s USING (id);
+ count
+ 20000
+(1 row)
+select original > 1 as initially_multibatch, final > original as increased_batches
+  from hash_join_batches(
+  select count(*) FROM simple r JOIN bigger_than_it_looks s USING (id);
+ initially_multibatch | increased_batches
+ f                    | t
+(1 row)
+rollback to settings;
+-- parallel with parallel-oblivious hash join
+savepoint settings;
+set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 2;
+set local work_mem = '128kB';
+set local enable_parallel_hash = off;
+explain (costs off)
+  select count(*) from simple r join bigger_than_it_looks s using (id);
+                            QUERY PLAN
+ Finalize Aggregate
+   ->  Gather
+         Workers Planned: 2
+         ->  Partial Aggregate
+               ->  Hash Join
+                     Hash Cond: ( =
+                     ->  Parallel Seq Scan on simple r
+                     ->  Hash
+                           ->  Seq Scan on bigger_than_it_looks s
+(9 rows)
+select count(*) from simple r join bigger_than_it_looks s using (id);
+ count
+ 20000
+(1 row)
+select original > 1 as initially_multibatch, final > original as increased_batches
+  from hash_join_batches(
+  select count(*) from simple r join bigger_than_it_looks s using (id);
+ initially_multibatch | increased_batches
+ f                    | t
+(1 row)
+rollback to settings;
+-- parallel with parallel-aware hash join
+savepoint settings;
+set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 1;
+set local work_mem = '192kB';
+set local enable_parallel_hash = on;
+explain (costs off)
+  select count(*) from simple r join bigger_than_it_looks s using (id);
+                                QUERY PLAN
+ Finalize Aggregate
+   ->  Gather
+         Workers Planned: 1
+         ->  Partial Aggregate
+               ->  Parallel Hash Join
+                     Hash Cond: ( =
+                     ->  Parallel Seq Scan on simple r
+                     ->  Parallel Hash
+                           ->  Parallel Seq Scan on bigger_than_it_looks s
+(9 rows)
+select count(*) from simple r join bigger_than_it_looks s using (id);
+ count
+ 20000
+(1 row)
+select original > 1 as initially_multibatch, final > original as increased_batches
+  from hash_join_batches(
+  select count(*) from simple r join bigger_than_it_looks s using (id);
+ initially_multibatch | increased_batches
+ f                    | t
+(1 row)
+rollback to settings;
+-- The "ugly" case: increasing the number of batches during execution
+-- doesn't help, so stop trying to fit in work_mem and hope for the
+-- best; in this case we plan for 1 batch, increases just once and
+-- then stop increasing because that didn't help at all, so we blow
+-- right through the work_mem budget and hope for the best...
+-- non-parallel
+savepoint settings;
+set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 0;
+set local work_mem = '128kB';
+explain (costs off)
+  select count(*) from simple r join extremely_skewed s using (id);
+                    QUERY PLAN
+ Aggregate
+   ->  Hash Join
+         Hash Cond: ( =
+         ->  Seq Scan on simple r
+         ->  Hash
+               ->  Seq Scan on extremely_skewed s
+(6 rows)
+select count(*) from simple r join extremely_skewed s using (id);
+ count
+ 20000
+(1 row)
+select * from hash_join_batches(
+  select count(*) from simple r join extremely_skewed s using (id);
+ original | final
+        1 |     2
+(1 row)
+rollback to settings;
+-- parallel with parallel-oblivious hash join
+savepoint settings;
+set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 2;
+set local work_mem = '128kB';
+set local enable_parallel_hash = off;
+explain (costs off)
+  select count(*) from simple r join extremely_skewed s using (id);
+                       QUERY PLAN
+ Aggregate
+   ->  Gather
+         Workers Planned: 2
+         ->  Hash Join
+               Hash Cond: ( =
+               ->  Parallel Seq Scan on simple r
+               ->  Hash
+                     ->  Seq Scan on extremely_skewed s
+(8 rows)
+select count(*) from simple r join extremely_skewed s using (id);
+ count
+ 20000
+(1 row)
+select * from hash_join_batches(
+  select count(*) from simple r join extremely_skewed s using (id);
+ original | final
+        1 |     2
+(1 row)
+rollback to settings;
+-- parallel with parallel-aware hash join
+savepoint settings;
+set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 1;
+set local work_mem = '128kB';
+set local enable_parallel_hash = on;
+explain (costs off)
+  select count(*) from simple r join extremely_skewed s using (id);
+                              QUERY PLAN
+ Finalize Aggregate
+   ->  Gather
+         Workers Planned: 1
+         ->  Partial Aggregate
+               ->  Parallel Hash Join
+                     Hash Cond: ( =
+                     ->  Parallel Seq Scan on simple r
+                     ->  Parallel Hash
+                           ->  Parallel Seq Scan on extremely_skewed s
+(9 rows)
+select count(*) from simple r join extremely_skewed s using (id);
+ count
+ 20000
+(1 row)
+select * from hash_join_batches(
+  select count(*) from simple r join extremely_skewed s using (id);
+ original | final
+        1 |     4
+(1 row)
+rollback to settings;
+-- A couple of other hash join tests unrelated to work_mem management.
+-- Check that EXPLAIN ANALYZE has data even if the leader doesn't participate
+savepoint settings;
+set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 2;
+set local work_mem = '4MB';
+set local parallel_leader_participation = off;
+select * from hash_join_batches(
+  select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
+ original | final
+        1 |     1
+(1 row)
+rollback to settings;
+-- Exercise rescans.  We'll turn off parallel_leader_participation so
+-- that we can check that instrumentation comes back correctly.
+create table join_foo as select generate_series(1, 3) as id, 'xxxxx'::text as t;
+alter table join_foo set (parallel_workers = 0);
+create table join_bar as select generate_series(1, 10000) as id, 'xxxxx'::text as t;
+alter table join_bar set (parallel_workers = 2);
+-- multi-batch with rescan, parallel-oblivious
+savepoint settings;
+set enable_parallel_hash = off;
+set parallel_leader_participation = off;
+set min_parallel_table_scan_size = 0;
+set parallel_setup_cost = 0;
+set parallel_tuple_cost = 0;
+set max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 2;
+set enable_material = off;
+set enable_mergejoin = off;
+set work_mem = '64kB';
+explain (costs off)
+  select count(*) from join_foo
+    left join (select, b1.t from join_bar b1 join join_bar b2 using (id)) ss
+    on < + 1 and > - 1;
+                                     QUERY PLAN
+ Aggregate
+   ->  Nested Loop Left Join
+         Join Filter: (( < ( + 1)) AND ( > ( - 1)))
+         ->  Seq Scan on join_foo
+         ->  Gather
+               Workers Planned: 2
+               ->  Hash Join
+                     Hash Cond: ( =
+                     ->  Parallel Seq Scan on join_bar b1
+                     ->  Hash
+                           ->  Seq Scan on join_bar b2
+(11 rows)
+select count(*) from join_foo
+  left join (select, b1.t from join_bar b1 join join_bar b2 using (id)) ss
+  on < + 1 and > - 1;
+ count
+     3
+(1 row)
+select final > 1 as multibatch
+  from hash_join_batches(
+  select count(*) from join_foo
+    left join (select, b1.t from join_bar b1 join join_bar b2 using (id)) ss
+    on < + 1 and > - 1;
+ multibatch
+ t
+(1 row)
+rollback to settings;
+-- single-batch with rescan, parallel-oblivious
+savepoint settings;
+set enable_parallel_hash = off;
+set parallel_leader_participation = off;
+set min_parallel_table_scan_size = 0;
+set parallel_setup_cost = 0;
+set parallel_tuple_cost = 0;
+set max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 2;
+set enable_material = off;
+set enable_mergejoin = off;
+set work_mem = '4MB';
+explain (costs off)
+  select count(*) from join_foo
+    left join (select, b1.t from join_bar b1 join join_bar b2 using (id)) ss
+    on < + 1 and > - 1;
+                                     QUERY PLAN
+ Aggregate
+   ->  Nested Loop Left Join
+         Join Filter: (( < ( + 1)) AND ( > ( - 1)))
+         ->  Seq Scan on join_foo
+         ->  Gather
+               Workers Planned: 2
+               ->  Hash Join
+                     Hash Cond: ( =
+                     ->  Parallel Seq Scan on join_bar b1
+                     ->  Hash
+                           ->  Seq Scan on join_bar b2
+(11 rows)
+select count(*) from join_foo
+  left join (select, b1.t from join_bar b1 join join_bar b2 using (id)) ss
+  on < + 1 and > - 1;
+ count
+     3
+(1 row)
+select final > 1 as multibatch
+  from hash_join_batches(
+  select count(*) from join_foo
+    left join (select, b1.t from join_bar b1 join join_bar b2 using (id)) ss
+    on < + 1 and > - 1;
+ multibatch
+ f
+(1 row)
+rollback to settings;
+-- multi-batch with rescan, parallel-aware
+savepoint settings;
+set enable_parallel_hash = on;
+set parallel_leader_participation = off;
+set min_parallel_table_scan_size = 0;
+set parallel_setup_cost = 0;
+set parallel_tuple_cost = 0;
+set max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 2;
+set enable_material = off;
+set enable_mergejoin = off;
+set work_mem = '64kB';
+explain (costs off)
+  select count(*) from join_foo
+    left join (select, b1.t from join_bar b1 join join_bar b2 using (id)) ss
+    on < + 1 and > - 1;
+                                     QUERY PLAN
+ Aggregate
+   ->  Nested Loop Left Join
+         Join Filter: (( < ( + 1)) AND ( > ( - 1)))
+         ->  Seq Scan on join_foo
+         ->  Gather
+               Workers Planned: 2
+               ->  Parallel Hash Join
+                     Hash Cond: ( =
+                     ->  Parallel Seq Scan on join_bar b1
+                     ->  Parallel Hash
+                           ->  Parallel Seq Scan on join_bar b2
+(11 rows)
+select count(*) from join_foo
+  left join (select, b1.t from join_bar b1 join join_bar b2 using (id)) ss
+  on < + 1 and > - 1;
+ count
+     3
+(1 row)
+select final > 1 as multibatch
+  from hash_join_batches(
+  select count(*) from join_foo
+    left join (select, b1.t from join_bar b1 join join_bar b2 using (id)) ss
+    on < + 1 and > - 1;
+ multibatch
+ t
+(1 row)
+rollback to settings;
+-- single-batch with rescan, parallel-aware
+savepoint settings;
+set enable_parallel_hash = on;
+set parallel_leader_participation = off;
+set min_parallel_table_scan_size = 0;
+set parallel_setup_cost = 0;
+set parallel_tuple_cost = 0;
+set max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 2;
+set enable_material = off;
+set enable_mergejoin = off;
+set work_mem = '4MB';
+explain (costs off)
+  select count(*) from join_foo
+    left join (select, b1.t from join_bar b1 join join_bar b2 using (id)) ss
+    on < + 1 and > - 1;
+                                     QUERY PLAN
+ Aggregate
+   ->  Nested Loop Left Join
+         Join Filter: (( < ( + 1)) AND ( > ( - 1)))
+         ->  Seq Scan on join_foo
+         ->  Gather
+               Workers Planned: 2
+               ->  Parallel Hash Join
+                     Hash Cond: ( =
+                     ->  Parallel Seq Scan on join_bar b1
+                     ->  Parallel Hash
+                           ->  Parallel Seq Scan on join_bar b2
+(11 rows)
+select count(*) from join_foo
+  left join (select, b1.t from join_bar b1 join join_bar b2 using (id)) ss
+  on < + 1 and > - 1;
+ count
+     3
+(1 row)
+select final > 1 as multibatch
+  from hash_join_batches(
+  select count(*) from join_foo
+    left join (select, b1.t from join_bar b1 join join_bar b2 using (id)) ss
+    on < + 1 and > - 1;
+ multibatch
+ f
+(1 row)
+rollback to settings;
+-- A full outer join where every record is matched.
+-- non-parallel
+savepoint settings;
+set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 0;
+explain (costs off)
+     select  count(*) from simple r full outer join simple s using (id);
+               QUERY PLAN
+ Aggregate
+   ->  Hash Full Join
+         Hash Cond: ( =
+         ->  Seq Scan on simple r
+         ->  Hash
+               ->  Seq Scan on simple s
+(6 rows)
+select  count(*) from simple r full outer join simple s using (id);
+ count
+ 20000
+(1 row)
+rollback to settings;
+-- parallelism not possible with parallel-oblivious outer hash join
+savepoint settings;
+set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 2;
+explain (costs off)
+     select  count(*) from simple r full outer join simple s using (id);
+               QUERY PLAN
+ Aggregate
+   ->  Hash Full Join
+         Hash Cond: ( =
+         ->  Seq Scan on simple r
+         ->  Hash
+               ->  Seq Scan on simple s
+(6 rows)
+select  count(*) from simple r full outer join simple s using (id);
+ count
+ 20000
+(1 row)
+rollback to settings;
+-- An full outer join where every record is not matched.
+-- non-parallel
+savepoint settings;
+set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 0;
+explain (costs off)
+     select  count(*) from simple r full outer join simple s on ( = 0 -;
+               QUERY PLAN
+ Aggregate
+   ->  Hash Full Join
+         Hash Cond: ((0 - =
+         ->  Seq Scan on simple s
+         ->  Hash
+               ->  Seq Scan on simple r
+(6 rows)
+select  count(*) from simple r full outer join simple s on ( = 0 -;
+ count
+ 40000
+(1 row)
+rollback to settings;
+-- parallelism not possible with parallel-oblivious outer hash join
+savepoint settings;
+set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 2;
+explain (costs off)
+     select  count(*) from simple r full outer join simple s on ( = 0 -;
+               QUERY PLAN
+ Aggregate
+   ->  Hash Full Join
+         Hash Cond: ((0 - =
+         ->  Seq Scan on simple s
+         ->  Hash
+               ->  Seq Scan on simple r
+(6 rows)
+select  count(*) from simple r full outer join simple s on ( = 0 -;
+ count
+ 40000
+(1 row)
+rollback to settings;
+-- exercise special code paths for huge tuples (note use of non-strict
+-- expression and left join required to get the detoasted tuple into
+-- the hash table)
+-- parallel with parallel-aware hash join (hits ExecParallelHashLoadTuple and
+-- sts_puttuple oversized tuple cases because it's multi-batch)
+savepoint settings;
+set max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 2;
+set enable_parallel_hash = on;
+set work_mem = '128kB';
+explain (costs off)
+  select length(max(s.t))
+  from wide left join (select id, coalesce(t, '') || '' as t from wide) s using (id);
+                           QUERY PLAN
+ Finalize Aggregate
+   ->  Gather
+         Workers Planned: 2
+         ->  Partial Aggregate
+               ->  Parallel Hash Left Join
+                     Hash Cond: ( =
+                     ->  Parallel Seq Scan on wide
+                     ->  Parallel Hash
+                           ->  Parallel Seq Scan on wide wide_1
+(9 rows)
+select length(max(s.t))
+from wide left join (select id, coalesce(t, '') || '' as t from wide) s using (id);
+ length
+ 320000
+(1 row)
+select final > 1 as multibatch
+  from hash_join_batches(
+  select length(max(s.t))
+  from wide left join (select id, coalesce(t, '') || '' as t from wide) s using (id);
+ multibatch
+ t
+(1 row)
+rollback to settings;
diff --git a/src/test/regress/expected/plpgsql.out b/src/test/regress/expected/plpgsql.out
index d2f68e1..5613a46 100644
--- a/src/test/regress/expected/plpgsql.out
+++ b/src/test/regress/expected/plpgsql.out
@@ -1915,259 +1915,6 @@ SELECT * FROM perform_test;

 drop table perform_test;
--- Test error trapping
-create function trap_zero_divide(int) returns int as $$
-declare x int;
-    sx smallint;
-    begin    -- start a subtransaction
-        raise notice 'should see this';
-        x := 100 / $1;
-        raise notice 'should see this only if % <> 0', $1;
-        sx := $1;
-        raise notice 'should see this only if % fits in smallint', $1;
-        if $1 < 0 then
-            raise exception '% is less than zero', $1;
-        end if;
-    exception
-        when division_by_zero then
-            raise notice 'caught division_by_zero';
-            x := -1;
-        when NUMERIC_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE then
-            raise notice 'caught numeric_value_out_of_range';
-            x := -2;
-    end;
-    return x;
-end$$ language plpgsql;
-select trap_zero_divide(50);
-NOTICE:  should see this
-NOTICE:  should see this only if 50 <> 0
-NOTICE:  should see this only if 50 fits in smallint
- trap_zero_divide
-                2
-(1 row)
-select trap_zero_divide(0);
-NOTICE:  should see this
-NOTICE:  caught division_by_zero
- trap_zero_divide
-               -1
-(1 row)
-select trap_zero_divide(100000);
-NOTICE:  should see this
-NOTICE:  should see this only if 100000 <> 0
-NOTICE:  caught numeric_value_out_of_range
- trap_zero_divide
-               -2
-(1 row)
-select trap_zero_divide(-100);
-NOTICE:  should see this
-NOTICE:  should see this only if -100 <> 0
-NOTICE:  should see this only if -100 fits in smallint
-ERROR:  -100 is less than zero
-CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function trap_zero_divide(integer) line 12 at RAISE
-create function trap_matching_test(int) returns int as $$
-declare x int;
-    sx smallint;
-    y int;
-    begin    -- start a subtransaction
-        x := 100 / $1;
-        sx := $1;
-        select into y unique1 from tenk1 where unique2 =
-            (select unique2 from tenk1 b where ten = $1);
-    exception
-        when data_exception then  -- category match
-            raise notice 'caught data_exception';
-            x := -1;
-            raise notice 'caught numeric_value_out_of_range or cardinality_violation';
-            x := -2;
-    end;
-    return x;
-end$$ language plpgsql;
-select trap_matching_test(50);
- trap_matching_test
-                  2
-(1 row)
-select trap_matching_test(0);
-NOTICE:  caught data_exception
- trap_matching_test
-                 -1
-(1 row)
-select trap_matching_test(100000);
-NOTICE:  caught data_exception
- trap_matching_test
-                 -1
-(1 row)
-select trap_matching_test(1);
-NOTICE:  caught numeric_value_out_of_range or cardinality_violation
- trap_matching_test
-                 -2
-(1 row)
-create temp table foo (f1 int);
-create function subxact_rollback_semantics() returns int as $$
-declare x int;
-  x := 1;
-  insert into foo values(x);
-  begin
-    x := x + 1;
-    insert into foo values(x);
-    raise exception 'inner';
-  exception
-    when others then
-      x := x * 10;
-  end;
-  insert into foo values(x);
-  return x;
-end$$ language plpgsql;
-select subxact_rollback_semantics();
- subxact_rollback_semantics
-                         20
-(1 row)
-select * from foo;
- f1
-  1
- 20
-(2 rows)
-drop table foo;
-create function trap_timeout() returns void as $$
-  declare x int;
-  begin
-    -- we assume this will take longer than 2 seconds:
-    select count(*) into x from tenk1 a, tenk1 b, tenk1 c;
-  exception
-    when others then
-      raise notice 'caught others?';
-    when query_canceled then
-      raise notice 'nyeah nyeah, can''t stop me';
-  end;
-  -- Abort transaction to abandon the statement_timeout setting.  Otherwise,
-  -- the next top-level statement would be vulnerable to the timeout.
-  raise exception 'end of function';
-end$$ language plpgsql;
-set statement_timeout to 2000;
-select trap_timeout();
-NOTICE:  nyeah nyeah, can't stop me
-ERROR:  end of function
-CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function trap_timeout() line 15 at RAISE
--- Test for pass-by-ref values being stored in proper context
-create function test_variable_storage() returns text as $$
-declare x text;
-  x := '1234';
-  begin
-    x := x || '5678';
-    -- force error inside subtransaction SPI context
-    perform trap_zero_divide(-100);
-  exception
-    when others then
-      x := x || '9012';
-  end;
-  return x;
-end$$ language plpgsql;
-select test_variable_storage();
-NOTICE:  should see this
-NOTICE:  should see this only if -100 <> 0
-NOTICE:  should see this only if -100 fits in smallint
- test_variable_storage
- 123456789012
-(1 row)
--- test foreign key error trapping
-create temp table master(f1 int primary key);
-create temp table slave(f1 int references master deferrable);
-insert into master values(1);
-insert into slave values(1);
-insert into slave values(2);    -- fails
-ERROR:  insert or update on table "slave" violates foreign key constraint "slave_f1_fkey"
-DETAIL:  Key (f1)=(2) is not present in table "master".
-create function trap_foreign_key(int) returns int as $$
-    begin    -- start a subtransaction
-        insert into slave values($1);
-    exception
-        when foreign_key_violation then
-            raise notice 'caught foreign_key_violation';
-            return 0;
-    end;
-    return 1;
-end$$ language plpgsql;
-create function trap_foreign_key_2() returns int as $$
-    begin    -- start a subtransaction
-        set constraints all immediate;
-    exception
-        when foreign_key_violation then
-            raise notice 'caught foreign_key_violation';
-            return 0;
-    end;
-    return 1;
-end$$ language plpgsql;
-select trap_foreign_key(1);
- trap_foreign_key
-                1
-(1 row)
-select trap_foreign_key(2);    -- detects FK violation
-NOTICE:  caught foreign_key_violation
- trap_foreign_key
-                0
-(1 row)
-  set constraints all deferred;
-  select trap_foreign_key(2);    -- should not detect FK violation
- trap_foreign_key
-                1
-(1 row)
-  savepoint x;
-    set constraints all immediate; -- fails
-ERROR:  insert or update on table "slave" violates foreign key constraint "slave_f1_fkey"
-DETAIL:  Key (f1)=(2) is not present in table "master".
-  rollback to x;
-  select trap_foreign_key_2();  -- detects FK violation
-NOTICE:  caught foreign_key_violation
- trap_foreign_key_2
-                  0
-(1 row)
-commit;                -- still fails
-ERROR:  insert or update on table "slave" violates foreign key constraint "slave_f1_fkey"
-DETAIL:  Key (f1)=(2) is not present in table "master".
-drop function trap_foreign_key(int);
-drop function trap_foreign_key_2();
 -- Test proper snapshot handling in simple expressions
 create temp table users(login text, id serial);
diff --git a/src/test/regress/expected/polygon.out b/src/test/regress/expected/polygon.out
index 91e2647..7ae3263 100644
--- a/src/test/regress/expected/polygon.out
+++ b/src/test/regress/expected/polygon.out
@@ -66,9 +66,6 @@ CREATE INDEX quad_poly_tbl_idx ON quad_poly_tbl USING spgist(p);
 SET enable_seqscan = ON;
 SET enable_indexscan = OFF;
 SET enable_bitmapscan = OFF;
-CREATE TABLE quad_poly_tbl_ord_seq1 AS
-SELECT rank() OVER (ORDER BY p <-> point '123,456') n, p <-> point '123,456' dist, id
-FROM quad_poly_tbl;
 CREATE TABLE quad_poly_tbl_ord_seq2 AS
 SELECT rank() OVER (ORDER BY p <-> point '123,456') n, p <-> point '123,456' dist, id
 FROM quad_poly_tbl WHERE p <@ polygon '((300,300),(400,600),(600,500),(700,200))';
@@ -285,28 +282,6 @@ SET enable_indexscan = ON;
 SET enable_bitmapscan = OFF;
 SELECT rank() OVER (ORDER BY p <-> point '123,456') n, p <-> point '123,456' dist, id
-FROM quad_poly_tbl;
-                        QUERY PLAN
- WindowAgg
-   ->  Index Scan using quad_poly_tbl_idx on quad_poly_tbl
-         Order By: (p <-> '(123,456)'::point)
-(3 rows)
-CREATE TEMP TABLE quad_poly_tbl_ord_idx1 AS
-SELECT rank() OVER (ORDER BY p <-> point '123,456') n, p <-> point '123,456' dist, id
-FROM quad_poly_tbl;
-FROM quad_poly_tbl_ord_seq1 seq FULL JOIN quad_poly_tbl_ord_idx1 idx
-    ON seq.n = idx.n AND = AND
-        (seq.dist = idx.dist OR seq.dist IS NULL AND idx.dist IS NULL)
- n | dist | id | n | dist | id
-(0 rows)
-SELECT rank() OVER (ORDER BY p <-> point '123,456') n, p <-> point '123,456' dist, id
 FROM quad_poly_tbl WHERE p <@ polygon '((300,300),(400,600),(600,500),(700,200))';
                                    QUERY PLAN
diff --git a/src/test/regress/expected/rules.out b/src/test/regress/expected/rules.out
index 4638374..2f048f3 100644
--- a/src/test/regress/expected/rules.out
+++ b/src/test/regress/expected/rules.out
@@ -1282,7 +1282,9 @@ drop table cchild;
 -- temporarily disable fancy output, so view changes create less diff noise
-SELECT viewname, definition FROM pg_views WHERE schemaname <> 'information_schema' ORDER BY viewname;
+SELECT viewname, definition FROM pg_views
+WHERE schemaname IN ('pg_catalog', 'public')
+ORDER BY viewname;
 iexit| SELECT,
     interpt_pp(ih.thepath, r.thepath) AS exit
@@ -2418,7 +2420,8 @@ toyemp| SELECT,
     (12 * emp.salary) AS annualsal
    FROM emp;
 SELECT tablename, rulename, definition FROM pg_rules
-    ORDER BY tablename, rulename;
+WHERE schemaname IN ('pg_catalog', 'public')
+ORDER BY tablename, rulename;
 pg_settings|pg_settings_n|CREATE RULE pg_settings_n AS
     ON UPDATE TO pg_catalog.pg_settings DO INSTEAD NOTHING;
 pg_settings|pg_settings_u|CREATE RULE pg_settings_u AS
diff --git a/src/test/regress/expected/sanity_check.out b/src/test/regress/expected/sanity_check.out
index 29682e3..8882a07 100644
--- a/src/test/regress/expected/sanity_check.out
+++ b/src/test/regress/expected/sanity_check.out
@@ -38,7 +38,6 @@ d_star|f
@@ -167,7 +166,6 @@ polygon_tbl|t
@@ -209,6 +207,7 @@ time_tbl|f
 -- restore normal output mode
diff --git a/src/test/regress/input/constraints.source b/src/test/regress/input/constraints.source
index 98dd421..0abf955 100644
--- a/src/test/regress/input/constraints.source
+++ b/src/test/regress/input/constraints.source
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ DELETE FROM INSERT_TBL;


-CREATE TABLE tmp (xd INT, yd TEXT, zd INT);

 INSERT INTO tmp VALUES (null, 'Y', null);
 INSERT INTO tmp VALUES (5, '!check failed', null);
diff --git a/src/test/regress/output/constraints.source b/src/test/regress/output/constraints.source
index e838906..465d6da 100644
--- a/src/test/regress/output/constraints.source
+++ b/src/test/regress/output/constraints.source
@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ NOTICE:  drop cascades to table atacc2
-CREATE TABLE tmp (xd INT, yd TEXT, zd INT);
 INSERT INTO tmp VALUES (null, 'Y', null);
 INSERT INTO tmp VALUES (5, '!check failed', null);
 INSERT INTO tmp VALUES (null, 'try again', null);
diff --git a/src/test/regress/parallel_schedule b/src/test/regress/parallel_schedule
index f320fb6..39018ed 100644
--- a/src/test/regress/parallel_schedule
+++ b/src/test/regress/parallel_schedule
@@ -15,15 +15,12 @@ test: tablespace
 # ----------
 test: boolean char name varchar text int2 int4 int8 oid float4 float8 bit numeric txid uuid enum money rangetypes

-# Depends on things setup during char, varchar and text
-test: strings
-# Depends on int2, int4, int8, float4, float8
-test: numerology
 # ----------
 # The second group of parallel tests
+# strings depends on char, varchar and text
+# numerology depends on int2, int4, int8, float4, float8
 # ----------
-test: point lseg line box path polygon circle date time timetz timestamp timestamptz interval inet macaddr macaddr8
+test: strings numerology point lseg line box path polygon circle date time timetz timestamp timestamptz interval inet
macaddrmacaddr8 tstypes fsm 

 # ----------
 # Another group of parallel tests
@@ -35,8 +32,6 @@ test: geometry horology regex oidjoins type_sanity opr_sanity misc_sanity commen
 # ----------
 # These four each depend on the previous one
 # ----------
-test: insert
-test: insert_conflict
 test: create_function_1
 test: create_type
 test: create_table
@@ -48,19 +43,19 @@ test: create_function_2
 # execute two copy tests parallel, to check that copy itself
 # is concurrent safe.
 # ----------
-test: copy copyselect copydml
+test: copy copyselect copydml insert insert_conflict

 # ----------
 # More groups of parallel tests
 # ----------
 test: create_misc create_operator create_procedure
-# These depend on the above two
-test: create_index create_view index_including index_including_gist
+# These depend on create_misc and create_operator
+test: create_index create_index_spgist create_view index_including index_including_gist

 # ----------
 # Another group of parallel tests
 # ----------
-test: create_aggregate create_function_3 create_cast constraints triggers inherit typed_table vacuum drop_if_exists
updatable_viewsrolenames roleattributes create_am hash_func 
+test: create_aggregate create_function_3 create_cast constraints triggers select inherit typed_table vacuum
drop_if_existsupdatable_views rolenames roleattributes create_am hash_func errors 

 # ----------
 # sanity_check does a vacuum, affecting the sort order of SELECT *
@@ -69,30 +64,25 @@ test: create_aggregate create_function_3 create_cast constraints triggers inheri
 test: sanity_check

 # ----------
-# Believe it or not, select creates a table, subsequent
-# tests need.
-# ----------
-test: errors
-test: select
-ignore: random
-# ----------
 # Another group of parallel tests
+# Note: the ignore: line does not run random, just mark it as ignorable
 # ----------
+ignore: random
 test: select_into select_distinct select_distinct_on select_implicit select_having subselect union case join
aggregatestransactions random portals arrays btree_index hash_index update namespace prepared_xacts delete 

 # ----------
 # Another group of parallel tests
 # ----------
-test: brin gin gist spgist privileges init_privs security_label collate matview lock replica_identity rowsecurity
object_addresstablesample groupingsets drop_operator password identity generated 
+test: brin gin gist spgist privileges init_privs security_label join_hash collate matview lock replica_identity
rowsecurityobject_address tablesample groupingsets drop_operator password identity generated 

 # ----------
 # Another group of parallel tests
 # ----------
-test: create_table_like alter_generic alter_operator misc psql async dbsize misc_functions sysviews tsrf tidscan
+test: create_table_like alter_generic alter_operator misc async dbsize misc_functions sysviews tsrf tidscan

-# rules cannot run concurrently with any test that creates a view
-test: rules psql_crosstab amutils
+# rules cannot run concurrently with any test that creates
+# a view or rule in the public schema
+test: rules psql psql_crosstab amutils stats_ext

 # run by itself so it can run parallel workers
 test: select_parallel
@@ -121,7 +111,7 @@ test: plancache limit plpgsql copy2 temp domain rangefuncs prepare conversion tr
 # ----------
 # Another group of parallel tests
 # ----------
-test: partition_join partition_prune reloptions hash_part indexing partition_aggregate partition_info
+test: partition_join partition_prune reloptions hash_part indexing index_fastpath partition_aggregate partition_info

 # event triggers cannot run concurrently with any test that runs DDL
 test: event_trigger
diff --git a/src/test/regress/serial_schedule b/src/test/regress/serial_schedule
index 36644aa..e561e9b 100644
--- a/src/test/regress/serial_schedule
+++ b/src/test/regress/serial_schedule
@@ -50,8 +50,6 @@ test: opr_sanity
 test: misc_sanity
 test: comments
 test: expressions
-test: insert
-test: insert_conflict
 test: create_function_1
 test: create_type
 test: create_table
@@ -59,18 +57,22 @@ test: create_function_2
 test: copy
 test: copyselect
 test: copydml
+test: insert
+test: insert_conflict
 test: create_misc
 test: create_operator
 test: create_procedure
 test: create_index
+test: create_index_spgist
+test: create_view
 test: index_including
 test: index_including_gist
-test: create_view
 test: create_aggregate
 test: create_function_3
 test: create_cast
 test: constraints
 test: triggers
+test: select
 test: inherit
 test: typed_table
 test: vacuum
@@ -80,9 +82,8 @@ test: rolenames
 test: roleattributes
 test: create_am
 test: hash_func
-test: sanity_check
 test: errors
-test: select
+test: sanity_check
 test: select_into
 test: select_distinct
 test: select_distinct_on
@@ -111,6 +112,7 @@ test: spgist
 test: privileges
 test: init_privs
 test: security_label
+test: join_hash
 test: collate
 test: matview
 test: lock
@@ -127,21 +129,21 @@ test: create_table_like
 test: alter_generic
 test: alter_operator
 test: misc
-test: psql
 test: async
 test: dbsize
 test: misc_functions
 test: sysviews
 test: tsrf
 test: tidscan
-test: stats_ext
 test: rules
+test: psql
 test: psql_crosstab
+test: amutils
+test: stats_ext
 test: select_parallel
 test: write_parallel
 test: publication
 test: subscription
-test: amutils
 test: select_views
 test: portals_p2
 test: foreign_key
@@ -157,14 +159,14 @@ test: window
 test: xmlmap
 test: functional_deps
 test: advisory_lock
+test: indirect_toast
+test: equivclass
 test: json
 test: jsonb
 test: json_encoding
 test: jsonpath
 test: jsonpath_encoding
 test: jsonb_jsonpath
-test: indirect_toast
-test: equivclass
 test: plancache
 test: limit
 test: plpgsql
@@ -188,6 +190,7 @@ test: partition_prune
 test: reloptions
 test: hash_part
 test: indexing
+test: index_fastpath
 test: partition_aggregate
 test: partition_info
 test: event_trigger
diff --git a/src/test/regress/sql/btree_index.sql b/src/test/regress/sql/btree_index.sql
index 19fbfa8..48eaf4f 100644
--- a/src/test/regress/sql/btree_index.sql
+++ b/src/test/regress/sql/btree_index.sql
@@ -120,3 +120,23 @@ create index btree_idx_err on btree_test(a) with (vacuum_cleanup_index_scale_fac
 -- Simple ALTER INDEX
 alter index btree_idx1 set (vacuum_cleanup_index_scale_factor = 70.0);
 select reloptions from pg_class WHERE oid = 'btree_idx1'::regclass;
+-- Test for multilevel page deletion
+CREATE TABLE delete_test_table (a bigint, b bigint, c bigint, d bigint);
+INSERT INTO delete_test_table SELECT i, 1, 2, 3 FROM generate_series(1,80000) i;
+ALTER TABLE delete_test_table ADD PRIMARY KEY (a,b,c,d);
+-- Delete most entries, and vacuum, deleting internal pages and creating "fast
+-- root"
+DELETE FROM delete_test_table WHERE a < 79990;
+VACUUM delete_test_table;
+-- Test B-tree insertion with a metapage update (XLOG_BTREE_INSERT_META
+-- WAL record type). This happens when a "fast root" page is split.  This
+-- also creates coverage for nbtree FSM page recycling.
+-- The vacuum above should've turned the leaf page into a fast root. We just
+-- need to insert some rows to cause the fast root page to split.
+INSERT INTO delete_test_table SELECT i, 1, 2, 3 FROM generate_series(1,1000) i;
diff --git a/src/test/regress/sql/create_index.sql b/src/test/regress/sql/create_index.sql
index 4d2535b..2f0e9a6 100644
--- a/src/test/regress/sql/create_index.sql
+++ b/src/test/regress/sql/create_index.sql
@@ -97,35 +97,7 @@ CREATE INDEX ggpolygonind ON gpolygon_tbl USING gist (f1);
 CREATE INDEX ggcircleind ON gcircle_tbl USING gist (f1);

--- SP-GiST
-CREATE TABLE quad_point_tbl AS
-    SELECT point(unique1,unique2) AS p FROM tenk1;
-INSERT INTO quad_point_tbl
-    SELECT '(333.0,400.0)'::point FROM generate_series(1,1000);
-INSERT INTO quad_point_tbl VALUES (NULL), (NULL), (NULL);
-CREATE INDEX sp_quad_ind ON quad_point_tbl USING spgist (p);
-CREATE TABLE kd_point_tbl AS SELECT * FROM quad_point_tbl;
-CREATE INDEX sp_kd_ind ON kd_point_tbl USING spgist (p kd_point_ops);
-CREATE TABLE radix_text_tbl AS
-    SELECT name AS t FROM road WHERE name !~ '^[0-9]';
-INSERT INTO radix_text_tbl
-    SELECT 'P0123456789abcdef' FROM generate_series(1,1000);
-INSERT INTO radix_text_tbl VALUES ('P0123456789abcde');
-INSERT INTO radix_text_tbl VALUES ('P0123456789abcdefF');
-CREATE INDEX sp_radix_ind ON radix_text_tbl USING spgist (t);
--- Test GiST and SP-GiST indexes
+-- Test GiST indexes

 -- get non-indexed results for comparison purposes
@@ -178,66 +150,6 @@ SELECT * FROM point_tbl WHERE f1 IS NOT NULL ORDER BY f1 <-> '0,1';

 SELECT * FROM point_tbl WHERE f1 <@ '(-10,-10),(10,10)':: box ORDER BY f1 <-> '0,1';

-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p IS NULL;
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p IS NOT NULL;
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl;
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p <@ box '(200,200,1000,1000)';
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE box '(200,200,1000,1000)' @> p;
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p << '(5000, 4000)';
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p >> '(5000, 4000)';
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p <^ '(5000, 4000)';
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p >^ '(5000, 4000)';
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p ~= '(4585, 365)';
-CREATE TEMP TABLE quad_point_tbl_ord_seq1 AS
-SELECT rank() OVER (ORDER BY p <-> '0,0') n, p <-> '0,0' dist, p
-FROM quad_point_tbl;
-CREATE TEMP TABLE quad_point_tbl_ord_seq2 AS
-SELECT rank() OVER (ORDER BY p <-> '0,0') n, p <-> '0,0' dist, p
-FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p <@ box '(200,200,1000,1000)';
-CREATE TEMP TABLE quad_point_tbl_ord_seq3 AS
-SELECT rank() OVER (ORDER BY p <-> '333,400') n, p <-> '333,400' dist, p
-FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p IS NOT NULL;
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t = 'P0123456789abcdef';
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t = 'P0123456789abcde';
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t = 'P0123456789abcdefF';
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t <    'Aztec                         Ct  ';
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ~<~  'Aztec                         Ct  ';
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t <=   'Aztec                         Ct  ';
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ~<=~ 'Aztec                         Ct  ';
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t =    'Aztec                         Ct  ';
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t =    'Worth                         St  ';
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t >=   'Worth                         St  ';
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ~>=~ 'Worth                         St  ';
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t >    'Worth                         St  ';
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ~>~  'Worth                         St  ';
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ^@  'Worth';
 SELECT * FROM gpolygon_tbl ORDER BY f1 <-> '(0,0)'::point LIMIT 10;

 SELECT circle_center(f1), round(radius(f1)) as radius FROM gcircle_tbl ORDER BY f1 <-> '(200,300)'::point LIMIT 10;
@@ -336,196 +248,6 @@ SELECT * FROM point_tbl WHERE f1 <@ '(-10,-10),(10,10)':: box ORDER BY f1 <-> '0
 SELECT * FROM point_tbl WHERE f1 <@ '(-10,-10),(10,10)':: box ORDER BY f1 <-> '0,1';

-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p IS NULL;
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p IS NULL;
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p IS NOT NULL;
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p IS NOT NULL;
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl;
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl;
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p <@ box '(200,200,1000,1000)';
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p <@ box '(200,200,1000,1000)';
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE box '(200,200,1000,1000)' @> p;
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE box '(200,200,1000,1000)' @> p;
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p << '(5000, 4000)';
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p << '(5000, 4000)';
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p >> '(5000, 4000)';
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p >> '(5000, 4000)';
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p <^ '(5000, 4000)';
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p <^ '(5000, 4000)';
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p >^ '(5000, 4000)';
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p >^ '(5000, 4000)';
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p ~= '(4585, 365)';
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p ~= '(4585, 365)';
-SELECT rank() OVER (ORDER BY p <-> '0,0') n, p <-> '0,0' dist, p
-FROM quad_point_tbl;
-CREATE TEMP TABLE quad_point_tbl_ord_idx1 AS
-SELECT rank() OVER (ORDER BY p <-> '0,0') n, p <-> '0,0' dist, p
-FROM quad_point_tbl;
-SELECT * FROM quad_point_tbl_ord_seq1 seq FULL JOIN quad_point_tbl_ord_idx1 idx
-ON seq.n = idx.n
-AND (seq.dist = idx.dist AND seq.p ~= idx.p OR seq.p IS NULL AND idx.p IS NULL)
-WHERE seq.n IS NULL OR idx.n IS NULL;
-SELECT rank() OVER (ORDER BY p <-> '0,0') n, p <-> '0,0' dist, p
-FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p <@ box '(200,200,1000,1000)';
-CREATE TEMP TABLE quad_point_tbl_ord_idx2 AS
-SELECT rank() OVER (ORDER BY p <-> '0,0') n, p <-> '0,0' dist, p
-FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p <@ box '(200,200,1000,1000)';
-SELECT * FROM quad_point_tbl_ord_seq2 seq FULL JOIN quad_point_tbl_ord_idx2 idx
-ON seq.n = idx.n
-AND (seq.dist = idx.dist AND seq.p ~= idx.p OR seq.p IS NULL AND idx.p IS NULL)
-WHERE seq.n IS NULL OR idx.n IS NULL;
-SELECT rank() OVER (ORDER BY p <-> '333,400') n, p <-> '333,400' dist, p
-FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p IS NOT NULL;
-CREATE TEMP TABLE quad_point_tbl_ord_idx3 AS
-SELECT rank() OVER (ORDER BY p <-> '333,400') n, p <-> '333,400' dist, p
-FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p IS NOT NULL;
-SELECT * FROM quad_point_tbl_ord_seq3 seq FULL JOIN quad_point_tbl_ord_idx3 idx
-ON seq.n = idx.n
-AND (seq.dist = idx.dist AND seq.p ~= idx.p OR seq.p IS NULL AND idx.p IS NULL)
-WHERE seq.n IS NULL OR idx.n IS NULL;
-SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p <@ box '(200,200,1000,1000)';
-SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p <@ box '(200,200,1000,1000)';
-SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE box '(200,200,1000,1000)' @> p;
-SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE box '(200,200,1000,1000)' @> p;
-SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p << '(5000, 4000)';
-SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p << '(5000, 4000)';
-SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p >> '(5000, 4000)';
-SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p >> '(5000, 4000)';
-SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p <^ '(5000, 4000)';
-SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p <^ '(5000, 4000)';
-SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p >^ '(5000, 4000)';
-SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p >^ '(5000, 4000)';
-SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p ~= '(4585, 365)';
-SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p ~= '(4585, 365)';
-SELECT rank() OVER (ORDER BY p <-> '0,0') n, p <-> '0,0' dist, p
-FROM kd_point_tbl;
-CREATE TEMP TABLE kd_point_tbl_ord_idx1 AS
-SELECT rank() OVER (ORDER BY p <-> '0,0') n, p <-> '0,0' dist, p
-FROM kd_point_tbl;
-SELECT * FROM quad_point_tbl_ord_seq1 seq FULL JOIN kd_point_tbl_ord_idx1 idx
-ON seq.n = idx.n AND
-(seq.dist = idx.dist AND seq.p ~= idx.p OR seq.p IS NULL AND idx.p IS NULL)
-WHERE seq.n IS NULL OR idx.n IS NULL;
-SELECT rank() OVER (ORDER BY p <-> '0,0') n, p <-> '0,0' dist, p
-FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p <@ box '(200,200,1000,1000)';
-CREATE TEMP TABLE kd_point_tbl_ord_idx2 AS
-SELECT rank() OVER (ORDER BY p <-> '0,0') n, p <-> '0,0' dist, p
-FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p <@ box '(200,200,1000,1000)';
-SELECT * FROM quad_point_tbl_ord_seq2 seq FULL JOIN kd_point_tbl_ord_idx2 idx
-ON seq.n = idx.n AND
-(seq.dist = idx.dist AND seq.p ~= idx.p OR seq.p IS NULL AND idx.p IS NULL)
-WHERE seq.n IS NULL OR idx.n IS NULL;
-SELECT rank() OVER (ORDER BY p <-> '333,400') n, p <-> '333,400' dist, p
-FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p IS NOT NULL;
-CREATE TEMP TABLE kd_point_tbl_ord_idx3 AS
-SELECT rank() OVER (ORDER BY p <-> '333,400') n, p <-> '333,400' dist, p
-FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p IS NOT NULL;
-SELECT * FROM quad_point_tbl_ord_seq3 seq FULL JOIN kd_point_tbl_ord_idx3 idx
-ON seq.n = idx.n AND
-(seq.dist = idx.dist AND seq.p ~= idx.p OR seq.p IS NULL AND idx.p IS NULL)
-WHERE seq.n IS NULL OR idx.n IS NULL;
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t = 'P0123456789abcdef';
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t = 'P0123456789abcdef';
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t = 'P0123456789abcde';
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t = 'P0123456789abcde';
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t = 'P0123456789abcdefF';
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t = 'P0123456789abcdefF';
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t <    'Aztec                         Ct  ';
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t <    'Aztec                         Ct  ';
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ~<~  'Aztec                         Ct  ';
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ~<~  'Aztec                         Ct  ';
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t <=   'Aztec                         Ct  ';
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t <=   'Aztec                         Ct  ';
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ~<=~ 'Aztec                         Ct  ';
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ~<=~ 'Aztec                         Ct  ';
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t =    'Aztec                         Ct  ';
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t =    'Aztec                         Ct  ';
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t =    'Worth                         St  ';
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t =    'Worth                         St  ';
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t >=   'Worth                         St  ';
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t >=   'Worth                         St  ';
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ~>=~ 'Worth                         St  ';
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ~>=~ 'Worth                         St  ';
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t >    'Worth                         St  ';
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t >    'Worth                         St  ';
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ~>~  'Worth                         St  ';
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ~>~  'Worth                         St  ';
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ^@     'Worth';
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ^@     'Worth';
 SELECT * FROM gpolygon_tbl ORDER BY f1 <-> '(0,0)'::point LIMIT 10;
 SELECT * FROM gpolygon_tbl ORDER BY f1 <-> '(0,0)'::point LIMIT 10;

@@ -542,130 +264,6 @@ EXPLAIN (COSTS OFF)
 SELECT * FROM point_tbl WHERE f1 <@ '(-10,-10),(10,10)':: box ORDER BY f1 <-> '0,1';
 SELECT * FROM point_tbl WHERE f1 <@ '(-10,-10),(10,10)':: box ORDER BY f1 <-> '0,1';

-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p IS NULL;
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p IS NULL;
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p IS NOT NULL;
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p IS NOT NULL;
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl;
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl;
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p <@ box '(200,200,1000,1000)';
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p <@ box '(200,200,1000,1000)';
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE box '(200,200,1000,1000)' @> p;
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE box '(200,200,1000,1000)' @> p;
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p << '(5000, 4000)';
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p << '(5000, 4000)';
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p >> '(5000, 4000)';
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p >> '(5000, 4000)';
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p <^ '(5000, 4000)';
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p <^ '(5000, 4000)';
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p >^ '(5000, 4000)';
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p >^ '(5000, 4000)';
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p ~= '(4585, 365)';
-SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p ~= '(4585, 365)';
-SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p <@ box '(200,200,1000,1000)';
-SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p <@ box '(200,200,1000,1000)';
-SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE box '(200,200,1000,1000)' @> p;
-SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE box '(200,200,1000,1000)' @> p;
-SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p << '(5000, 4000)';
-SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p << '(5000, 4000)';
-SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p >> '(5000, 4000)';
-SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p >> '(5000, 4000)';
-SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p <^ '(5000, 4000)';
-SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p <^ '(5000, 4000)';
-SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p >^ '(5000, 4000)';
-SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p >^ '(5000, 4000)';
-SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p ~= '(4585, 365)';
-SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p ~= '(4585, 365)';
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t = 'P0123456789abcdef';
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t = 'P0123456789abcdef';
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t = 'P0123456789abcde';
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t = 'P0123456789abcde';
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t = 'P0123456789abcdefF';
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t = 'P0123456789abcdefF';
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t <    'Aztec                         Ct  ';
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t <    'Aztec                         Ct  ';
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ~<~  'Aztec                         Ct  ';
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ~<~  'Aztec                         Ct  ';
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t <=   'Aztec                         Ct  ';
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t <=   'Aztec                         Ct  ';
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ~<=~ 'Aztec                         Ct  ';
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ~<=~ 'Aztec                         Ct  ';
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t =    'Aztec                         Ct  ';
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t =    'Aztec                         Ct  ';
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t =    'Worth                         St  ';
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t =    'Worth                         St  ';
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t >=   'Worth                         St  ';
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t >=   'Worth                         St  ';
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ~>=~ 'Worth                         St  ';
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ~>=~ 'Worth                         St  ';
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t >    'Worth                         St  ';
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t >    'Worth                         St  ';
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ~>~  'Worth                         St  ';
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ~>~  'Worth                         St  ';
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ^@     'Worth';
-SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ^@     'Worth';
 RESET enable_seqscan;
 RESET enable_indexscan;
 RESET enable_bitmapscan;
@@ -1141,26 +739,6 @@ explain (costs off)
   select * from boolindex where b is false order by i desc limit 10;

--- Test for multilevel page deletion
-CREATE TABLE delete_test_table (a bigint, b bigint, c bigint, d bigint);
-INSERT INTO delete_test_table SELECT i, 1, 2, 3 FROM generate_series(1,80000) i;
-ALTER TABLE delete_test_table ADD PRIMARY KEY (a,b,c,d);
--- Delete most entries, and vacuum, deleting internal pages and creating "fast
--- root"
-DELETE FROM delete_test_table WHERE a < 79990;
-VACUUM delete_test_table;
--- Test B-tree insertion with a metapage update (XLOG_BTREE_INSERT_META
--- WAL record type). This happens when a "fast root" page is split.  This
--- also creates coverage for nbtree FSM page recycling.
--- The vacuum above should've turned the leaf page into a fast root. We just
--- need to insert some rows to cause the fast root page to split.
-INSERT INTO delete_test_table SELECT i, 1, 2, 3 FROM generate_series(1,1000) i;
 CREATE TABLE reindex_verbose(id integer primary key);
diff --git a/src/test/regress/sql/create_index_spgist.sql b/src/test/regress/sql/create_index_spgist.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e6c453
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/regress/sql/create_index_spgist.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,415 @@
+-- SP-GiST index tests
+CREATE TABLE quad_point_tbl AS
+    SELECT point(unique1,unique2) AS p FROM tenk1;
+INSERT INTO quad_point_tbl
+    SELECT '(333.0,400.0)'::point FROM generate_series(1,1000);
+INSERT INTO quad_point_tbl VALUES (NULL), (NULL), (NULL);
+CREATE INDEX sp_quad_ind ON quad_point_tbl USING spgist (p);
+CREATE TABLE kd_point_tbl AS SELECT * FROM quad_point_tbl;
+CREATE INDEX sp_kd_ind ON kd_point_tbl USING spgist (p kd_point_ops);
+CREATE TABLE radix_text_tbl AS
+    SELECT name AS t FROM road WHERE name !~ '^[0-9]';
+INSERT INTO radix_text_tbl
+    SELECT 'P0123456789abcdef' FROM generate_series(1,1000);
+INSERT INTO radix_text_tbl VALUES ('P0123456789abcde');
+INSERT INTO radix_text_tbl VALUES ('P0123456789abcdefF');
+CREATE INDEX sp_radix_ind ON radix_text_tbl USING spgist (t);
+-- get non-indexed results for comparison purposes
+SET enable_seqscan = ON;
+SET enable_indexscan = OFF;
+SET enable_bitmapscan = OFF;
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p IS NULL;
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p IS NOT NULL;
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl;
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p <@ box '(200,200,1000,1000)';
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE box '(200,200,1000,1000)' @> p;
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p << '(5000, 4000)';
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p >> '(5000, 4000)';
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p <^ '(5000, 4000)';
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p >^ '(5000, 4000)';
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p ~= '(4585, 365)';
+CREATE TEMP TABLE quad_point_tbl_ord_seq1 AS
+SELECT row_number() OVER (ORDER BY p <-> '0,0') n, p <-> '0,0' dist, p
+FROM quad_point_tbl;
+CREATE TEMP TABLE quad_point_tbl_ord_seq2 AS
+SELECT row_number() OVER (ORDER BY p <-> '0,0') n, p <-> '0,0' dist, p
+FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p <@ box '(200,200,1000,1000)';
+CREATE TEMP TABLE quad_point_tbl_ord_seq3 AS
+SELECT row_number() OVER (ORDER BY p <-> '333,400') n, p <-> '333,400' dist, p
+FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p IS NOT NULL;
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t = 'P0123456789abcdef';
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t = 'P0123456789abcde';
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t = 'P0123456789abcdefF';
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t <    'Aztec                         Ct  ';
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ~<~  'Aztec                         Ct  ';
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t <=   'Aztec                         Ct  ';
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ~<=~ 'Aztec                         Ct  ';
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t =    'Aztec                         Ct  ';
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t =    'Worth                         St  ';
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t >=   'Worth                         St  ';
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ~>=~ 'Worth                         St  ';
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t >    'Worth                         St  ';
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ~>~  'Worth                         St  ';
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ^@  'Worth';
+-- Now check the results from plain indexscan
+SET enable_seqscan = OFF;
+SET enable_indexscan = ON;
+SET enable_bitmapscan = OFF;
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p IS NULL;
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p IS NULL;
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p IS NOT NULL;
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p IS NOT NULL;
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl;
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl;
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p <@ box '(200,200,1000,1000)';
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p <@ box '(200,200,1000,1000)';
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE box '(200,200,1000,1000)' @> p;
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE box '(200,200,1000,1000)' @> p;
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p << '(5000, 4000)';
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p << '(5000, 4000)';
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p >> '(5000, 4000)';
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p >> '(5000, 4000)';
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p <^ '(5000, 4000)';
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p <^ '(5000, 4000)';
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p >^ '(5000, 4000)';
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p >^ '(5000, 4000)';
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p ~= '(4585, 365)';
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p ~= '(4585, 365)';
+SELECT row_number() OVER (ORDER BY p <-> '0,0') n, p <-> '0,0' dist, p
+FROM quad_point_tbl;
+CREATE TEMP TABLE quad_point_tbl_ord_idx1 AS
+SELECT row_number() OVER (ORDER BY p <-> '0,0') n, p <-> '0,0' dist, p
+FROM quad_point_tbl;
+SELECT * FROM quad_point_tbl_ord_seq1 seq FULL JOIN quad_point_tbl_ord_idx1 idx
+ON seq.n = idx.n
+WHERE seq.dist IS DISTINCT FROM idx.dist;
+SELECT row_number() OVER (ORDER BY p <-> '0,0') n, p <-> '0,0' dist, p
+FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p <@ box '(200,200,1000,1000)';
+CREATE TEMP TABLE quad_point_tbl_ord_idx2 AS
+SELECT row_number() OVER (ORDER BY p <-> '0,0') n, p <-> '0,0' dist, p
+FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p <@ box '(200,200,1000,1000)';
+SELECT * FROM quad_point_tbl_ord_seq2 seq FULL JOIN quad_point_tbl_ord_idx2 idx
+ON seq.n = idx.n
+WHERE seq.dist IS DISTINCT FROM idx.dist;
+SELECT row_number() OVER (ORDER BY p <-> '333,400') n, p <-> '333,400' dist, p
+FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p IS NOT NULL;
+CREATE TEMP TABLE quad_point_tbl_ord_idx3 AS
+SELECT row_number() OVER (ORDER BY p <-> '333,400') n, p <-> '333,400' dist, p
+FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p IS NOT NULL;
+SELECT * FROM quad_point_tbl_ord_seq3 seq FULL JOIN quad_point_tbl_ord_idx3 idx
+ON seq.n = idx.n
+WHERE seq.dist IS DISTINCT FROM idx.dist;
+SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p <@ box '(200,200,1000,1000)';
+SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p <@ box '(200,200,1000,1000)';
+SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE box '(200,200,1000,1000)' @> p;
+SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE box '(200,200,1000,1000)' @> p;
+SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p << '(5000, 4000)';
+SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p << '(5000, 4000)';
+SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p >> '(5000, 4000)';
+SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p >> '(5000, 4000)';
+SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p <^ '(5000, 4000)';
+SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p <^ '(5000, 4000)';
+SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p >^ '(5000, 4000)';
+SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p >^ '(5000, 4000)';
+SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p ~= '(4585, 365)';
+SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p ~= '(4585, 365)';
+SELECT row_number() OVER (ORDER BY p <-> '0,0') n, p <-> '0,0' dist, p
+FROM kd_point_tbl;
+CREATE TEMP TABLE kd_point_tbl_ord_idx1 AS
+SELECT row_number() OVER (ORDER BY p <-> '0,0') n, p <-> '0,0' dist, p
+FROM kd_point_tbl;
+SELECT * FROM quad_point_tbl_ord_seq1 seq FULL JOIN kd_point_tbl_ord_idx1 idx
+ON seq.n = idx.n
+WHERE seq.dist IS DISTINCT FROM idx.dist;
+SELECT row_number() OVER (ORDER BY p <-> '0,0') n, p <-> '0,0' dist, p
+FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p <@ box '(200,200,1000,1000)';
+CREATE TEMP TABLE kd_point_tbl_ord_idx2 AS
+SELECT row_number() OVER (ORDER BY p <-> '0,0') n, p <-> '0,0' dist, p
+FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p <@ box '(200,200,1000,1000)';
+SELECT * FROM quad_point_tbl_ord_seq2 seq FULL JOIN kd_point_tbl_ord_idx2 idx
+ON seq.n = idx.n
+WHERE seq.dist IS DISTINCT FROM idx.dist;
+SELECT row_number() OVER (ORDER BY p <-> '333,400') n, p <-> '333,400' dist, p
+FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p IS NOT NULL;
+CREATE TEMP TABLE kd_point_tbl_ord_idx3 AS
+SELECT row_number() OVER (ORDER BY p <-> '333,400') n, p <-> '333,400' dist, p
+FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p IS NOT NULL;
+SELECT * FROM quad_point_tbl_ord_seq3 seq FULL JOIN kd_point_tbl_ord_idx3 idx
+ON seq.n = idx.n
+WHERE seq.dist IS DISTINCT FROM idx.dist;
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t = 'P0123456789abcdef';
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t = 'P0123456789abcdef';
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t = 'P0123456789abcde';
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t = 'P0123456789abcde';
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t = 'P0123456789abcdefF';
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t = 'P0123456789abcdefF';
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t <    'Aztec                         Ct  ';
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t <    'Aztec                         Ct  ';
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ~<~  'Aztec                         Ct  ';
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ~<~  'Aztec                         Ct  ';
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t <=   'Aztec                         Ct  ';
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t <=   'Aztec                         Ct  ';
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ~<=~ 'Aztec                         Ct  ';
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ~<=~ 'Aztec                         Ct  ';
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t =    'Aztec                         Ct  ';
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t =    'Aztec                         Ct  ';
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t =    'Worth                         St  ';
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t =    'Worth                         St  ';
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t >=   'Worth                         St  ';
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t >=   'Worth                         St  ';
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ~>=~ 'Worth                         St  ';
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ~>=~ 'Worth                         St  ';
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t >    'Worth                         St  ';
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t >    'Worth                         St  ';
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ~>~  'Worth                         St  ';
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ~>~  'Worth                         St  ';
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ^@     'Worth';
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ^@     'Worth';
+-- Now check the results from bitmap indexscan
+SET enable_seqscan = OFF;
+SET enable_indexscan = OFF;
+SET enable_bitmapscan = ON;
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p IS NULL;
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p IS NULL;
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p IS NOT NULL;
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p IS NOT NULL;
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl;
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl;
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p <@ box '(200,200,1000,1000)';
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p <@ box '(200,200,1000,1000)';
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE box '(200,200,1000,1000)' @> p;
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE box '(200,200,1000,1000)' @> p;
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p << '(5000, 4000)';
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p << '(5000, 4000)';
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p >> '(5000, 4000)';
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p >> '(5000, 4000)';
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p <^ '(5000, 4000)';
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p <^ '(5000, 4000)';
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p >^ '(5000, 4000)';
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p >^ '(5000, 4000)';
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p ~= '(4585, 365)';
+SELECT count(*) FROM quad_point_tbl WHERE p ~= '(4585, 365)';
+SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p <@ box '(200,200,1000,1000)';
+SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p <@ box '(200,200,1000,1000)';
+SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE box '(200,200,1000,1000)' @> p;
+SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE box '(200,200,1000,1000)' @> p;
+SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p << '(5000, 4000)';
+SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p << '(5000, 4000)';
+SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p >> '(5000, 4000)';
+SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p >> '(5000, 4000)';
+SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p <^ '(5000, 4000)';
+SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p <^ '(5000, 4000)';
+SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p >^ '(5000, 4000)';
+SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p >^ '(5000, 4000)';
+SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p ~= '(4585, 365)';
+SELECT count(*) FROM kd_point_tbl WHERE p ~= '(4585, 365)';
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t = 'P0123456789abcdef';
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t = 'P0123456789abcdef';
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t = 'P0123456789abcde';
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t = 'P0123456789abcde';
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t = 'P0123456789abcdefF';
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t = 'P0123456789abcdefF';
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t <    'Aztec                         Ct  ';
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t <    'Aztec                         Ct  ';
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ~<~  'Aztec                         Ct  ';
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ~<~  'Aztec                         Ct  ';
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t <=   'Aztec                         Ct  ';
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t <=   'Aztec                         Ct  ';
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ~<=~ 'Aztec                         Ct  ';
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ~<=~ 'Aztec                         Ct  ';
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t =    'Aztec                         Ct  ';
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t =    'Aztec                         Ct  ';
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t =    'Worth                         St  ';
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t =    'Worth                         St  ';
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t >=   'Worth                         St  ';
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t >=   'Worth                         St  ';
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ~>=~ 'Worth                         St  ';
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ~>=~ 'Worth                         St  ';
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t >    'Worth                         St  ';
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t >    'Worth                         St  ';
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ~>~  'Worth                         St  ';
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ~>~  'Worth                         St  ';
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ^@     'Worth';
+SELECT count(*) FROM radix_text_tbl WHERE t ^@     'Worth';
+RESET enable_seqscan;
+RESET enable_indexscan;
+RESET enable_bitmapscan;
diff --git a/src/test/regress/sql/index_fastpath.sql b/src/test/regress/sql/index_fastpath.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38bba29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/regress/sql/index_fastpath.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+-- test fastpath mechanism for index insertion
+create table fastpath (a int, b text, c numeric);
+create unique index fpindex1 on fastpath(a);
+insert into fastpath values (1, 'b1', 100.00);
+insert into fastpath values (1, 'b1', 100.00); -- unique key check
+truncate fastpath;
+insert into fastpath select generate_series(1,10000), 'b', 100;
+-- vacuum the table so as to improve chances of index-only scans. we can't
+-- guarantee if index-only scans will be picked up in all cases or not, but
+-- that fuzziness actually helps the test.
+vacuum fastpath;
+set enable_seqscan to false;
+set enable_bitmapscan to false;
+select sum(a) from fastpath where a = 6456;
+select sum(a) from fastpath where a >= 5000 and a < 5700;
+-- drop the only index on the table and compute hashes for
+-- a few queries which orders the results in various different ways.
+drop index fpindex1;
+truncate fastpath;
+insert into fastpath select y.x, 'b' || (y.x/10)::text, 100 from (select generate_series(1,10000) as x) y;
+select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by a, b asc)) from fastpath
+    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
+select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by a desc, b desc)) from fastpath
+    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
+select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by b, a desc)) from fastpath
+    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
+select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by b, a asc)) from fastpath
+    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
+-- now create a multi-column index with both column asc
+create index fpindex2 on fastpath(a, b);
+truncate fastpath;
+insert into fastpath select y.x, 'b' || (y.x/10)::text, 100 from (select generate_series(1,10000) as x) y;
+-- again, vacuum here either forces index-only scans or creates fuzziness
+vacuum fastpath;
+select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by a, b asc)) from fastpath
+    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
+select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by a desc, b desc)) from fastpath
+    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
+select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by b, a desc)) from fastpath
+    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
+select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by b, a asc)) from fastpath
+    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
+-- same queries with a different kind of index now. the final result must not
+-- change irrespective of what kind of index we have.
+drop index fpindex2;
+create index fpindex3 on fastpath(a desc, b asc);
+truncate fastpath;
+insert into fastpath select y.x, 'b' || (y.x/10)::text, 100 from (select generate_series(1,10000) as x) y;
+vacuum fastpath;
+select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by a, b asc)) from fastpath
+    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
+select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by a desc, b desc)) from fastpath
+    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
+select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by b, a desc)) from fastpath
+    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
+select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by b, a asc)) from fastpath
+    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
+-- repeat again
+drop index fpindex3;
+create index fpindex4 on fastpath(a asc, b desc);
+truncate fastpath;
+insert into fastpath select y.x, 'b' || (y.x/10)::text, 100 from (select generate_series(1,10000) as x) y;
+vacuum fastpath;
+select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by a, b asc)) from fastpath
+    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
+select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by a desc, b desc)) from fastpath
+    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
+select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by b, a desc)) from fastpath
+    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
+select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by b, a asc)) from fastpath
+    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
+-- and again, this time indexing by (b, a). Note that column "b" has non-unique
+-- values.
+drop index fpindex4;
+create index fpindex5 on fastpath(b asc, a desc);
+truncate fastpath;
+insert into fastpath select y.x, 'b' || (y.x/10)::text, 100 from (select generate_series(1,10000) as x) y;
+vacuum fastpath;
+select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by a, b asc)) from fastpath
+    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
+select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by a desc, b desc)) from fastpath
+    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
+select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by b, a desc)) from fastpath
+    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
+select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by b, a asc)) from fastpath
+    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
+-- one last time
+drop index fpindex5;
+create index fpindex6 on fastpath(b desc, a desc);
+truncate fastpath;
+insert into fastpath select y.x, 'b' || (y.x/10)::text, 100 from (select generate_series(1,10000) as x) y;
+vacuum fastpath;
+select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by a, b asc)) from fastpath
+    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
+select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by a desc, b desc)) from fastpath
+    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
+select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by b, a desc)) from fastpath
+    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
+select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by b, a asc)) from fastpath
+    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
+drop table fastpath;
diff --git a/src/test/regress/sql/indexing.sql b/src/test/regress/sql/indexing.sql
index 954632b..7d46e03 100644
--- a/src/test/regress/sql/indexing.sql
+++ b/src/test/regress/sql/indexing.sql
@@ -620,120 +620,6 @@ insert into idxpart values (857142, 'six');
 select tableoid::regclass, * from idxpart order by a;
 drop table idxpart;

--- test fastpath mechanism for index insertion
-create table fastpath (a int, b text, c numeric);
-create unique index fpindex1 on fastpath(a);
-insert into fastpath values (1, 'b1', 100.00);
-insert into fastpath values (1, 'b1', 100.00); -- unique key check
-truncate fastpath;
-insert into fastpath select generate_series(1,10000), 'b', 100;
--- vacuum the table so as to improve chances of index-only scans. we can't
--- guarantee if index-only scans will be picked up in all cases or not, but
--- that fuzziness actually helps the test.
-vacuum fastpath;
-set enable_seqscan to false;
-set enable_bitmapscan to false;
-select sum(a) from fastpath where a = 6456;
-select sum(a) from fastpath where a >= 5000 and a < 5700;
--- drop the only index on the table and compute hashes for
--- a few queries which orders the results in various different ways.
-drop index fpindex1;
-truncate fastpath;
-insert into fastpath select y.x, 'b' || (y.x/10)::text, 100 from (select generate_series(1,10000) as x) y;
-select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by a, b asc)) from fastpath
-    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
-select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by a desc, b desc)) from fastpath
-    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
-select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by b, a desc)) from fastpath
-    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
-select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by b, a asc)) from fastpath
-    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
--- now create a multi-column index with both column asc
-create index fpindex2 on fastpath(a, b);
-truncate fastpath;
-insert into fastpath select y.x, 'b' || (y.x/10)::text, 100 from (select generate_series(1,10000) as x) y;
--- again, vacuum here either forces index-only scans or creates fuzziness
-vacuum fastpath;
-select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by a, b asc)) from fastpath
-    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
-select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by a desc, b desc)) from fastpath
-    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
-select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by b, a desc)) from fastpath
-    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
-select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by b, a asc)) from fastpath
-    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
--- same queries with a different kind of index now. the final result must not
--- change irrespective of what kind of index we have.
-drop index fpindex2;
-create index fpindex3 on fastpath(a desc, b asc);
-truncate fastpath;
-insert into fastpath select y.x, 'b' || (y.x/10)::text, 100 from (select generate_series(1,10000) as x) y;
-vacuum fastpath;
-select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by a, b asc)) from fastpath
-    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
-select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by a desc, b desc)) from fastpath
-    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
-select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by b, a desc)) from fastpath
-    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
-select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by b, a asc)) from fastpath
-    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
--- repeat again
-drop index fpindex3;
-create index fpindex4 on fastpath(a asc, b desc);
-truncate fastpath;
-insert into fastpath select y.x, 'b' || (y.x/10)::text, 100 from (select generate_series(1,10000) as x) y;
-vacuum fastpath;
-select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by a, b asc)) from fastpath
-    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
-select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by a desc, b desc)) from fastpath
-    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
-select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by b, a desc)) from fastpath
-    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
-select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by b, a asc)) from fastpath
-    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
--- and again, this time indexing by (b, a). Note that column "b" has non-unique
--- values.
-drop index fpindex4;
-create index fpindex5 on fastpath(b asc, a desc);
-truncate fastpath;
-insert into fastpath select y.x, 'b' || (y.x/10)::text, 100 from (select generate_series(1,10000) as x) y;
-vacuum fastpath;
-select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by a, b asc)) from fastpath
-    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
-select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by a desc, b desc)) from fastpath
-    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
-select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by b, a desc)) from fastpath
-    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
-select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by b, a asc)) from fastpath
-    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
--- one last time
-drop index fpindex5;
-create index fpindex6 on fastpath(b desc, a desc);
-truncate fastpath;
-insert into fastpath select y.x, 'b' || (y.x/10)::text, 100 from (select generate_series(1,10000) as x) y;
-vacuum fastpath;
-select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by a, b asc)) from fastpath
-    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
-select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by a desc, b desc)) from fastpath
-    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
-select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by b, a desc)) from fastpath
-    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
-select md5(string_agg(a::text, b order by b, a asc)) from fastpath
-    where a >= 1000 and a < 2000 and b > 'b1' and b < 'b3';
-drop table fastpath;
 -- intentionally leave some objects around
 create table idxpart (a int) partition by range (a);
 create table idxpart1 partition of idxpart for values from (0) to (100);
diff --git a/src/test/regress/sql/join.sql b/src/test/regress/sql/join.sql
index c247509..bf6d5c3 100644
--- a/src/test/regress/sql/join.sql
+++ b/src/test/regress/sql/join.sql
@@ -2067,473 +2067,3 @@ where exists (select 1 from j3
       and t1.unique1 < 1;

 drop table j3;
--- exercises for the hash join code
-set local min_parallel_table_scan_size = 0;
-set local parallel_setup_cost = 0;
--- Extract bucket and batch counts from an explain analyze plan.  In
--- general we can't make assertions about how many batches (or
--- buckets) will be required because it can vary, but we can in some
--- special cases and we can check for growth.
-create or replace function find_hash(node json)
-returns json language plpgsql
-  x json;
-  child json;
-  if node->>'Node Type' = 'Hash' then
-    return node;
-  else
-    for child in select json_array_elements(node->'Plans')
-    loop
-      x := find_hash(child);
-      if x is not null then
-        return x;
-      end if;
-    end loop;
-    return null;
-  end if;
-create or replace function hash_join_batches(query text)
-returns table (original int, final int) language plpgsql
-  whole_plan json;
-  hash_node json;
-  for whole_plan in
-    execute 'explain (analyze, format ''json'') ' || query
-  loop
-    hash_node := find_hash(json_extract_path(whole_plan, '0', 'Plan'));
-    original := hash_node->>'Original Hash Batches';
-    final := hash_node->>'Hash Batches';
-    return next;
-  end loop;
--- Make a simple relation with well distributed keys and correctly
--- estimated size.
-create table simple as
-  select generate_series(1, 20000) AS id, 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa';
-alter table simple set (parallel_workers = 2);
-analyze simple;
--- Make a relation whose size we will under-estimate.  We want stats
--- to say 1000 rows, but actually there are 20,000 rows.
-create table bigger_than_it_looks as
-  select generate_series(1, 20000) as id, 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa';
-alter table bigger_than_it_looks set (autovacuum_enabled = 'false');
-alter table bigger_than_it_looks set (parallel_workers = 2);
-analyze bigger_than_it_looks;
-update pg_class set reltuples = 1000 where relname = 'bigger_than_it_looks';
--- Make a relation whose size we underestimate and that also has a
--- kind of skew that breaks our batching scheme.  We want stats to say
--- 2 rows, but actually there are 20,000 rows with the same key.
-create table extremely_skewed (id int, t text);
-alter table extremely_skewed set (autovacuum_enabled = 'false');
-alter table extremely_skewed set (parallel_workers = 2);
-analyze extremely_skewed;
-insert into extremely_skewed
-  select 42 as id, 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa'
-  from generate_series(1, 20000);
-update pg_class
-  set reltuples = 2, relpages = pg_relation_size('extremely_skewed') / 8192
-  where relname = 'extremely_skewed';
--- Make a relation with a couple of enormous tuples.
-create table wide as select generate_series(1, 2) as id, rpad('', 320000, 'x') as t;
-alter table wide set (parallel_workers = 2);
--- The "optimal" case: the hash table fits in memory; we plan for 1
--- batch, we stick to that number, and peak memory usage stays within
--- our work_mem budget
--- non-parallel
-savepoint settings;
-set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 0;
-set local work_mem = '4MB';
-explain (costs off)
-  select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
-select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
-select original > 1 as initially_multibatch, final > original as increased_batches
-  from hash_join_batches(
-  select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
-rollback to settings;
--- parallel with parallel-oblivious hash join
-savepoint settings;
-set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 2;
-set local work_mem = '4MB';
-set local enable_parallel_hash = off;
-explain (costs off)
-  select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
-select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
-select original > 1 as initially_multibatch, final > original as increased_batches
-  from hash_join_batches(
-  select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
-rollback to settings;
--- parallel with parallel-aware hash join
-savepoint settings;
-set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 2;
-set local work_mem = '4MB';
-set local enable_parallel_hash = on;
-explain (costs off)
-  select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
-select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
-select original > 1 as initially_multibatch, final > original as increased_batches
-  from hash_join_batches(
-  select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
-rollback to settings;
--- The "good" case: batches required, but we plan the right number; we
--- plan for some number of batches, and we stick to that number, and
--- peak memory usage says within our work_mem budget
--- non-parallel
-savepoint settings;
-set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 0;
-set local work_mem = '128kB';
-explain (costs off)
-  select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
-select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
-select original > 1 as initially_multibatch, final > original as increased_batches
-  from hash_join_batches(
-  select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
-rollback to settings;
--- parallel with parallel-oblivious hash join
-savepoint settings;
-set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 2;
-set local work_mem = '128kB';
-set local enable_parallel_hash = off;
-explain (costs off)
-  select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
-select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
-select original > 1 as initially_multibatch, final > original as increased_batches
-  from hash_join_batches(
-  select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
-rollback to settings;
--- parallel with parallel-aware hash join
-savepoint settings;
-set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 2;
-set local work_mem = '192kB';
-set local enable_parallel_hash = on;
-explain (costs off)
-  select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
-select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
-select original > 1 as initially_multibatch, final > original as increased_batches
-  from hash_join_batches(
-  select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
-rollback to settings;
--- The "bad" case: during execution we need to increase number of
--- batches; in this case we plan for 1 batch, and increase at least a
--- couple of times, and peak memory usage stays within our work_mem
--- budget
--- non-parallel
-savepoint settings;
-set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 0;
-set local work_mem = '128kB';
-explain (costs off)
-  select count(*) FROM simple r JOIN bigger_than_it_looks s USING (id);
-select count(*) FROM simple r JOIN bigger_than_it_looks s USING (id);
-select original > 1 as initially_multibatch, final > original as increased_batches
-  from hash_join_batches(
-  select count(*) FROM simple r JOIN bigger_than_it_looks s USING (id);
-rollback to settings;
--- parallel with parallel-oblivious hash join
-savepoint settings;
-set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 2;
-set local work_mem = '128kB';
-set local enable_parallel_hash = off;
-explain (costs off)
-  select count(*) from simple r join bigger_than_it_looks s using (id);
-select count(*) from simple r join bigger_than_it_looks s using (id);
-select original > 1 as initially_multibatch, final > original as increased_batches
-  from hash_join_batches(
-  select count(*) from simple r join bigger_than_it_looks s using (id);
-rollback to settings;
--- parallel with parallel-aware hash join
-savepoint settings;
-set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 1;
-set local work_mem = '192kB';
-set local enable_parallel_hash = on;
-explain (costs off)
-  select count(*) from simple r join bigger_than_it_looks s using (id);
-select count(*) from simple r join bigger_than_it_looks s using (id);
-select original > 1 as initially_multibatch, final > original as increased_batches
-  from hash_join_batches(
-  select count(*) from simple r join bigger_than_it_looks s using (id);
-rollback to settings;
--- The "ugly" case: increasing the number of batches during execution
--- doesn't help, so stop trying to fit in work_mem and hope for the
--- best; in this case we plan for 1 batch, increases just once and
--- then stop increasing because that didn't help at all, so we blow
--- right through the work_mem budget and hope for the best...
--- non-parallel
-savepoint settings;
-set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 0;
-set local work_mem = '128kB';
-explain (costs off)
-  select count(*) from simple r join extremely_skewed s using (id);
-select count(*) from simple r join extremely_skewed s using (id);
-select * from hash_join_batches(
-  select count(*) from simple r join extremely_skewed s using (id);
-rollback to settings;
--- parallel with parallel-oblivious hash join
-savepoint settings;
-set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 2;
-set local work_mem = '128kB';
-set local enable_parallel_hash = off;
-explain (costs off)
-  select count(*) from simple r join extremely_skewed s using (id);
-select count(*) from simple r join extremely_skewed s using (id);
-select * from hash_join_batches(
-  select count(*) from simple r join extremely_skewed s using (id);
-rollback to settings;
--- parallel with parallel-aware hash join
-savepoint settings;
-set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 1;
-set local work_mem = '128kB';
-set local enable_parallel_hash = on;
-explain (costs off)
-  select count(*) from simple r join extremely_skewed s using (id);
-select count(*) from simple r join extremely_skewed s using (id);
-select * from hash_join_batches(
-  select count(*) from simple r join extremely_skewed s using (id);
-rollback to settings;
--- A couple of other hash join tests unrelated to work_mem management.
--- Check that EXPLAIN ANALYZE has data even if the leader doesn't participate
-savepoint settings;
-set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 2;
-set local work_mem = '4MB';
-set local parallel_leader_participation = off;
-select * from hash_join_batches(
-  select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
-rollback to settings;
--- Exercise rescans.  We'll turn off parallel_leader_participation so
--- that we can check that instrumentation comes back correctly.
-create table join_foo as select generate_series(1, 3) as id, 'xxxxx'::text as t;
-alter table join_foo set (parallel_workers = 0);
-create table join_bar as select generate_series(1, 10000) as id, 'xxxxx'::text as t;
-alter table join_bar set (parallel_workers = 2);
--- multi-batch with rescan, parallel-oblivious
-savepoint settings;
-set enable_parallel_hash = off;
-set parallel_leader_participation = off;
-set min_parallel_table_scan_size = 0;
-set parallel_setup_cost = 0;
-set parallel_tuple_cost = 0;
-set max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 2;
-set enable_material = off;
-set enable_mergejoin = off;
-set work_mem = '64kB';
-explain (costs off)
-  select count(*) from join_foo
-    left join (select, b1.t from join_bar b1 join join_bar b2 using (id)) ss
-    on < + 1 and > - 1;
-select count(*) from join_foo
-  left join (select, b1.t from join_bar b1 join join_bar b2 using (id)) ss
-  on < + 1 and > - 1;
-select final > 1 as multibatch
-  from hash_join_batches(
-  select count(*) from join_foo
-    left join (select, b1.t from join_bar b1 join join_bar b2 using (id)) ss
-    on < + 1 and > - 1;
-rollback to settings;
--- single-batch with rescan, parallel-oblivious
-savepoint settings;
-set enable_parallel_hash = off;
-set parallel_leader_participation = off;
-set min_parallel_table_scan_size = 0;
-set parallel_setup_cost = 0;
-set parallel_tuple_cost = 0;
-set max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 2;
-set enable_material = off;
-set enable_mergejoin = off;
-set work_mem = '4MB';
-explain (costs off)
-  select count(*) from join_foo
-    left join (select, b1.t from join_bar b1 join join_bar b2 using (id)) ss
-    on < + 1 and > - 1;
-select count(*) from join_foo
-  left join (select, b1.t from join_bar b1 join join_bar b2 using (id)) ss
-  on < + 1 and > - 1;
-select final > 1 as multibatch
-  from hash_join_batches(
-  select count(*) from join_foo
-    left join (select, b1.t from join_bar b1 join join_bar b2 using (id)) ss
-    on < + 1 and > - 1;
-rollback to settings;
--- multi-batch with rescan, parallel-aware
-savepoint settings;
-set enable_parallel_hash = on;
-set parallel_leader_participation = off;
-set min_parallel_table_scan_size = 0;
-set parallel_setup_cost = 0;
-set parallel_tuple_cost = 0;
-set max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 2;
-set enable_material = off;
-set enable_mergejoin = off;
-set work_mem = '64kB';
-explain (costs off)
-  select count(*) from join_foo
-    left join (select, b1.t from join_bar b1 join join_bar b2 using (id)) ss
-    on < + 1 and > - 1;
-select count(*) from join_foo
-  left join (select, b1.t from join_bar b1 join join_bar b2 using (id)) ss
-  on < + 1 and > - 1;
-select final > 1 as multibatch
-  from hash_join_batches(
-  select count(*) from join_foo
-    left join (select, b1.t from join_bar b1 join join_bar b2 using (id)) ss
-    on < + 1 and > - 1;
-rollback to settings;
--- single-batch with rescan, parallel-aware
-savepoint settings;
-set enable_parallel_hash = on;
-set parallel_leader_participation = off;
-set min_parallel_table_scan_size = 0;
-set parallel_setup_cost = 0;
-set parallel_tuple_cost = 0;
-set max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 2;
-set enable_material = off;
-set enable_mergejoin = off;
-set work_mem = '4MB';
-explain (costs off)
-  select count(*) from join_foo
-    left join (select, b1.t from join_bar b1 join join_bar b2 using (id)) ss
-    on < + 1 and > - 1;
-select count(*) from join_foo
-  left join (select, b1.t from join_bar b1 join join_bar b2 using (id)) ss
-  on < + 1 and > - 1;
-select final > 1 as multibatch
-  from hash_join_batches(
-  select count(*) from join_foo
-    left join (select, b1.t from join_bar b1 join join_bar b2 using (id)) ss
-    on < + 1 and > - 1;
-rollback to settings;
--- A full outer join where every record is matched.
--- non-parallel
-savepoint settings;
-set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 0;
-explain (costs off)
-     select  count(*) from simple r full outer join simple s using (id);
-select  count(*) from simple r full outer join simple s using (id);
-rollback to settings;
--- parallelism not possible with parallel-oblivious outer hash join
-savepoint settings;
-set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 2;
-explain (costs off)
-     select  count(*) from simple r full outer join simple s using (id);
-select  count(*) from simple r full outer join simple s using (id);
-rollback to settings;
--- An full outer join where every record is not matched.
--- non-parallel
-savepoint settings;
-set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 0;
-explain (costs off)
-     select  count(*) from simple r full outer join simple s on ( = 0 -;
-select  count(*) from simple r full outer join simple s on ( = 0 -;
-rollback to settings;
--- parallelism not possible with parallel-oblivious outer hash join
-savepoint settings;
-set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 2;
-explain (costs off)
-     select  count(*) from simple r full outer join simple s on ( = 0 -;
-select  count(*) from simple r full outer join simple s on ( = 0 -;
-rollback to settings;
--- exercise special code paths for huge tuples (note use of non-strict
--- expression and left join required to get the detoasted tuple into
--- the hash table)
--- parallel with parallel-aware hash join (hits ExecParallelHashLoadTuple and
--- sts_puttuple oversized tuple cases because it's multi-batch)
-savepoint settings;
-set max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 2;
-set enable_parallel_hash = on;
-set work_mem = '128kB';
-explain (costs off)
-  select length(max(s.t))
-  from wide left join (select id, coalesce(t, '') || '' as t from wide) s using (id);
-select length(max(s.t))
-from wide left join (select id, coalesce(t, '') || '' as t from wide) s using (id);
-select final > 1 as multibatch
-  from hash_join_batches(
-  select length(max(s.t))
-  from wide left join (select id, coalesce(t, '') || '' as t from wide) s using (id);
-rollback to settings;
diff --git a/src/test/regress/sql/join_hash.sql b/src/test/regress/sql/join_hash.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae352e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/regress/sql/join_hash.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,469 @@
+-- exercises for the hash join code
+set local min_parallel_table_scan_size = 0;
+set local parallel_setup_cost = 0;
+-- Extract bucket and batch counts from an explain analyze plan.  In
+-- general we can't make assertions about how many batches (or
+-- buckets) will be required because it can vary, but we can in some
+-- special cases and we can check for growth.
+create or replace function find_hash(node json)
+returns json language plpgsql
+  x json;
+  child json;
+  if node->>'Node Type' = 'Hash' then
+    return node;
+  else
+    for child in select json_array_elements(node->'Plans')
+    loop
+      x := find_hash(child);
+      if x is not null then
+        return x;
+      end if;
+    end loop;
+    return null;
+  end if;
+create or replace function hash_join_batches(query text)
+returns table (original int, final int) language plpgsql
+  whole_plan json;
+  hash_node json;
+  for whole_plan in
+    execute 'explain (analyze, format ''json'') ' || query
+  loop
+    hash_node := find_hash(json_extract_path(whole_plan, '0', 'Plan'));
+    original := hash_node->>'Original Hash Batches';
+    final := hash_node->>'Hash Batches';
+    return next;
+  end loop;
+-- Make a simple relation with well distributed keys and correctly
+-- estimated size.
+create table simple as
+  select generate_series(1, 20000) AS id, 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa';
+alter table simple set (parallel_workers = 2);
+analyze simple;
+-- Make a relation whose size we will under-estimate.  We want stats
+-- to say 1000 rows, but actually there are 20,000 rows.
+create table bigger_than_it_looks as
+  select generate_series(1, 20000) as id, 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa';
+alter table bigger_than_it_looks set (autovacuum_enabled = 'false');
+alter table bigger_than_it_looks set (parallel_workers = 2);
+analyze bigger_than_it_looks;
+update pg_class set reltuples = 1000 where relname = 'bigger_than_it_looks';
+-- Make a relation whose size we underestimate and that also has a
+-- kind of skew that breaks our batching scheme.  We want stats to say
+-- 2 rows, but actually there are 20,000 rows with the same key.
+create table extremely_skewed (id int, t text);
+alter table extremely_skewed set (autovacuum_enabled = 'false');
+alter table extremely_skewed set (parallel_workers = 2);
+analyze extremely_skewed;
+insert into extremely_skewed
+  select 42 as id, 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa'
+  from generate_series(1, 20000);
+update pg_class
+  set reltuples = 2, relpages = pg_relation_size('extremely_skewed') / 8192
+  where relname = 'extremely_skewed';
+-- Make a relation with a couple of enormous tuples.
+create table wide as select generate_series(1, 2) as id, rpad('', 320000, 'x') as t;
+alter table wide set (parallel_workers = 2);
+-- The "optimal" case: the hash table fits in memory; we plan for 1
+-- batch, we stick to that number, and peak memory usage stays within
+-- our work_mem budget
+-- non-parallel
+savepoint settings;
+set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 0;
+set local work_mem = '4MB';
+explain (costs off)
+  select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
+select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
+select original > 1 as initially_multibatch, final > original as increased_batches
+  from hash_join_batches(
+  select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
+rollback to settings;
+-- parallel with parallel-oblivious hash join
+savepoint settings;
+set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 2;
+set local work_mem = '4MB';
+set local enable_parallel_hash = off;
+explain (costs off)
+  select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
+select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
+select original > 1 as initially_multibatch, final > original as increased_batches
+  from hash_join_batches(
+  select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
+rollback to settings;
+-- parallel with parallel-aware hash join
+savepoint settings;
+set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 2;
+set local work_mem = '4MB';
+set local enable_parallel_hash = on;
+explain (costs off)
+  select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
+select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
+select original > 1 as initially_multibatch, final > original as increased_batches
+  from hash_join_batches(
+  select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
+rollback to settings;
+-- The "good" case: batches required, but we plan the right number; we
+-- plan for some number of batches, and we stick to that number, and
+-- peak memory usage says within our work_mem budget
+-- non-parallel
+savepoint settings;
+set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 0;
+set local work_mem = '128kB';
+explain (costs off)
+  select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
+select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
+select original > 1 as initially_multibatch, final > original as increased_batches
+  from hash_join_batches(
+  select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
+rollback to settings;
+-- parallel with parallel-oblivious hash join
+savepoint settings;
+set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 2;
+set local work_mem = '128kB';
+set local enable_parallel_hash = off;
+explain (costs off)
+  select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
+select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
+select original > 1 as initially_multibatch, final > original as increased_batches
+  from hash_join_batches(
+  select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
+rollback to settings;
+-- parallel with parallel-aware hash join
+savepoint settings;
+set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 2;
+set local work_mem = '192kB';
+set local enable_parallel_hash = on;
+explain (costs off)
+  select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
+select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
+select original > 1 as initially_multibatch, final > original as increased_batches
+  from hash_join_batches(
+  select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
+rollback to settings;
+-- The "bad" case: during execution we need to increase number of
+-- batches; in this case we plan for 1 batch, and increase at least a
+-- couple of times, and peak memory usage stays within our work_mem
+-- budget
+-- non-parallel
+savepoint settings;
+set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 0;
+set local work_mem = '128kB';
+explain (costs off)
+  select count(*) FROM simple r JOIN bigger_than_it_looks s USING (id);
+select count(*) FROM simple r JOIN bigger_than_it_looks s USING (id);
+select original > 1 as initially_multibatch, final > original as increased_batches
+  from hash_join_batches(
+  select count(*) FROM simple r JOIN bigger_than_it_looks s USING (id);
+rollback to settings;
+-- parallel with parallel-oblivious hash join
+savepoint settings;
+set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 2;
+set local work_mem = '128kB';
+set local enable_parallel_hash = off;
+explain (costs off)
+  select count(*) from simple r join bigger_than_it_looks s using (id);
+select count(*) from simple r join bigger_than_it_looks s using (id);
+select original > 1 as initially_multibatch, final > original as increased_batches
+  from hash_join_batches(
+  select count(*) from simple r join bigger_than_it_looks s using (id);
+rollback to settings;
+-- parallel with parallel-aware hash join
+savepoint settings;
+set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 1;
+set local work_mem = '192kB';
+set local enable_parallel_hash = on;
+explain (costs off)
+  select count(*) from simple r join bigger_than_it_looks s using (id);
+select count(*) from simple r join bigger_than_it_looks s using (id);
+select original > 1 as initially_multibatch, final > original as increased_batches
+  from hash_join_batches(
+  select count(*) from simple r join bigger_than_it_looks s using (id);
+rollback to settings;
+-- The "ugly" case: increasing the number of batches during execution
+-- doesn't help, so stop trying to fit in work_mem and hope for the
+-- best; in this case we plan for 1 batch, increases just once and
+-- then stop increasing because that didn't help at all, so we blow
+-- right through the work_mem budget and hope for the best...
+-- non-parallel
+savepoint settings;
+set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 0;
+set local work_mem = '128kB';
+explain (costs off)
+  select count(*) from simple r join extremely_skewed s using (id);
+select count(*) from simple r join extremely_skewed s using (id);
+select * from hash_join_batches(
+  select count(*) from simple r join extremely_skewed s using (id);
+rollback to settings;
+-- parallel with parallel-oblivious hash join
+savepoint settings;
+set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 2;
+set local work_mem = '128kB';
+set local enable_parallel_hash = off;
+explain (costs off)
+  select count(*) from simple r join extremely_skewed s using (id);
+select count(*) from simple r join extremely_skewed s using (id);
+select * from hash_join_batches(
+  select count(*) from simple r join extremely_skewed s using (id);
+rollback to settings;
+-- parallel with parallel-aware hash join
+savepoint settings;
+set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 1;
+set local work_mem = '128kB';
+set local enable_parallel_hash = on;
+explain (costs off)
+  select count(*) from simple r join extremely_skewed s using (id);
+select count(*) from simple r join extremely_skewed s using (id);
+select * from hash_join_batches(
+  select count(*) from simple r join extremely_skewed s using (id);
+rollback to settings;
+-- A couple of other hash join tests unrelated to work_mem management.
+-- Check that EXPLAIN ANALYZE has data even if the leader doesn't participate
+savepoint settings;
+set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 2;
+set local work_mem = '4MB';
+set local parallel_leader_participation = off;
+select * from hash_join_batches(
+  select count(*) from simple r join simple s using (id);
+rollback to settings;
+-- Exercise rescans.  We'll turn off parallel_leader_participation so
+-- that we can check that instrumentation comes back correctly.
+create table join_foo as select generate_series(1, 3) as id, 'xxxxx'::text as t;
+alter table join_foo set (parallel_workers = 0);
+create table join_bar as select generate_series(1, 10000) as id, 'xxxxx'::text as t;
+alter table join_bar set (parallel_workers = 2);
+-- multi-batch with rescan, parallel-oblivious
+savepoint settings;
+set enable_parallel_hash = off;
+set parallel_leader_participation = off;
+set min_parallel_table_scan_size = 0;
+set parallel_setup_cost = 0;
+set parallel_tuple_cost = 0;
+set max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 2;
+set enable_material = off;
+set enable_mergejoin = off;
+set work_mem = '64kB';
+explain (costs off)
+  select count(*) from join_foo
+    left join (select, b1.t from join_bar b1 join join_bar b2 using (id)) ss
+    on < + 1 and > - 1;
+select count(*) from join_foo
+  left join (select, b1.t from join_bar b1 join join_bar b2 using (id)) ss
+  on < + 1 and > - 1;
+select final > 1 as multibatch
+  from hash_join_batches(
+  select count(*) from join_foo
+    left join (select, b1.t from join_bar b1 join join_bar b2 using (id)) ss
+    on < + 1 and > - 1;
+rollback to settings;
+-- single-batch with rescan, parallel-oblivious
+savepoint settings;
+set enable_parallel_hash = off;
+set parallel_leader_participation = off;
+set min_parallel_table_scan_size = 0;
+set parallel_setup_cost = 0;
+set parallel_tuple_cost = 0;
+set max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 2;
+set enable_material = off;
+set enable_mergejoin = off;
+set work_mem = '4MB';
+explain (costs off)
+  select count(*) from join_foo
+    left join (select, b1.t from join_bar b1 join join_bar b2 using (id)) ss
+    on < + 1 and > - 1;
+select count(*) from join_foo
+  left join (select, b1.t from join_bar b1 join join_bar b2 using (id)) ss
+  on < + 1 and > - 1;
+select final > 1 as multibatch
+  from hash_join_batches(
+  select count(*) from join_foo
+    left join (select, b1.t from join_bar b1 join join_bar b2 using (id)) ss
+    on < + 1 and > - 1;
+rollback to settings;
+-- multi-batch with rescan, parallel-aware
+savepoint settings;
+set enable_parallel_hash = on;
+set parallel_leader_participation = off;
+set min_parallel_table_scan_size = 0;
+set parallel_setup_cost = 0;
+set parallel_tuple_cost = 0;
+set max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 2;
+set enable_material = off;
+set enable_mergejoin = off;
+set work_mem = '64kB';
+explain (costs off)
+  select count(*) from join_foo
+    left join (select, b1.t from join_bar b1 join join_bar b2 using (id)) ss
+    on < + 1 and > - 1;
+select count(*) from join_foo
+  left join (select, b1.t from join_bar b1 join join_bar b2 using (id)) ss
+  on < + 1 and > - 1;
+select final > 1 as multibatch
+  from hash_join_batches(
+  select count(*) from join_foo
+    left join (select, b1.t from join_bar b1 join join_bar b2 using (id)) ss
+    on < + 1 and > - 1;
+rollback to settings;
+-- single-batch with rescan, parallel-aware
+savepoint settings;
+set enable_parallel_hash = on;
+set parallel_leader_participation = off;
+set min_parallel_table_scan_size = 0;
+set parallel_setup_cost = 0;
+set parallel_tuple_cost = 0;
+set max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 2;
+set enable_material = off;
+set enable_mergejoin = off;
+set work_mem = '4MB';
+explain (costs off)
+  select count(*) from join_foo
+    left join (select, b1.t from join_bar b1 join join_bar b2 using (id)) ss
+    on < + 1 and > - 1;
+select count(*) from join_foo
+  left join (select, b1.t from join_bar b1 join join_bar b2 using (id)) ss
+  on < + 1 and > - 1;
+select final > 1 as multibatch
+  from hash_join_batches(
+  select count(*) from join_foo
+    left join (select, b1.t from join_bar b1 join join_bar b2 using (id)) ss
+    on < + 1 and > - 1;
+rollback to settings;
+-- A full outer join where every record is matched.
+-- non-parallel
+savepoint settings;
+set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 0;
+explain (costs off)
+     select  count(*) from simple r full outer join simple s using (id);
+select  count(*) from simple r full outer join simple s using (id);
+rollback to settings;
+-- parallelism not possible with parallel-oblivious outer hash join
+savepoint settings;
+set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 2;
+explain (costs off)
+     select  count(*) from simple r full outer join simple s using (id);
+select  count(*) from simple r full outer join simple s using (id);
+rollback to settings;
+-- An full outer join where every record is not matched.
+-- non-parallel
+savepoint settings;
+set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 0;
+explain (costs off)
+     select  count(*) from simple r full outer join simple s on ( = 0 -;
+select  count(*) from simple r full outer join simple s on ( = 0 -;
+rollback to settings;
+-- parallelism not possible with parallel-oblivious outer hash join
+savepoint settings;
+set local max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 2;
+explain (costs off)
+     select  count(*) from simple r full outer join simple s on ( = 0 -;
+select  count(*) from simple r full outer join simple s on ( = 0 -;
+rollback to settings;
+-- exercise special code paths for huge tuples (note use of non-strict
+-- expression and left join required to get the detoasted tuple into
+-- the hash table)
+-- parallel with parallel-aware hash join (hits ExecParallelHashLoadTuple and
+-- sts_puttuple oversized tuple cases because it's multi-batch)
+savepoint settings;
+set max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 2;
+set enable_parallel_hash = on;
+set work_mem = '128kB';
+explain (costs off)
+  select length(max(s.t))
+  from wide left join (select id, coalesce(t, '') || '' as t from wide) s using (id);
+select length(max(s.t))
+from wide left join (select id, coalesce(t, '') || '' as t from wide) s using (id);
+select final > 1 as multibatch
+  from hash_join_batches(
+  select length(max(s.t))
+  from wide left join (select id, coalesce(t, '') || '' as t from wide) s using (id);
+rollback to settings;
diff --git a/src/test/regress/sql/plpgsql.sql b/src/test/regress/sql/plpgsql.sql
index 9c8cf75..70deadf 100644
--- a/src/test/regress/sql/plpgsql.sql
+++ b/src/test/regress/sql/plpgsql.sql
@@ -1685,179 +1685,6 @@ SELECT * FROM perform_test;
 drop table perform_test;

--- Test error trapping
-create function trap_zero_divide(int) returns int as $$
-declare x int;
-    sx smallint;
-    begin    -- start a subtransaction
-        raise notice 'should see this';
-        x := 100 / $1;
-        raise notice 'should see this only if % <> 0', $1;
-        sx := $1;
-        raise notice 'should see this only if % fits in smallint', $1;
-        if $1 < 0 then
-            raise exception '% is less than zero', $1;
-        end if;
-    exception
-        when division_by_zero then
-            raise notice 'caught division_by_zero';
-            x := -1;
-        when NUMERIC_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE then
-            raise notice 'caught numeric_value_out_of_range';
-            x := -2;
-    end;
-    return x;
-end$$ language plpgsql;
-select trap_zero_divide(50);
-select trap_zero_divide(0);
-select trap_zero_divide(100000);
-select trap_zero_divide(-100);
-create function trap_matching_test(int) returns int as $$
-declare x int;
-    sx smallint;
-    y int;
-    begin    -- start a subtransaction
-        x := 100 / $1;
-        sx := $1;
-        select into y unique1 from tenk1 where unique2 =
-            (select unique2 from tenk1 b where ten = $1);
-    exception
-        when data_exception then  -- category match
-            raise notice 'caught data_exception';
-            x := -1;
-            raise notice 'caught numeric_value_out_of_range or cardinality_violation';
-            x := -2;
-    end;
-    return x;
-end$$ language plpgsql;
-select trap_matching_test(50);
-select trap_matching_test(0);
-select trap_matching_test(100000);
-select trap_matching_test(1);
-create temp table foo (f1 int);
-create function subxact_rollback_semantics() returns int as $$
-declare x int;
-  x := 1;
-  insert into foo values(x);
-  begin
-    x := x + 1;
-    insert into foo values(x);
-    raise exception 'inner';
-  exception
-    when others then
-      x := x * 10;
-  end;
-  insert into foo values(x);
-  return x;
-end$$ language plpgsql;
-select subxact_rollback_semantics();
-select * from foo;
-drop table foo;
-create function trap_timeout() returns void as $$
-  declare x int;
-  begin
-    -- we assume this will take longer than 2 seconds:
-    select count(*) into x from tenk1 a, tenk1 b, tenk1 c;
-  exception
-    when others then
-      raise notice 'caught others?';
-    when query_canceled then
-      raise notice 'nyeah nyeah, can''t stop me';
-  end;
-  -- Abort transaction to abandon the statement_timeout setting.  Otherwise,
-  -- the next top-level statement would be vulnerable to the timeout.
-  raise exception 'end of function';
-end$$ language plpgsql;
-set statement_timeout to 2000;
-select trap_timeout();
--- Test for pass-by-ref values being stored in proper context
-create function test_variable_storage() returns text as $$
-declare x text;
-  x := '1234';
-  begin
-    x := x || '5678';
-    -- force error inside subtransaction SPI context
-    perform trap_zero_divide(-100);
-  exception
-    when others then
-      x := x || '9012';
-  end;
-  return x;
-end$$ language plpgsql;
-select test_variable_storage();
--- test foreign key error trapping
-create temp table master(f1 int primary key);
-create temp table slave(f1 int references master deferrable);
-insert into master values(1);
-insert into slave values(1);
-insert into slave values(2);    -- fails
-create function trap_foreign_key(int) returns int as $$
-    begin    -- start a subtransaction
-        insert into slave values($1);
-    exception
-        when foreign_key_violation then
-            raise notice 'caught foreign_key_violation';
-            return 0;
-    end;
-    return 1;
-end$$ language plpgsql;
-create function trap_foreign_key_2() returns int as $$
-    begin    -- start a subtransaction
-        set constraints all immediate;
-    exception
-        when foreign_key_violation then
-            raise notice 'caught foreign_key_violation';
-            return 0;
-    end;
-    return 1;
-end$$ language plpgsql;
-select trap_foreign_key(1);
-select trap_foreign_key(2);    -- detects FK violation
-  set constraints all deferred;
-  select trap_foreign_key(2);    -- should not detect FK violation
-  savepoint x;
-    set constraints all immediate; -- fails
-  rollback to x;
-  select trap_foreign_key_2();  -- detects FK violation
-commit;                -- still fails
-drop function trap_foreign_key(int);
-drop function trap_foreign_key_2();
 -- Test proper snapshot handling in simple expressions

diff --git a/src/test/regress/sql/polygon.sql b/src/test/regress/sql/polygon.sql
index d3a6625..892ce4c 100644
--- a/src/test/regress/sql/polygon.sql
+++ b/src/test/regress/sql/polygon.sql
@@ -62,10 +62,6 @@ SET enable_seqscan = ON;
 SET enable_indexscan = OFF;
 SET enable_bitmapscan = OFF;

-CREATE TABLE quad_poly_tbl_ord_seq1 AS
-SELECT rank() OVER (ORDER BY p <-> point '123,456') n, p <-> point '123,456' dist, id
-FROM quad_poly_tbl;
 CREATE TABLE quad_poly_tbl_ord_seq2 AS
 SELECT rank() OVER (ORDER BY p <-> point '123,456') n, p <-> point '123,456' dist, id
 FROM quad_poly_tbl WHERE p <@ polygon '((300,300),(400,600),(600,500),(700,200))';
@@ -129,21 +125,6 @@ SET enable_bitmapscan = OFF;

 SELECT rank() OVER (ORDER BY p <-> point '123,456') n, p <-> point '123,456' dist, id
-FROM quad_poly_tbl;
-CREATE TEMP TABLE quad_poly_tbl_ord_idx1 AS
-SELECT rank() OVER (ORDER BY p <-> point '123,456') n, p <-> point '123,456' dist, id
-FROM quad_poly_tbl;
-FROM quad_poly_tbl_ord_seq1 seq FULL JOIN quad_poly_tbl_ord_idx1 idx
-    ON seq.n = idx.n AND = AND
-        (seq.dist = idx.dist OR seq.dist IS NULL AND idx.dist IS NULL)
-SELECT rank() OVER (ORDER BY p <-> point '123,456') n, p <-> point '123,456' dist, id
 FROM quad_poly_tbl WHERE p <@ polygon '((300,300),(400,600),(600,500),(700,200))';

 CREATE TEMP TABLE quad_poly_tbl_ord_idx2 AS
diff --git a/src/test/regress/sql/rules.sql b/src/test/regress/sql/rules.sql
index 505dabd..a042e59 100644
--- a/src/test/regress/sql/rules.sql
+++ b/src/test/regress/sql/rules.sql
@@ -775,10 +775,13 @@ drop table cchild;
 -- temporarily disable fancy output, so view changes create less diff noise

-SELECT viewname, definition FROM pg_views WHERE schemaname <> 'information_schema' ORDER BY viewname;
+SELECT viewname, definition FROM pg_views
+WHERE schemaname IN ('pg_catalog', 'public')
+ORDER BY viewname;

 SELECT tablename, rulename, definition FROM pg_rules
-    ORDER BY tablename, rulename;
+WHERE schemaname IN ('pg_catalog', 'public')
+ORDER BY tablename, rulename;

 -- restore normal output mode

pgsql-hackers by date:

From: Thomas Munro
Subject: Re: B-tree cache prefetches
From: Andres Freund
Subject: Re: Reducing the runtime of the core regression tests