satoshi nagayasu <> writes:
> Oleg Bartunov wrote:
>> I and Teodor are going to give a talk on conference "Corporate database
>> systems-2006" here in Moscow and we need info about new features planned
>> in 8.2 release. Bruce, do you have a list of them ?
> Refer to the Josh's past talk, "PostgreSQL Directions 8.1 and beyond".
> MP3 and materials of are available:
BTW, pretty pictures such as Josh draws in the above talk should not be
confused with reality ;-). The reality of this project is that *there
is no overall plan*. Individual developers work on what they choose to.
It's true that at the moment there seem to be quite a number of people
focusing on performance in enterprise-size applications, but that's not
because there's any central plan saying that that's what we're doing.
In particular, asking for a list of features that will be done in
particular future releases shows a complete lack of understanding
of the process ...
regards, tom lane