Hey Folks,
I am having trouble with some variables the $HTTP_AUTH_USER and $HTTP_AUTH_PW - now im useing PHP 4.3.3 and so i know
thatyou have to use $_SERVER['HTTP_AUTH_USER'] and $_SERVER['HTTP_AUTH_PW'] instead of the old way now. Well i am
havingtrouble with this script i have created to authenticate user name and password and verify against a postgresql
$auth = false; // Assume user is not authenticated
if (isset( $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] ) && isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'])) {
// Connect to MySQL
pg_pconnect("host= port=5432 dbname=acquisuite_db user=pgadmin password=pgadmin") or die ( 'Unable to
connectto server.' );
// Select database on MySQL server
// mysql_select_db( 'your_db' )
// or die ( 'Unable to select database.' );
// Formulate the query
$sql = ("SELECT * FROM tbl_authenticate WHERE username = '$PHP_AUTH_USER' AND password = '$PHP_AUTH_PW'");
// Execute the query and put results in $result
$result = pg_exec( $sql )
or die ( 'Unable to execute query.' );
// Get number of rows in $result.
$num = pg_num_rows( $result );
if ( $num != 0 ) {
// A matching row was found - the user is authenticated.
$auth = true;
The Problem is on the $sql line when i put in the string to do the Query with the WHERE clause having the
$HTTP_AUTH_USERand $HTTP_AUTH_PW. When i change it to '$_SERVER['HTTP_AUTH_USER']' and '$_SERVER['HTTP_AUTH_PW']' it
doesnot work and i get a parse error.
How can i get around this?
does anyone have any ideas for me.
Cameron Seader
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