On 5/21/05, Gustavo Lopes <contratempo@gmail.com> wrote:
> Is there any easy (ie, no C postgres functions) way to generate
> multi-line error messages so that I can explore that possibility?
One way of generating mult-line error messages could be increasing
verbosity level:
=> \set verbosity verbose
=> CREATE TABLE del_me_1 (id1 integer PRIMARY KEY);
=> CREATE TABLE del_me_2 (id2 integer REFERENCES del_me_1 (id1) );
=> DROP TABLE del_me_1;
NOTICE: constraint del_me_2_id2_fkey on table del_me_2 depends on
table del_me_1
ERROR: cannot drop table del_me_1 because other objects depend on it
HINT: Use DROP ... CASCADE to drop the dependent objects too.