Peter Eisentraut <> writes:
> On 06.07.18 18:19, PG Bug reporting form wrote:
>> When I load the database from the dump I just created, loading (via psql)
>> logs error messages. Postgres cannot find functions inside the function the
>> constraint or index invokes.
> I think this and your subsequent report are all instances of the problem
> that pg_dump cannot see into the function body to check what database
> objects it depends on, so it cannot produce a working ordering of the
> objects.
That's one possible issue, but I think a more likely cause is the recent
security-driven changes in the search_path that the restore script runs
with. If the function is relying on unqualified references to functions
that aren't in pg_catalog, it'll fail. (This theory explains why things
were okay with old copies of pg_dump.)
regards, tom lane