Re: Commitfest app release on Feb 17 with many improvements - Mailing list pgsql-hackers

From Tom Lane
Subject Re: Commitfest app release on Feb 17 with many improvements
Whole thread Raw
In response to Re: Commitfest app release on Feb 17 with many improvements  (Jelte Fennema-Nio <>)
Responses Re: Commitfest app release on Feb 17 with many improvements
List pgsql-hackers
Jelte Fennema-Nio <> writes:
> Okay, the cause of this seems to be that the CFbot currently uses "git
> apply --3way", not "git am --3way". For some reason "git apply" fails
> to apply the patch while "git am" succeeds. I'll check this weekend if
> I can change the logic to use "git am" instead.

Please see if you can make it use patch(1).  IME git is too
stiff-necked about slightly stale patches no matter which
subcommand you use.

            regards, tom lane

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