Re: How to perform a long running dry run transaction without blocking - Mailing list pgsql-general

From Adrian Klaver
Subject Re: How to perform a long running dry run transaction without blocking
Whole thread Raw
In response to How to perform a long running dry run transaction without blocking  (Robert Leach <>)
Responses Re: How to perform a long running dry run transaction without blocking
List pgsql-general
On 2/6/25 08:53, Robert Leach wrote:
> Great questions!  Responses inline...

Please reply to list also.
Ccing list

>> Load to where existing table or temporary table?
> Existing tables.  Note that (and this is a point of contention in our team), we have some fields that must be
universallyunique across all study data, so if we were to employ temporary (empty) tables, we would miss out on the

That is another discussion.

> Background: The previous solution for this validation interface that I had tried, used a partial copy of the database
whichI called the "validation" database.  (I'd been forced to do it that way because previous developers hadn't used
transactionsand their "dry run" mode had side effects that I didn't want to happen due to the validation interface, so
insteadof engage in a massive refactor, I tried using a separate database as a quick temporary fix.)  But mind you, all
ofthe code I was writing was in django (python), and in order to maintain 2 different databases and stay database
architectureagnostic, I learned that your code must be littered with hundreds of insertions of `.using()` (and other)
statements,and it turned out that that strategy is not 100% compatible with every kind of Django ORM thing you can do
(e.g.`full_clean()`), so I'd had to dig around in django core code to ensure every operation was being performed on the
correctdatabase.  It was a nightmare to maintain and I happily ripped it all out when I corrected the original problems
bywrapping everything in a transaction.

Yeah, reason why I bypass the ORM.

>>> This validation interface skips the raw data load step, which is the heftiest, most long running, part and
generallyfinishes in well under a minute.
>> So what is the validation actually doing?
> The raw data is pretty solid.  It is automatically generated by hardware (mass spectrometer) and software (peak
analysissuites).  So it doesn't need much (if any) validation.  What needs validation is all the metadata associated
withthe samples that is totally generated by hand by the researchers.
> They enter the data in an excel spreadsheet containing about a dozen inter-related worksheets, named, for example:
Study,Animals, Samples, Tissues, Treatments, Sequences 

Well there's your problem:) I will spare you my full spreadsheet rant.

Long term is there a thought to have them enter directly into database 
where validation can happen in real time

>> Where are the background processes loading data to?
> We first run our loads on a development server with a separate copy of the database, but then we re-run those same
loadson the production server, where users perform their validations.

The load to the development server does no validation?

If so what is the purpose?

The background processes are other validation runs?

> One of the thoughts I'd had to work around the problem was to somehow dump the data from the development load and
loadit onto production in some sort of scheduled downtime or something.  However, even if we do that, I'm concerned
thatmultiple users concurrently validating different submissions would encounter this blocking issue, and since those
validationscan take (on the upper end) just under a minute, it's enough for at least 1 user to encounter a timeout.  I
havenot yet proven that can happen, but based on my reading of the postgres documentation, it seems logical.

Seems you are looking for some sort of queuing system.

What are the time constraints for getting the validation turned around.

>> Not that I know of and that would be a false promise anyway as I know of no process that is perfect.
> I realize that it's a false promise WRT the background load transaction, but it's a moot concern from the perspective
ofthe validation page, because it is making a guaranteed promise that it will never commit.  All I want is for it to
notbe blocked so I can report as many errors as I can to the researcher so they can advance their submission
compilation. besides, there's a pretty solid bet that since the load succeeded on the development server, it will
succeedon the production server where this block would happen.
> So if the load transaction does fail, and the data the validation process was waiting on (to see the outcome) is not
reportedas problematic to the user, it will be reported as problematic to those responsible for the load on the
back-end,so it gets dealt with either way.

>> -- 
>> Adrian Klaver
> Robert William Leach
> Research Software Engineer
> 133 Carl C. Icahn Lab
> Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics
> Princeton University
> Princeton, NJ 08544

Adrian Klaver

pgsql-general by date:

From: Adrian Klaver
Subject: Re: libc to libicu via pg_dump/pg_restore?
From: Robert Leach
Subject: Re: How to perform a long running dry run transaction without blocking