Hello Peter,
22.04.2024 20:59, Peter Geoghegan wrote:
> Pushed a fix like that just now.
I'm sorry to bother you again, but I've come across another assertion
failure. Please try the following query (I use a clean "postgres" database,
just after initdb):
FROM pg_constraint WHERE conname IN ('pkey', 'ID')
ORDER BY conname DESC;
SELECT conname
FROM pg_constraint WHERE conname IN ('pkey', 'ID')
ORDER BY conname DESC;
It fails for me as below:
Index Only Scan Backward using pg_constraint_conname_nsp_index on pg_constraint (cost=0.14..4.18 rows=2 width=64)
Index Cond: (conname = ANY ('{pkey,ID}'::name[]))
(2 rows)
server closed the connection unexpectedly
with the stack trace:
#5 0x000055a49f81148d in ExceptionalCondition (conditionName=0x55a49f8bb540 "ItemIdHasStorage(itemId)",
fileName=0x55a49f8bb4a8 "../../../../src/include/storage/bufpage.h", lineNumber=355) at assert.c:66
#6 0x000055a49f0f2ddd in PageGetItem (page=0x7f97cbf17000 "", itemId=0x7f97cbf2f064)
at ../../../../src/include/storage/bufpage.h:355
#7 0x000055a49f0f9367 in _bt_checkkeys_look_ahead (scan=0x55a4a0ac4548, pstate=0x7ffd1a103670, tupnatts=2,
tupdesc=0x7f97cb5d7be8) at nbtutils.c:4105
#8 0x000055a49f0f8ac3 in _bt_checkkeys (scan=0x55a4a0ac4548, pstate=0x7ffd1a103670, arrayKeys=true,
tuple=0x7f97cbf18890, tupnatts=2) at nbtutils.c:3612
#9 0x000055a49f0ebb4b in _bt_readpage (scan=0x55a4a0ac4548, dir=BackwardScanDirection, offnum=20, firstPage=true)
at nbtsearch.c:1863
(gdb) f 7
#7 0x000055a49f0f9367 in _bt_checkkeys_look_ahead (scan=0x55a4a0ac4548, pstate=0x7ffd1a103670, tupnatts=2,
tupdesc=0x7f97cb5d7be8) at nbtutils.c:4105
4105 ahead = (IndexTuple) PageGetItem(pstate->page,
(gdb) p aheadoffnum
$1 = 24596
(gdb) p pstate->offnum
$2 = 20
(gdb) p pstate->targetdistance
$3 = -24576
Best regards,