Re: CommitFest 2009-11: Two weeks (and a little) update - Mailing list pgsql-rrreviewers

From Bernd Helmle
Subject Re: CommitFest 2009-11: Two weeks (and a little) update
Msg-id 6F657A0A0EAAD8AC2503BF00@amenophis
Whole thread Raw
In response to Re: CommitFest 2009-11: Two weeks (and a little) update  (Jaime Casanova <>)
Responses Re: CommitFest 2009-11: Two weeks (and a little) update
List pgsql-rrreviewers
--On 2. Dezember 2009 15:26:19 -0500 Jaime Casanova
<> wrote:

> i have no access to dtrace at all... but now i can take a patch, maybe
> another one of those that you mention?

Hmm i'm running OS X...i already proposed Greg to take my hands on the
Largeobject Access Control Patch, but now it seems better to look at those
DTrace things. I originally hesitated to review those since i'm not very
familiar with DTrace, but if it helps (and i can improve my skills here),
i'm fine with it and you can review the Largeobject patches?


pgsql-rrreviewers by date:

From: Jaime Casanova
Subject: Re: CommitFest 2009-11: Two weeks (and a little) update
From: Jaime Casanova
Subject: Re: CommitFest 2009-11: Two weeks (and a little) update