> $4000 is not going to get you much disk - If you buy components from
> the cheapest source I know (newegg.com) you end up around $5k with
> 14x36gig Raptor SATA drives and a 4U chasis with a 14xSATA built in
> back plane packing 2x9500S AMCC Escalade RAID cards, which are
> supported in Linux, 4Gig RAM and 2xOpteron 242. If you are not CPU
> bound, there isn't much point going to 246. If you want SCSI, then
> you will be paying more. Check out rackmountmart.com for Chasises,
> they have a nice 5U that has a 24xSATA backplane (We will be acquiring
> this in the next few weeks). If you really want to go nuts, they have
> an 8U with 40xSATA backplane.
> Alex Turner
> NetEconomist
heh, our apps do tend to be CPU bound. Generally, I think the extra CPU
horsepower is worth the investment until you get to the really high end
I definitely agree with all your hardware choices though...seems like
you've hit the 'magic formula'.