> > Try bumping up shared buffers some and sort mem as much as you
> > can.
> Thank you, that did it!
> With
> shared_buffers = 3000 # min 16, at least max_connections*2,
> each
> sort_mem = 128000 # min 64, size in KB
> it takes <3 seconds (my hardware is not server-class).
Be careful...sort_mem applies to each connection and (IIRC) in some
cases more than once to a connection. Of all the configuration
parameters, sort_mem (IMO) is the most important and the hardest to get
right. 128k (or 128MB) is awfully high unless you have a ton of memory
(you don't) or you are running in single connection scenarios. Do some
experimentation by lowering the value until you get a good balance
between potential memory consumption and speed.