> >Since you're a Windows shop, you may already have the
> experience (and
> >even liceneses perhaps?) to run Microsoft Cluster Service
> (part of 2003
> >Enterprise Edition or 2000 Advanced Server). PostgreSQL will
> work fine
> >with it. Works with shared disks using either fibrechannel or iSCSI.
> Are you sure that will really work?
Yes. I have used it.
> I thought Postgresql requires shared memory amongst the
> processes. Is that not true on the Windows platform?
Oh it does. Makes no change.
Microsoft Cluster Service is an active/passive failover clustering
solutino. PostgreSQL will only be *active* on one node at a time. So
shared memory stuff is not affected in any way.
(You can make it actiev/active by running two separate postgresql
installations on the two nodes, with failover-with-lower-performance,
but it's not a load-sharing cluster solution of any time)