> > And I really don't see the need for javascript either, but
> I can agree
> > with a need to show a few more events. Specifically, I still like
> > that idea about splitting apart training events and other events.
> > AFAIK the holdup for that one is that someone has to get us
> a copy of
> > the font needed to make headers...
> What font is it, and who is "someone?"
The font is Frutiger Roman
The "someone" is the problem, since it's a commercial font.
> > What's the argument for showing less on the frontpage?
> Just the one you made: if it's too "busy," people will be
> confused and not enlightened.
That's an argument for not having too many type of things ,not
necessarily for having too many things of the same type. (Eh, that
wasn't clear. Point: we coul dhave 10 news and 10 events, it's no more
confusing than 3. But it takes more time. Having 10 different things
would be more confusing)