> > But I'm actually thinking we should perhaps put it as a base feature
> > - along with libpq, being installed as soon as you install
> any part at
> > all. Does that sound reasonable?
> No.
> As I said previously, pg_config really belongs together with
> the include files and the link libraries.
But what about things like pg_config --bindir, pg_config --version,
pg_config --sharedir etc - they are definitly usable even if you're not
developing C language server extensions, aren't they?
> Perhaps the categories are not so well chosen altogether.
That I can agree with :-) I beleive they were originally split so you
could change the directory used for each part. But I don't think we
allow that anymore.
What would ppl suggest? Put it all together as one feature? Or keep
grouping in part?