> I don't know whether I should be posting to Hacker Win 32 or
> General, but I wanted to ask if anyone else has experienced
> troubles restoring a DB on windows to 8.1 from 8.0.x when the
> DB contains GIS tables.
That really should go on the pginstaller list. Copying there.
> As far as I can see I don't have the postgis dll files or sql
> script, but other parts of Postgis are included.
That sounds really strange. What parts are those that go in, actually?
Specifically, which of the following do you get:
libgeos.dll, libproj.dll, pgsql2shp.exe, shp2pgsql.exe, liblwgeom.dll,
lwpostgis.sql, spatial_ref_sys.sql, create_undef.pl, postgis_restore.pl,
postgis_proc_update.sql, rebuild_bbox_caches.pl
(or not get)
> I checked
> the option to install Postgis in Template1, but find I am
> unable to either restore any spatial tables, nor am I able to
> load sql scripts created with shp2pgsql. I get the message
> that geomfromtext is not installed. The contrib diretory has
> a postgis folder, but it only contains some perl scripts,
> the postgis.sql file is nowhere to be found.
In the current version, that file is now called lwpostgis.sql.
What exactly is the erorr msg?