> I compile a C program which uses libpq on Win 32.
> When call PQconnectdb function and retrieves error message
> (PQerrorMessage), this is error function returns:
> "could not create socket: WSAStartup not yet called
> (0x0000276D/10093)"
> I don't know what error means.
> I appreciate some help.
If you use the libpqdll importl ibrary (and thus dynamically link to
libpq.dll instead of the static library), it should get called
automatically for you.
Or if you want to use the static library, your program needs to call
WSAStartup() before it uses any libpq functions. This is rqeuired for
all win32 applications that need to use the windwos sockets API.
You can find information about how to call the function at