Re: Pipeline Mode vs Single Row Mode / Chunked Rows Mode - Mailing list pgsql-general

From Daniel Verite
Subject Re: Pipeline Mode vs Single Row Mode / Chunked Rows Mode
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In response to Pipeline Mode vs Single Row Mode / Chunked Rows Mode  (Daniel Frey <>)
Responses Re: Pipeline Mode vs Single Row Mode / Chunked Rows Mode
List pgsql-general
    Daniel Frey wrote:

> I tried to understand the interaction between Pipeline Mode and
> Single Row Mode / Chunked Rows Mode. It seems that it works
> sometimes, but I don't get the feeling that it was deliberately
> designed to work consistently

It's supposed to work, and there are regression tests in
src/test/modules/libpq_pipeline/libpq_pipeline.c [1]
that exercise the single row mode and PQpipelineSync().

You might want to compare your code workflow with how it's done in
that file, and maybe submit a bug report with your test case if the
conclusion is that your code should not error out.


Best regards,
Daniel Vérité
Twitter: @DanielVerite

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