Hi!<br /><br />Excuse me that I inquiring you by mail but I can't find answer on my questions.<br /><br />I need to
collectmetadata about structure (and it's modifications) of the database in my work.<br /><br />When DDL triggers will
besupported by PostgreSQL?<br /><br />In TODO PostgreSQL Wiki I've found only that:<br /><br />>Allow AFTER triggers
onsystem tables <dl><dd> >System tables are modified in many places in the backend without going through the
executorand therefore not causing triggers to fire. To complete this item, the >functions that modify system tables
willhave to fire triggers. </dl> Is it realization of DDL triggers or it will be a separate object?<br clear="all"
/><br/>-- <br />С уважением,<br />Дмитрий<br />